Forum Replies Created
June 18, 2011 at 9:17 pm in reply to: Large dragon collection for sale, some rare pieces (update: 8/16/2011 ALL SOLD) #848638
I wonder if she’s got the COAs for any of these pieces that should have had them?
French comics, you say? >.> Do you have any by Claire Wendling?
Hmm. c.c If we’re going to have more orientals at some point, I officially squeak for the Russet Pearl color as at least LP. I <3 it! Can't think of a single test paint oriental I've liked more than that one.
June 16, 2011 at 8:49 pm in reply to: Large dragon collection for sale, some rare pieces (update: 8/16/2011 ALL SOLD) #848371Her daughter wasn’t a member of the forum, was she? o.o
I like the teal eyes too, but mostly on the palominos. >.>
Aww, I wish one of my palominos had gotten the teal eyes and jewel. I really like that combination. Oh wells.
Also, just so everyone knows, I have traded one of mine off to Wampus, so for now, that offer is closed. =)
I saw the same article and thought the same thing. >.> Looks like it’s got some wolf in it to me.
Fate has conspired against me and my love of variety and given me…twins. o_o; Well, nearly. I’d like to trade (or just sell) one of them for a different color. I think I’d prefer to keep the one with the light blue jewel, but they’re so similar I could be persuaded either way.
The picture links to the gallery for a couple of other pics.
Wow, that was a pleasant surprise. I bid on the pink oriental and thought for sure I would be outbid in the last few seconds(and also thought it would go for way more than it did). I wasn’t and it didnt.
I have a strange fascination with the pink windstones. Because that’s the only time I like pink. Love it on the ws dragons and hate it otherwise.
That’s the only pink Windstone dragon I’ve ever liked, because Melody usually paints the dragons a light pink…and I don’t care much for pastel dragons – this was somehow an exception. I had planned to bid on it when I saw it in the gallery…until I saw the Russet Oriental. I bid pretty high on that and lost…and after seeing him, the Shell Pink just wasn’t good enough anymore. >.>; So I bought some shitajiki instead, hur hur. e.e
Just to add something totally off topic.. Kitsune I love love love your avatar lol. I smile everytime I see it. 😀
Haha! That’s why I chose it – to make you guys laugh. =)
I wish Melody would paint more “Russet Pearl” orientals. >.> That’s the best color I’ve seen on him in ages!
The flaxen liver chestnut is my favorite color too! *high-five* I doubt I’ll get one (there were what, two? out of the whole batch), so I’m probably just going to end up painting a PYO unicorn that color. If you like it, and haven’t gotten a regular piece in that color, I’ll sell it to you – I usually don’t like to keep my own work, unless it’s a repaint. Painting it and taking some pictures should satisfy my interest.
How weird. o_o @ the scratch inside the eye. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like that. I wonder how it gets in there? The worst I ever had was a tiny ‘dent’ in the side of the eye, but that was easily hidden by positioning the eye so that side was under the lid.
Also, I like that sparkly dragon. >.> @ Kujacker
Hmm, I like that she used a stencil on the pinto babies this time so the patches could have a color fade…like on Leigha’s baby in the middle. So cute!
They were still there, so I bought a couple, even though I don’t like to be ‘surprised’. >.>… Since I figured it shouldn’t be too hard to find someone who wants them if it turns out I don’t. XD