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  • in reply to: Intense Violet Emerald Fledgling #640329

    The following is from Taneea aka Dragons Cavern. Since it is so painful for her to type I told her I’d post this for her. You can PM me and I’ll let her know highest offer and get the two of you ( highest offer and Taneea) Together to finalize. Make sense? I’ll post this in the Flea Market as well.

    if anyone wants to buy the last Intense Violet Emerald Fledgie. I got him and he’s gorgeous, but because I can’t get the full line of them I want to go with the ones I can get the full batch of. All I am asking is what I paid for him ( or best offer over) plus shipping

    in reply to: What do you want for Christmas? #640030

    Dragon Master wrote:

    enough money to keep my house

    i hope you get that and more DM

    in reply to: What do you want for Christmas? #640029

    frozendragon wrote:

    lol…that’s funny

    my sister had an Akita….he was huge…he was about a foot over my head when he stood on his back legs…and he wanted to be a lap dog….

    only bad thing is he had arhtritis really bad like big dogs usually do….and she couldn’t afford the surgery he needed….so the vet took him and had it paid for…but they give the dogs to a new family….


    I see a lot of them that end up on the Akita rescue sites because people can no longer take care of them.

    My daughter and her husband have Great Danes. We like big dogs in this family. πŸ˜‰ I’d like to have an Irish Wolfhound someday too. Maybe. Also an Ocicat or two and a Maine Coon cat (or two). I like en in pairs so they don’t get lonely πŸ˜† My husband says no more dogs until some that we have are gone. Silly man. He said that about the cats and I got Alf πŸ˜‰ We have fewer kids at home of course we can feed more animals. πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Update on Taneea aka Dragons cavern UPDATE fledgie for sale #640306

    I certainly will I know this has got to be hard for her

    in reply to: Update on Taneea aka Dragons cavern UPDATE fledgie for sale #640304

    I finally heard from her through eBay ( Thanks Greater Basilisk) She is not doing well at all. Here is a copy of the email for those of you who know her.

    Hey there. I am sorry hun, I sent you an email about him about a month ago and I had not heard back from you about him. I am not going to be able to do him. I am worse than ever and cant paint anymore right now. I am going to have to file disability, I cant do my job anymore either. My email to you must not have gotten to you for some reason. I was having problems with it at that time. I am sorry. I was wanting to know if you would like me to send him back, or I could buy him from you for what you paid for him. And just mail your female that I had painted for you back to you? I have had to try and resort to trying to sell jewelry since I cant paint anymore. My finance has helped me get a few pieces to start with, and have to do it from my laptop because I cant sit straight up, it hurts too bad. Please let me know what you would like to do hun. And please accept my deepest apology. I thought you had gotten that email, or something happened cause I hadn’t heard back from you. I HOPE all is well with you and family.
    Sincerely, Taneea

    I don’t know what happened with our emails but we are back in touch now. I hope her condition improves.
    Thanks to everybody who sent me contact info for her.

    The following is from Taneea. Since it is so painful for her to type I told her I’d post this for her. You can PM me and I’ll let her know highest offer and get the two of you ( highest offer and Taneea) Together to finalize. Make sense? I’ll post this in the Flea Market as well.

    if anyone wants to buy the last Intense Violet Emerald Fledgie. I got him and he’s gorgeous, but because I can’t get the full line of them I want to go with the ones I can get the full batch of. All I am asking is what I paid for him ( or best offer over) plus shipping

    in reply to: What do you want for Christmas? #640025

    frozendragon wrote:

    khat7 wrote:

    Any Windstone Dragon or the new Pegasus that isn’t done yet πŸ˜‰ An Akita puppy
    A new saddle Any of those would be nice

    will the saddle be for the Akita?

    those things grow up to be big as a horse….LOL
    Cute πŸ˜€ Actually I’d like a new Australian saddle for my horse I do have some pictures of Alf “riding” our horse Easter when he was a puppy. He’s even wearing a little vest and cowboy hat.:wink:

    in reply to: Pet names you've inflicted on your poor companions… #639381

    The dogs :
    Sarah Scruffy and Sienna, all labs and Alf my 75 pound lap dog A chow Akita

    The Cats: Hobbit, Gandolf (before the movie) Mozart (he likes to run on the piano keys) Picasso because she looks like a tabby/bridle with a half orange half grey face and white feet, Mocha, a dusky black, Tsunami, Snickers, Sassy, and Olivia

    The horses
    Scout, Easter, Jasmon, Lily and Banjo

    in reply to: Pet names you've inflicted on your poor companions… #639380

    past loves:
    horses: Smoky Skip, Scout, Co Ment (Jeran’s daddy), Konda, Char Mar Mari, Tahara Shahraq, Cassidy, Tisha, Brandy, Tabby, Tandy, Chocolate, Penny, Mayday, Dayne, Mar Co, Barnaby, Cricket, Quico, Mirrako, Peso.

    dogs: Scruffy, Deputy, Sabrina, Mielikki, What A Hoot, Scooter, Magda, Kip, Critter, Dallas, Sam, Ashleigh, Shadow, Winter.

    We had a dog named Smokey and have one now named Scruffy πŸ™‚
    I also ahve a horse named Scout

    in reply to: kitchen fire #640003

    We had a kitchen fire a few years ago. We had an ice storm as well so I know what it’s like to try and air the house out in frigid weather Brrrrr
    Any thing citrus scented seemed to help neutralize the oder the most. I’m glad no one was hurt. Hope you warm up soon πŸ™‚

    in reply to: What do you want for Christmas? #640017

    Any Windstone Dragon or the new Pegasus that isn’t done yet πŸ˜‰ An Akita puppy
    A new saddle Any of those would be nice

    in reply to: When does Christmas start for you? #639459

    We start decorating the day after Thanks Giving. My daughters and I collect Breyers horses so we put all the Christmas horses out first πŸ˜† I also have several horse themed ornaments and tons of crystal and porcelain ornaments collected over the last 30 years. We get a real tree. I love a huge tree. Wider is better so I can fit all my stuff on it! πŸ˜‰ We do lights draped outside on the paddock fence (it’s by the road) and icicle lights on the house
    We also go for an annual Christmas ride we started in our small town 8 years ago. We decorate the horses and tack and dress “Christmasy” It gets bigger every year. If I can figure out how to post pics on this thing I’ll add some later πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Has anyone heard from Dragonscavern/Taneea Lockwood #638909

    I see on eBay that there are no auctions listed and the last activity was in October. I sent a message anyway. Also one through here member profile here and several to her personal email. She has a myspace if I can find it again but didn’t use it very often before. I’ve been down this road before *sigh* πŸ™„
    I actually contacted someone on her friends list in order to get a hold of her. I hate bothering some one like that but if I don’t get an answer soon I’ll do what I have too 😳 πŸ™

    in reply to: Has anyone heard from Dragonscavern/Taneea Lockwood #638907

    Thanks I’ve sent her a message I’ll update this post if I get a reply

    in reply to: Has anyone heard from Dragonscavern/Taneea Lockwood #638904

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    I’m wondering what happened to her too. She’s been active on E-Bay, but completely disappeared from the forum. πŸ˜•
    Good luck with your pieces, khat!

    Do you have her eBay name? Per haps I could reach her through there. Even if I have to bid on something!!

    in reply to: EvilBay, sniping, and feelings… #639236

    RiDuvessa wrote:

    purplecat wrote:

    Half the time if I actually see something I want on ebay I dont pay much attention to who’s winning..I’m more concerned with who’s selling and if they have a good rating. I do snipe, BECAUSE I don’t have huge funds to throw at a piece and want to catch a good deal if I can. I’ve never been fortunate enough to bid on the special edition pieces, but I can tell you that if I actually felt I had half a chance of getting one, I’d wait til the last minute and snipe it…not out of rudeness or meanness…but because I want to pay the lowest price possible and I don’t want to “bid it up” and make the price higher than it needs to be. πŸ˜•

    I agree with Purple. I don’t have the funds to get in a bidding war with someone. When I see an Ebay auction, I figure out exactly how much I can spend and then put in my bid at the end. If an auction goes over my limit then I don’t even bid on it. If I got into bidding wars I’d end up spending way too much money. It’s nothing personal. Most of the time I don’t even check the bidding history. I just check the rating and the comments for the seller.

    That’s what I do as well and for the same reasons. Right now I’m not even doing that. We HAVE to have a fence up to protect our dogs. Also to muffle the noise and block the view from our neighbors. I can’t afford the Windstones I want without using a credit card and I’m NOT doing that! 😑 How ever if the right WS came up at the right price I might have to dip into the grocery money and try to snipe πŸ˜†

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