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  • in reply to: Happy 1st snowfall! #830380

      We just got our first snowfall of the season too. (Not) Happy First Snowfall! :shout:

      in reply to: Paperclip trade 7th trade made page 13!! #820847

        Yup. I’m still good to go. Just working on making more samples to put in my gallery of jewellery I’ve made and waiting to see what the winner on my lot will want me to make for them. 😀

        in reply to: Attaching a picture to a post #829868

          I use google’s photo site for my pictures and it works just fine.

          For those of you with virus problems how are you connecting to the internet? From what I understand, if you connect directly to the internet(as in directly through the modem) you’re at higher risk of getting viruses than if you connect to a router(wireless or wired) and then the modem. My dad’s a computer tech and he recommends using a router even if you don’t need a router. I guess it acts like a “physical” wall against some threats to your computer.

          in reply to: Hoo-Ha for being straight edge! #829824

            Hoo Ha! No drugs, cigarettes or alcohol here either.

            in reply to: Small PYO dragons…. #829487

              Not enough of the dragons may stay in store long enough for a swap. At least 1/3 of them are already gone in the 8h or so since I first saw them. For a swap we would need a large stock that is stable (not selling very fast with out the swap). 🙁

              in reply to: Paperclip trade 7th trade made page 13!! #820838

                I did mean all items, sorry for the confusion. I was trying to match the value best I could and netbooks(and computers in general) don’t keep their value very well. I would estimate the netbook’s current value at $100. Though I would be willing to add in more jewellery if the winner doesn’t want the egg and/or the netbook.

                in reply to: Happy Birthday, FlamingDragon! #828976

                  Hehe, I just noticed this.

                  Thank You Everyone!

                  in reply to: Paperclip trade 7th trade made page 13!! #820832

                    Ok, I finally got up the nerve to put offer something up. I’ve been looking at this thread for a while now.

                    Here’s what I have:
                    1.Asus eeePc 701(netbook) – has a 7″ screen, 4g solid state hard drive(can only expand storage with an SD card), upgraded to 1g RAM, and a Linux operating system(very easy to use). Click here for more info and some pictures of it. I think I got 2-3 years ago for $400 but it’s barely been used and looks new. I can put windows xp on it if someone wants me to.

                    2.Gargoyle Egg with Eyes – mint with tag but no box

                    3. Chain maille/Scale maille jewellery approx $200 worth – Handmade by me. I will make jewellery to order for the winner. I can make earring, necklaces, bracelets, pendants, etc. I’ll work on getting some pics up of stuff I’ve already done and work out a price list how much each is worth. The metals I work with are bright aluminum and anodized aluminum (except for the clasps) so it should be safe for people with metal allergies. I am willing to order in materials that I don’t have if needed as well as make items from inspiration pics you may have if I can.

                    Click here to see my gallery

                    in reply to: Anyone else play Dragon Age? #828255

                      I play Dragon Age as well. I haven’t made through the whole game yet as I’m trying hard to get obsessive over playing it but when I do play 7pm easily turns to 3 am. Why does Alastair have to be so hot? 😳

                      in reply to: Keeper/Lap dragon eye size? #827800

                        Melody wrote:

                        FlamingDragon wrote:

                        I measured the eyes for my keeper and they’re 11mm. I tried to measure the eyes for my lap(which is tough because their glued in) and as far as I can tell they’re 11mm as well.

                        I just measured a Keeper and our 11mm eyes don’t quite fit . The eye sockets are made over sized, so the socket may be 11mm, but the eye that fits comfortably is 10mm.
                        Glass eyes do vary in size quite a bit. If you have gotten 11 mm eyes from a source (such as a taxidermy supply) that has a type of eye that tends to be thin and on the small side, they may squeeze in.
                        Our 11mms are way too fat to go under the upper eyelid of the Keeper.
                        If an eye fits tightly it’ll be nearly impossible to remove it again though, so be sure that is the eye you want before you try it!

                        The Laps do take 11mm. I just tried one.

                        I measured the eyes that came with the keeper(red) since their not glued in yet. It’s weird that the 11mm eyes you have don’t fit because mine fit with wiggle room. I even had my dad check my ruler measurement with a caliper after I read this and they measured 11mm dia x 4.7mm deep.

                        in reply to: Keeper/Lap dragon eye size? #827790

                          I measured the eyes for my keeper and they’re 11mm. I tried to measure the eyes for my lap(which is tough because their glued in) and as far as I can tell they’re 11mm as well.

                          in reply to: Customs/shipping question? #827645

                            Marking a package with gift only helps if the item is valued at less than $60CAN as that’s the maximum gift exemption(for normal parcel it’s $20).

                            @dragonmedley the GST is now 5% it was only at 6% for around a year.

                            in reply to: Customs/shipping question? #827640

                              When I’ve been hit with customs from items shipped usps it’s always been $5 plus tax on the item value stated on the customs form. So for someone in Ontario customs should be $5 plus 13% tax ($25?). It would be even worse if you sent it through another carrier like ups. They would have charged you $30+ for service fees alone.

                              in reply to: POST YOUR PYO MUSE SWAP PHOTOS HERE! #826844

                                She’s here! Thank you Mmloda, she’s gorgeous! I love the colors. I don’t have time to take pics right now but your welcome to post some if you want.

                                in reply to: Amazing scenes! #827358

                                  Long is an understatement. I expected 10-20 min cause that’s what I thought youtube’s maximum length was not an entire movie. It’s good though. I don’t usually like that sort of thing. but I found it tough to click the x and watched the whole thing(without falling asleep and I’ve been struggling to stay awake all evening). The landscape shots in the film are amazing and the narrative was pretty interesting.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 376 through 390 (of 473 total)