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  • in reply to: Grab Bag Young Poads in the "near" future? #912394

      YAY! Grab bag curlies!

      in reply to: Windstone Male Dragon Candle? #912393

        I thought not. Just had to be sure. Defiantly an interesting color choice though. I’ll give them that much. :bigsmile: I can imagine how ridiculous that candle would look if it were lit. It’s like something from a cartoon. LOL

          in reply to: Blue Morpho Griffin family now available! 4/11/14 #912361

            OMG! Blue morpho dragons! That’s exciting news! Please make a bunch in this color. Blue morpho has become my favorite color scheme next to red fire. What dragon sculpts will be released first in this color? I don’t think I’ll be able to get in on the first batch in any sculpt…depending on when they’re released.


              Could someone report the fake i posted a couple of posts up? I’m having computer troubles right now. Posting this with my phone. It’s a bit of a pain. Thanks in advance if someone does.

              in reply to: All in the name of fun. Asketh Ms. Melody and …. #911905

                Ack, tornadoes! Alberta gets those pretty rarely so they’re not much of a concern, but they still creep me out and I have been in places when where there have been tornado warnings. I think I’ll definitely be talking to my buddy about me visiting in the cold season or spring/fall haha. I’m a lot less worried about the wildfires that we get here in summer, because you can usually get enough forewarning to flee those if you have to.

                Definitely try to visit outside of tornado season…just in case. The forecast for tornadoes this year is suppose to be the worst since 1991, they say. There’s a high chance for tornadoes this weekend stretching through most of Texas and Oklahoma. YIKES! I live in apartments so I don’t have a storm cellar to run too. :~ It always seems like they strike at night. :(( .


                  I don’t know if this one has been reported yet, but here it is. I don’t think the seller knows it’s a fake Windstone. This one is really scary looking IMO.


                  in reply to: All in the name of fun. Asketh Ms. Melody and …. #911879

                    Is it really humid in Texas? I think it depends on what part of the state your in, but I would say for the most part, yes it is. It’s one of those places that gets hotter after it rains. It’s like being in a hot steamy shower 24/7 during the summer. Oh, let’s not forget the tornados! I can’t speak for the whole state, but I live 30 min from the north Texas border and humidity is bad here. I guess I’m used to it though because I’ve lived here all my life. I never realized just how humid it was until I went to New Mexico and I was like, “I can breathe!” Yet, I’ve heard places like Florida, Georgia, or Louisiana can be even worse in the summer than Texas. The Gulf brings up the humidity. This is a generalization here, but I’ll go out on a limb and say most of the south is pretty humid. Eck, I wish I could move north! I’ll take the cold over 107 degree tornado filled summers any day.

                    in reply to: Happy Belated Easter Photos #911813

                      That’s so cute! As cute as a dragon fiercely guarding his/her eggs can be. Awesome idea!

                      in reply to: How old are Windstone Collectors #911788

                        I’m 25 and I’ve been collecting dragons since I was 16. I found my first windstone in a “junk” store this last year. It was a male white dragon. He was pretty badly chipped, but I took him anyway. For $20, why not? I didn’t know much about windstone when I bought him, but I liked the style of the dragon. I did a little more research, found this website, and have now acquired a few ruby dragons and a BVP fledgling. I’m really amazed I didn’t find windstone sooner, but given the area I live in, it’s not too surprising on second thought. :p

                        in reply to: Jobs Windstone Collectors Have? Career Advice? #911787

                          I am glad you started this thread. I had a similar curiosity looking at what others had collected. It’ll definitely take time to collect the ones you like; especially as they take time to become available.

                          My answer to your question: I graduated a couple of years ago with a BS in animal health science and am now employed as a Registered Veterinary Technologist in Southern California. I love my job, which I think is the most important thing to consider when searching for a career. My dream job will be to work in a zoo someday, but it is hard to get into that field. I’m looking to volunteer at the very least; get my fix that way. You don’t make the best money in the veterinary field, but having few bills to worry about helps.

                          In the end, I think you should enjoy what you do. You’ll be doing it everyday for the majority of your life, after all.

                          I admire what you do for a living because it’s one of the many things I wanted to do, but I don’t have thick skin for it. I’m a sucker for animals, so when I see hurt, sick, neglected, or run over animals I could just cry. Of course I’m sure not all animals you work with are sick or ill, but for me it would be tough to deal with the ones that were. I hope you can make it into a zoo one day. Maybe if you volunteer enough they’ll hire you. :bigsmile:

                          Very true…do what you love. I have a family member going through a tough time at her job. While it pays well, she doesn’t like it and she’s miserable. That’s not a life worth living, being miserable most of you life in a bad job.

                          in reply to: Blue Morpho Griffies #911685

                            Stunning! I love those colors!

                            in reply to: Value of Windstones with Minor Damage? #911659

                              Thanks everyone. This will help me figure out how to collect wisely.

                              in reply to: Blue Morpho Griffies #911435

                                I also think it would look great on dragons!

                                This! ^^^^^^^^^^^ Very much so.

                                in reply to: BVP Secret Keepers #911434

                                  Yes. Maybe we’ll do them soon!

                                  YAY!!! Thank you!

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