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  • in reply to: Summer 2010 Swap Complete! #809736

    pegasi1978 wrote:

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    Woot! Shopping is done! I will find a box and ship it hopefully tomorrow! 🙂

    Tomorrow’s Memorial Day so the post office is closed.

    haha….I knew that….. 😳 😳

    in reply to: Summer 2010 Swap Complete! #809729

    Woot! Shopping is done! I will find a box and ship it hopefully tomorrow! 🙂

    in reply to: Losing my faith in humanity (scammer alert) #816196

    That is so inexcusable and aweful! I HATE it how people are so selfish and greedy, and then they lie about it. Oh boy, i am MAD!!

    in reply to: Summer 2010 Swap Complete! #809726

    Oh my gosh, i love the gifts so far!! I purposefully waited to shop until this weekend, so that I could get more for my recipient. 🙂 I will be shopping tomorrow for more stuff, I have about half done already!!

    in reply to: Something different #815674

    Awww, is this what you were worried about Laurie? Don’t be. 🙂

    in reply to: Will There Be a May Raffle? #814345

    Oh my giosh!! I love this month’s raffle piece!! I hope I win *butts opponents out of the way* 👿 👿 I do have a big butt, so I can butt a lot of you out the window. haha!

    Good Luck! I really hope you get it!!

    haha! I looked at the picture again and knowing it was bird poop make it gross!:puke: :puke:
    BTW, the website that was used as a reference is an awesome website! I am trying to grow a hummingbird garden, and I have a feeder out, and I have been trying to research about the two types of hummingbirds that live-or travel through- Iowa, and they have migration progress maps, where you can report where you have seen certain breeds of them and what date. Many are in Iowa now, but I haven’t seen any around my feeder. *pokes flower seeds* grow-you are my key to attracting hummingbirds!!

    There are more birds/butterflies/etc. that the website covers, but I love how the website will have an expert write articles and answer questions.

    in reply to: April Raffle: Congrats, Selasphorus! #813373

    lamortefille wrote:

    *shrugs* It was just a bit of good natured teasing on my part and it wasn’t directed at anyone in particular.

    I took it as you were being nice and friendly. Plus, we all want to see pix, so you were just relaying that in a playful manner.

    in reply to: Phone call last night from a good friend. #810838

    Awww! that was wonderful! You made me remember that Laurie called me once when I was having a really tough time, and I almost forgot about that. She is wonderful-Laurie, you are wonderful!

    in reply to: For my Forum Friends/Pizza disc.coupons available #812651

    Awww…I didn’t know she was having a hard time lately, I hope that things will get better soon Suzie!! *HUGS*

    in reply to: Designing for family… #814515

    That really sucks and they need to show more appreciation. I don’t know how you could get your point across to them effectively because you said that what you do doesn’t work. I am sorry, and I like your design!

    in reply to: Start your Friday off right…. #814275

    I am so sorry to read bout your sister like this! i sure hope she is feeling better, and keep us updated. This is definitely a puzzler.

    in reply to: Happy Mothers Day!!! #814471

    Happy Mother’s Day!! My husband, Kc, couldn’t be home today, so he gave me a card a few days ago. It had a nice note from him, and he promised me a Windstone from Ebay when we could afford it, so I have to wait, but oh well! I am sorry, Pegasi, that he didn’t get you a gift, but Gavin is such a wonderful boy to do that for you!!

    in reply to: last track meet of the season #814150

    No, I don’t get sick of hearing about them! Congrats, they are two boys who make you proud!!

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