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YAY! I had another good painting weekend… WOOT!
And though she tried to fight me… I managed to almost finish my Okapi Unicorn!
All she needs final stripe detailing and shading. 😀 I think she’ll be for sale when she’s done… not sure yet if I want to keep her or not…
And… finally finished… Romeodanny’s Palomino!
Just can’t decide if she needs bling in her mane and tail or not. I still have a few crystals… anyone else have an opinion? Romeo and I are both indecisive! 😆
Oh wow Frozen! NICE work!
LOVE the Black Uni and the Muse… GAH!
They are great!!!
Alrighty then! 😀 Glad you like her!
I’ll finish her up this weekend… give her a bit ti dry (bloody monsoon!) and ship her off to ya! 😀
Pocket sized! ::squeels:: AWESOME!
Romeodanny wrote:Oh I love the unicorn. She’s so pretty. Reminds me of a horse I knew his name was Sprite. I really like your roan and the dapple… Oh, I’ll save time by saying I like them all.
Glad you like her! 😀
So… any marking ideas? or is she good as is? 😀
I’m hoping to get to finish her off later this week… bloody humidity is driving me nuts!
TrottierJS wrote:Those are beautiful! Are you making the models too or just painting them. Are you sculpting them in clay and then cast them in resin?
Nope…I buy them unpainted (blank) and then I paint them. I’m no sculptor. 😀
I wish I was… but I’m not! I just give them new “clothes!”
Oh no! her horn broke!?
I’m sorry Ski! I was so careful. 🙁
😆 😈 You are so silly Ski!
BTW… your Uni is on the way! LMK when she arrives!
Thank you for the compliments everyone! It does my heart good when people love my work so much. Makes me feel like I’m doing something right! 😀 😳
Ok… so there’s more in here than just Windstones… but I thought I’d leave it since I’ve already posted this message on another messageboard. Heck…. saves on the typing! 😈
My MUSE!!!
This ADORABLE creature… so detailed… and so calming to paint! I plan on painting her entirely in metallics and interference paints… She’s a practice in patience and dry brushing. 😀
Then… Romeodanny’s Palomino Unicorn… she’s almost done… just a couple of layers on her mane and tail… and then bead details in her mane and tail. 😀
So far she hasn’t told me that she has want of markings etc… if anyone thinks she needs something… LMK. 😀
And now… other Model horses I’ve been working on… first… the ones that are officially finished. 😀
First… my beloved Pixie resin, whom I have named “Peaseblossum”. She’s so adorable… and she’s based on a living Morgan colt! I can’t WAIT to show this little bugger!!
Then of course… “Blooregard Q. Kazoo”… aka Bloo! I’m rather proud of my newest roan. 😀
Next a lovely Chestnut Arab filly… it’s hard to let her go… but I know she’ll be loved at her new home! ^.^ Gonna have to get me one of these resins! She’s so adorable!!!
And now… to the pieces I’m working on currently!
Chips Mule to Champagne with Reverse dapples… I’m not entirely sure I like the reverse dapples… but… still in process… She still needs her metallic sheen. 😀
Chips Warmblood… still a VERY light dapple grey… In a couple of layers I’ll start adding fleabits to him. 😀 He should come out really interesting!
Methinks that’s it for now! 😀 Enjoy the eyecandy!
Oh cool!!! I can’t wait!
They are just too adorable! Such wonderful expression…! 😀
Same here!!! I’d have to keep one with me at all times!
So cute!!! 😀
Oh Melody these little critters are just TOO CUTE!
Is there any chance you might release them? ::squeak!::
I just LOVE your sculpting/drawing style on cats… and a couple of those REALLY remind me of two of my cats when they sleep… Here are some pics. ^.^
You know… they look like FUN PYO pieces! 😈 Maybe release a set of three or more as a PYO? 😈 That would be sooo cool!
Arlla wrote::/ I’m with Pam on this one…I for one can’t do a darn thing with horses.
That’s why you guys have us Model Horse painters!!! 😀
Oh please… PYO Pegasus! GAH that would be AWESOME! We need more Equines! 😈
Auction ends tomorrow! Check her out. ^.^
Thanks guys!
I just love these unicorns to death!
Really need to actually keep one soon… 😆