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Hmm. What program are you using to shrink your images? I usually crop some of mine off too, and then shrink them, since they start out about 2000+ pixels wide. It’s only natural to lose some detail since you’re shrinking the image, but they shouldn’t get a LOT more blurry…you might need to check to see if the program you are using is compressing the file when you save (usually as a jpg) after editing. I have mine set to the lowest compression, highest quality. If you change it to highest compression (which gives you a smaller file size), the quality is horrible; it looks like a bunch of colored blocks. I think the default is somewhere in the middle.
I don’t know where this option is at in all programs, but in Paint Shop Pro 7, which is what I use to edit and shrink mine…when I go to save the edited version and the small window pops up that shows me where I can save it to, under the “Save”, “Cancel” and “Help” buttons on that window is a fourth, that says “Options”. Clicking that brings up the image quality settings.
WOW Kitsunelady! That is the prettiest ruby lap Ive ever seen! O.O Congrats!
Thanks! I was looking at my memory stick files and realized I took about 40 pictures of her, trying to get any I liked. D: She turned a weird day-glo red in some of them. Mystery.
I bought this off Laurie. <3 I think Ruby is a perfect color on the snobby little lap dragon, haha. This color is hard (for me) to photograph accurately – I don't know what it will look like on your monitors, but this is as true as I could get on mine. Enjoy!
I used the close-up as a link because I didn’t want to shrink the pictures to fit the new forum. Anything under 700 pixels wide is just too small for my taste (the originals are more than 2x that), so click the image above to go to the album to see the rest. =)
Edit : actually, it looks like most of the picture is showing in my post…but I’m too lazy to change it now. XD *runs off*
The lap was waiting on my doorstep when I got home today. She’s awesome, thank you! I gave her the place of honor on the desk my computer is at. I’ll take pictures of her tomorrow. =)
Hmm. I hate Serpentine, but I loved that Copper Serpentine OW. It’s the first thing I’ve bid on from Windstone in ages. e.e
If she won’t make Black Emerald dragons production or LP, I guess I could go for Copper Serpentine. Just not plain Serpentine, for the love of…oh, dragons.
My husband is a big gamer, but I’m not too much. I have been playing Red Dead Redemption though, and I LOVE it. Riding my horse around is my favorite part. 😛
Are you playing that on PS3 or XB360? >.>
I liked the first version (aka Grackle) better. v_v
I’m not much of a fan of first-person shooters or racing games, either. I also dislike ‘escort missions’ (where you have to lead a useless non-playable character around and protect them, carry them, etc), as well as turn-based games. So annoying.
I mostly play on a PS3 (I actually have it on pause while I take a break right now, haha) – these are my most favorite games on it (so far) :
Red Dead Redemption (+ Undead Nightmare)
Prince of Persia
Little Big Planet (both 1 & 2)
Flower (downloadable game)
Hoard (downloadable game)For my PS2, I still love Okami and Taiko Drum Master.
I have a Wii, too…but the only game I really got into on it was Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess.
Oh, and for my Nintendo DS, I <3 any Professor Layton game.
I PM’d you. o.o
I liked the part where a bird built a nest in his helmet in like 2 hours. XD
Have you guys still not found anyone to make horns for you?
Peh. e.e @ all of them except the pink oriental
Aww, so cute, skeeterdee!
Haha. XD Sucked in by the propaganda!