Hello everyone! It’s nice to “meet” you all. I’ve been lurking around on the forums for sometime now but have decided to get a little more involved and figured this was a good thread to start with. So with that in mind…
Oddly enough I’ve only seen my collection just a few times a year for the last 15 years or so… See my first Windstone was a present from my parents when I was a pre-teen and I collected up until I moved out of the house to further my post secondary education.
When I did they stayed with my folks with the thought that when I was in a situation where I wouldn’t be boxing them up every year and I had the room to actually display them they’d join me. Luckily that time has (finally) come! Now I just need to get them out here and figure out how to set them up. But in the mean time here’s some photos of them at my folks place.
Not the best pictures as I was just trying to get a visual record of them in prep for “the move” but it works 🙂 I’ve also got a peacock young dragon but he’s not in the pictures as he’s been moving around with me so that I at least have something from my collection with me!