Forum Replies Created
frozendragon wrote:
hmm….I thought this topic was about farts….and empty bottles…
and pictures of my butt… 😯
I didn’t know it had anything to do with anyone’s beliefs… 😯
Frozen, it is ABSOLUTELY about the Spirits in your bottom that were farted out and are waiting to be auctioned on E-bay in a bottle!!!
😈 😈 😈 😈 😈
Dracomancer wrote:how can it be to scam people? most of the items are extremely low cost and i honestly dont see the profit in it
If you go back and read the whole post, the original person was misrepresenting items and set very high prices. What I dredged up from ebay was just silliness and story telling.
I am sorry if you thought I was making fun of another’s belief, but come on, do you really think all that stuff happened in that story about the ring? it reads like some bad science fiction novella.
And it really is misrepresenting an item…I dare someone to buy it and see if it works 🙂 If it does, well then I have a flying pig to sell 🙂 😈 😈 😈
Jennifer wrote:Sounds like Melody. 😉
That is exactly what I was thinking… hehehe, it is funny! I would love to say exactly what I am thinking at work, but I probably wouldn’t have any patients. Although, I did tell a patient to leave and not ever come back the other day.
Who do you like for President? I am a Republican, but disgusted with what Bush is doing to our country and our economy.
Sooo, I am really tempted to vote for someone new and fresh and I kind of like what Obama has to say. I also like McCain, but I have no idea at this point who I will vote for.
Any of you decided yet?
Congrats, he is gorgeous, but alas, I have castles to pay for and that other little yummy coiled 🙂
Barrdwing wrote:YEEK! It’s because there are very few FDA controls over “natural” products like plant oils. Same thing for plant-derived homeopathics that are on the shelf for humans.
It is funny you mention it. I have had several patients who were giving homepathic teething tablets to infants…one momma called me at 2 am while I was on call, she sounded frantic…she had been giving the child teething tablets and the child would cry worse with each tablet.
I had her come to the ofice in the morning and the tablets are OTC Homeopathic remedy with caffiene and belladonna..whew, that is like giving an upper and a downer. No wonder the kid was screaming.
Since then, I strongly warn my patients about homeopathic treatments. Some are wonderful, but they are NOT required to abide by the standards that the FDA puts on medications.
Be careful what you put in or on your body and fully research ingredients and ask lots of questions of your doctor or your vet!
Melody wrote:purplecat wrote:😆 😆 😆 Love your sketches, although the LAST thing I’d call them is messy! you must be hiding those… 😆 😀 😀
Oh yes, I am hiding the messy ones. I should post one of my “real” drawings.(the flapcats on the flion sketch are an example) I try real hard to make the certificate sketches nice and neat. This is one reason I continue to put sketches on certificates, it actually is training me to draw neater!
I love my Special COA’s that have your sketches! They are my most prized items, besides the actual Windstones. I would love to be able to draw like that!!!
ddvm wrote:We know it’s not Windstones fault – it’s too bad someone is putting you through all this aggravation.
If the forum members ever find out who’s doing it… 👿
Well I offered to break the perp’s knees and JVargas said he knows of some good places to dispose of bodies.
Anyway, Melody, I think it is a great idea to work the auctions that way. If you still sell the piece to the highest “real” bidder and that person wants the item, well it is a “win / win” situation.
It actually makes the person who is doing this null and void, because they didn’t hurt anyone…they were just aggravating.
I appreciate dealing with Windstone and find it refreshing that the customer service is great and the product is fantastic! I think most of us feel the same way.
John and Karen both emailed me today and they are letting me purchase the Castle of the Hawks for the highest bid prior to the interference.
Thanks to them I will be getting the Castle next week, because I usually use UPS, which takes a week.
I think this was great, because the bogus bid did not stop Windstone from selling the castle and it didn’t stop me from buying it. So this creep didn’t really accomplish anything.
Hopefully they will find and prosecute the creep who keeps trying to mess up these auctions. I also hope that those of you bidding on these special pieces do not have this happen to you and I hope it stops happening to Windstone.
Dracomancer wrote:hey if this is what the sellber beleives..then good for her..why is it ok to laugh at someone just because they have different beleifes? i myself am pagan and have a strong beleife in dragons and the mystical, and if this person strongly beleives the items do what she says and are what she says..then hey, who are we to judge? we dont have to buy them :: shrugs:: anyway thats my two gold ont he subject
We are laughing because the whole thing sounds so outrageous and seems like a way to scam people. I would never laugh at someones religious beliefs if I thought the person was sincere in their belief.
The tales these people are telling are way more than outrageous and Wiccans don’t do magic for personal gain. Or at least, I thought it was against their beliefs to do things that were for personal gain.
Cool! I wish I could find a store here to get to sell them. Congrats!
But this is funny. I wonder if it is Melody? Anyone know?
I was reading the description for the Griffin Claw candleholder, because I was thinking about getting one… This is the last little bit of the description and I just thought it was hysterical and wondered…who writes these descriptions.
“We won’t be including a candle with these holders because we only have the votive sized ones and they look stupid on it. For indoor use only. “
If you need me to post the cat dosage of frontline, I can, or you can pm me. My vet showed me that you can buy one box of the big dog frontline and then I empty it into a blood vial tube and put the stopper on. Then I draw up the dosage for the weight for my cats and dogs with a small syringe.
It is much cheaper and it is the same frontline for both cats and dogs. If you have a helpful vet, he will show you the same thing. My vet knows I rescue and he is very helpful at helping me save money.
December 10, 2007 at 4:49 pm in reply to: Behind the Screen- Real Photos of Windstone Collectors! #586070Okay here I am….
purplecat wrote:I’m coming to your house to eat!! I looove trying new foods and that sounds good! 😀
Just bring some PYO’s 🙂