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  • in reply to: Name of new color #508813

    frozendragon wrote:

    Quill wrote:

    You know, Empea has a certain ring to it.

    yeah…..kind of like a hill billy saying empty….

    Very good, frozen. That’s something I’d expect from Ski, but she’s not here now.

    in reply to: Paint to Pixel Studio #508890

    Wolfen mentioned getting me PSP, so I guess I need to research that a little. Maybe I can even get it here, but it’s probably more expensive.

    in reply to: Gryphon and Ki-Rin… FINISHED! Pics! 11/23 #509010

    The third link doesn’t work, Brook, but I know how a Harris hawk looks. Nice griff. At first I thought he was a new creation by the Lindt chocolate factory over the hill, but a second glance said otherwise. 😀

    in reply to: Im curious what was your best and worst Windstone buy? #509091

    So far my best buy was the peacock Scratching and Young pair for $99 off E-Bay. I don’t have a worst yet, unless it’s that poor Sitting Spectral whose owner didn’t have a clue how to take care of him…

    in reply to: Custom Flap Cats (2 kitties) #508953

    Wow Water. I don’t like the flap cats per se, but you did a great job on that one.

    in reply to: Name of new color #508789

    Nature’s not a bad idea, except the HEP lacks a brown which is rather important too.
    I, for one, don’t mind acronyms – so long as they’re not taken. I really hope the new color doesn’t end up officially being MP. Military Police was the first thing I thought of, too.

    in reply to: What color eyes? #508877

    Nirvana, your wolf looks even better with eyes in her head.
    As for eye color – I voted straw, but I don’t care. You can do stuff with any of the colors.

    in reply to: Paint to Pixel Studio #508888

    Awesome, Sunhawk! This is just what I’ve been looking for. I want to start getting into pixel art. Thanks.

    in reply to: So what's going to happen to …??? #508734

    Sitting spectral in a new color? Mine, whatever it is!!

    in reply to: Congratulations Wolfmachine!!! #508737

    That’s a good price for a green emp. I really hope he reaches you intact. It would be awful for him to break on the way.

    in reply to: Question about Rainbow Retirement #508725

    Melody wrote:

    SilverArrow wrote:

    Since the Rainbow color is being retired have you decided if you will or won’t release a rainbow lap dragon?

    If not, I might have to report you to the CCFLDR (Concerned Citizens For Lap Dragon Rights). 😆 We may paint a piece in a retired color that we never offered in that color before, as a limited production piece.
    We will do the Warrior, Scratching and Laps in rainbow someday, probably.

    Oh drool. I have to have those when they come out – but I’m hoping “someday” is in the far future so I can concentrate now on getting the normal edition pieces before they disappear.

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