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  • in reply to: The OLD Ebay Cart Thread #802854

      I liked the mostly white flap can also.. and well not so much all the stripey stuff.. and the tiger OW

      in reply to: eBay Rant!! #826634

        drag0nfeathers wrote:

        I’m not too sure either. I had like 25 cent insertion fees and a “final value fee based on my end selling price” Seriously… I feel like I got bent over and ebay had their way with me. 🙄

        If I don’t pay them they will eventually suspend me from selling. *sigh*

        I’m with you on that one.. I sold one or two small things and my selling fees are $126 and change, I don’t think I even made that much with what I sold, and then the person put in the claim and everything I had in paypal to pay the fees for eBay got sucked out.. and I can pay either one.. LOL

        I swear they never used to be that bad..

        in reply to: New PYO Keeper, Pg 6, Sept 8 #777436

          sunshine pictures..

          in some you can see the color shift on the wings and the color shift on the head..
          the wings change from violet to green, and on the head, wings, tail and sides it shifts from green to orange in some spots

          the red interference on the body looks burgundy and then black in some spots

          in reply to: eBay Rant!! #826629

            I did have tracking information, but according to paypal they only give about 10 days after the claim is filed for the package to arrive, and since it’s malaysia and it can take weeks to get out to one of those little islands, they went ahead and sent the buyers money back..

            as for a lawyer, if I had the money for one of those.. I wouldn’t have been selling stuff on ebay..

            and I’m not sure if you understood about the Better Business Bureau, but I’ve talked to them before and they only file complaints against companies that are a member of the BBB if paypal or eBay isn’t a member they don’t do anything, but if they are and you file a complaint.. then they send a letter to them for explanation..

            they don’t police them and half the time they don’t even do anything, the BBB is only good for consumers looking into companies to see if they have complaints and how they handle them..

            basically since eBay and paypal are all the same company and they have pretty much a monopoly on online selling and money sending.. there’s not much you can do about anything..

            and I agree with everyone else on the buyer not paying.. file a non paying claim on them.. and hopefully we can have one less crazy buyer on there..

            in reply to: eBay Rant!! #826621

              yeah.. rude people bite too..

              I tried everything I can to dispute it.. and now they’re telling me it’s too late since they’ve made their decision..

              unfortunately it’s they buyer’s word against the seller’s and since it’s international, there’s even less a seller can do..

              and as for the BBB.. the company has to be a member of the BBB for a complaint to be lodged.. and even at that it’s only a complaint, it’s not like the BBB can do anything either..

              in reply to: eBay Rant!! #826617

                eBay and paypal are horrible and do nothing for the sellers..

                I sold something to someone in Malaysia, they didn’t want to pay any shipping at all.. and like yours asked every question under, around and over the sun.. and even asked some twice… when they won and paid I send the item and when I sent the information they then said well why did you send it like that, you should have sent it this way and now I’ll never get it, they never deliver those and blah blah blah on and on and on..

                and of course not long after they sent and item not received claim to paypal and even though it shows the item in transit on tracking, paypal gave them their money back and now they keep calling me because I didn’t have the whole amount in paypal (duh cause someone has to pay bills).. so now eBay wants money, paypal wants money and there’s not a thing I can do about it because I’m the seller..

                so the person in Malaysia has the item and the money they paid for it.. and I’m totally screwed..

                at least you’re only out $7.. I’m out close to $1000.. so yeah not playing with either of those places anymore

                in reply to: New PYO Keeper, Pg 6, Sept 8 #777434

                  new PYO Keeper..

                  it’s done in all interference colors, red, violet and then the new interference ones that I got, violet-green, green-blue and green-orange..
                  it was then antiqued in a golden plum color and details with gold leaf
                  the new interference change colors depending on the angle, and depending how dark the base coat is..
                  unfortunately without the sun you can’t see it too good

                  unfortunately there’s no sun today so there’s one picture without flash and 3 with flash.. and I’ll try to take some more if the sun comes out

                  this on will prolly be for sale like the phoenix..they might show up on ebay in a day or two..

                  in reply to: New PYO Keeper, Pg 6, Sept 8 #777433

                    I think I will sell this one.. so I can get more to paint next time they are out..

                    so anyone who is interested can send me a PM.. if I don’t hear anything I’ll have it put on eBay.. I’m not really messing with eBay myself anymore..

                    in reply to: New Labradorite Phoenix PYO, pg. 3 #826086

                      I really like that one.. I always love how you do feathers..

                      and I really like the colors too.. I know that one will go for a lot when they put it up..

                      in reply to: Please read- Forum questions! #825838

                        Jennifer wrote:

                        frozendragon wrote:

                        what does the friend or foe thing actually do, I’ve seen it but didn’t know what it did..

                        now if you could block certain people from contacting you, or if you could block any post that person made (so basically you didn’t have to read things you weren’t interested in) then that would be cool

                        I personally really like the mark posts/forums read button.. because after I scan over the new topics and there’s nothing I want to read I click that button and move on..

                        I do like that forums with new posts show up in a different color so you know where to look.. I also think we should have something that just removes topics that are over a certain age, because people don’t really go back and look anyway.. they just post new questions..

                        I hope that old topics don’t get deleted; or if they do, that we have a searchable archive of them. I search them all the time for information and finding out dates for things.

                        an archive would be good..

                        in reply to: New PYO Keeper, Pg 6, Sept 8 #777426

                          Thanks, I like painting these they are really easy to paint.. and not a lot of space to cover.. so I could paint a ton of them..

                          they might take a little longer to paint if all the feathers were done individually.. but I didn’t like that idea for my first one..

                          I didn’t have a PYO dragon to compare to, at least not handy.. but the PYO dragon is about the same size as sea jewel, (maybe a tiny bit bigger)

                          so here is the Phoenix compared to the sea jewel

                          in reply to: PYOs and WIP (NEW nature Keeper dragon page 11) #817585

                            oh yeah.. I think that might be the one..

                            I know I did one with pink eyes for ski.. but I think that was all pink.. or something.. LOL

                            hmm.. when they have more Phoenix out maybe we can do a trade Phoenix for Phoenix..

                            and maybe by then we’ll both have the money for one..

                            and that sucks about the job.. unfortunately that just described the majority of people I used to work with at a company here.. blah..

                            in reply to: Please read- Forum questions! #825832

                              what does the friend or foe thing actually do, I’ve seen it but didn’t know what it did..

                              now if you could block certain people from contacting you, or if you could block any post that person made (so basically you didn’t have to read things you weren’t interested in) then that would be cool

                              I personally really like the mark posts/forums read button.. because after I scan over the new topics and there’s nothing I want to read I click that button and move on..

                              I do like that forums with new posts show up in a different color so you know where to look.. I also think we should have something that just removes topics that are over a certain age, because people don’t really go back and look anyway.. they just post new questions..

                              in reply to: New PYO Keeper, Pg 6, Sept 8 #777416

                                Here is my PYO Phoenix, I was able to grab one, right before they were gone..
                                it’s done in a version that is what I’ve called White Violet Flame.. it was fun I can’t wait for more

                                in reply to: PYOs and WIP (NEW nature Keeper dragon page 11) #817583

                                  I did one similar to that once (pretty sure mine was paler colors).. I can’t remember if I sent it to Ski or put it on ebay..

                                  I’m getting old..

                                  I do like all the sparkles..

                                  I want one of your PYO’s someday.. but I have to pay bills first.. always stinky bills

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