Forum Replies Created
OOOHHHHH!!! Bengal tabbycats!!! Oh, my, the idea is so….words fail me!!! *heart beats faster, hands shake* And that’s a lot coming from me, ol’ gabbypants!!! 😀 WoW!
That openeyed tiger bengal flapcat is simply stunning!!! This one is already out of range and it still has days to go!!! 😮 Please Please Please make some more!! This is only #1, please tell me there will be more soon and don’t leave me heartbusted!!! :shout: (Why don’t we have a pleading emoticon on this thread? I guess because we would probably get a whole page of someone’s pleading!! Maybe that isn’t the best idea, but it would certainly be expressive!!!)
Are there any more in the works? *holding my breath and crossing all my fingers* MargaretI’m glad you turned down the $10 offer on the windwizards!!! I paid over 70x more for mine a little over a year ago, and that was for just one!! I thought they were so rare that it was a good price. I just didn’t know any better. 🙄 But selling them for $10 would have made my heart hurt!!! Even for $150 is painful, but that’s the way it is right now. It’s pretty awful, but it can’t last. But it’s one thing to bargain hunt and another to be ridiculous!!! 😮
I hope I didn’t miss it! When is the next raffle and what is the sculpt?
Hi! Talk to me about the sword. What kind, how big, how heavy, how much? Is it decorative? Could you email a picture? My email is Thank you! 😀
Ok, unicorn box has been spoken for. There may be another box become available if the person that wanted it doesn’t want it anymore. If that happens, I will post it, if I don’t, then it isn’t available. Thanks!!! 😀
Will “mary ward” please pm me? Thanks!It was mailed on June 20, you should be getting it soon. I apologize for the delay.
If anyone is interested, I still have one grand unicorn box that is still here, if anyone wants it, please PM me. The rest of the boxes are with DM now. Just to let you know, as I stated before, I bought my kirins years ago, like 20 years, and I didn’t have any boxes for male or female kirins. No emperors, male griffins, OW’s. There are some oriental suns, and lots of small boxes, like baby kirins, hatchers, curls, etc. Those and the rest you will have to check with DM. OK? Good!I’m so sorry, Kujacker, you have certainly had a platefull this year! I hope things get better for you from now on!
I didn’t know there was a “new items page” Where is that?
I do have Ki-rins, but I bought them years ago and I know I don’t have the boxes for the male and female. I bought some of the test paint babies, though, and I might have some of those. I have 2 boxes of small boxes and there might be some in there. I’m pretty sure the rest of the boxes will fit into the truck if we fit them in closely.
I’ve been working on rearranging all the Windstones to accommodate the new display cases. I have a small collection of Swarovski crystal pieces that I can’t find right now that will go into the cases when I do find them and 6 or 7 other small pieces that I got at the collector shop where I bought the display cases. I got an owl, a polar bear and cub, a hare and tortoise piece, a small jeweled elephant, and another small elephant. Those are the only pieces that aren’t Windstone in the cabinets. I’m going to learn to post pictures over the summer, so I can show you the collection. (I know I can learn to do this! I know I can, I know I can, I know I can!!! :yes: 🙄 :shout: :twisted:) (and learn to operate my GPS, and my bluetooth, and my camera, and digital photoframe, and my phone, and…!!) AND!!! My boxroom is now my record room, not the boxroom any more!!! Vinyl records, that is! I have 8 boxes of them to convert to CD’s, my next project after the next next project which is to take an inventory. I don’t ever seem to run out of projects!!! 😀 😆Ok, I have mailed out 26 boxes of boxes as of this morning. Aside from the shipping costs which were paid by the people who wanted them, it cost me a lot of time to sort, identify who wanted what, weigh, measure, calculate, pm for the paypal money, pack, and get them to the PO. as well as dealing with the people who changed their minds in addition to paying people to help maintain 15 lists and keep things straight and help me with all this. I had NO IDEA what a big project this was going to be!! Of course I had over 173 boxes to contend with. I have quite a few boxes left that no one asked for. Many are the same size and some are obscure, like the bear and the tiger and the armadillp, etc. So DragonMaster is going to take the rest of them to his house in Lodi, California and I get my box room back!!! Yea for me!!!!! So if any of you want boxes, you can contact him for good sturdy Windstone boxes!!!
Thank you for taking them off my hands and being patient with me! I know it took a long time, but I also work fulltime and I just couldn’t do it any faster. I hope they are useful to you! I just couldn’t throw them out when I knew other people wanted them and I intensely dislike throwing out boxes anyway!! You never know when you might need a box and nothing else will do!!!
The box project is OVER!!! Free at Last!!!! Thanks!! 😆 😀 😈 😆 :yes: :yes: :yes:yeah, I have #1 and it has orange eyes too, not diachroitic eyes.
Ladyfirebird is right about the insurance. I have had at least 4 packages’s insurance claims turned down due to bad packing by the seller, especially the wizard wrapped in a teeshirt with 4 small hard pieces of styrofoam packed in one too-small box! (the seller said that the packing was “more than adequate” (!!!) 😡 🙄 😮 The post office refused all the claims saying that the damage was not their fault because the packing was so bad. So I filed disputes with paypal on all of them and won all the disputes due to the packing. The wizard had been split down the middle, and was in 7 pieces! I won the dispute and got to keep the piece too. So insurance is only good if the carrier does the damage, and bad packing is no excuse!
I suggest that if you paid by paypal, file a dispute, either you want a full refund ( you may have to send the pieces back) or negotiate a partial refund, enough to pay for the repairs and keep the pieces. If you win the dispute or you don’t hear at all from them, you get to keep the piece and paypal will refund you up to $200 depending on the price of the piece, then you can get the pieces repaired by Kyrin and paypal will hit their account, and if there is no money in the account, they will wait until there is some and raid it and give you your money back then. I have had really good luck with paypal!Kujacker, I am so sorry! Your mom was just beautiful!! Please don’t stop looking for attorneys that would be willing to take your case. If need be, go outside your community to find one. See if you can get one that will take it on contingency. It sounds like you have a good case. That’s what malpractice insurance is for!
It’s so hard at any age to lose a mom and harder yet when you lose her when you are so young. Grief counseling can really help a lot, I hope you consider it. It can help your dad through this too, you can go together if you want or separately and it’s free. Usually the hospital social services run one and the hospices do too. *Lots and lots of hugs**raises hand* I did. I think he’s so cute! I feel really lucky to have gotten him and I can hardly wait until he’s here! I got a new camera and as soon as I learn how to operate it and learn to post pictures, I will do that! Operating equipment is not my strength especially new ones, but I hope to learn soon!! 😀