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  • in reply to: Keeping snakes (title changed) #776686

      sunhawk wrote:

      Vore is something I find disturbing on a number of levels. I hope the video has been removed, I can’t bring myself to click the link.
      Though I wouldn’t bring anything to PETA’s attention, I don’t like the idea of giving them the idea they are in any way the authority on anything, because in their own way they are just as bad.

      Well put Sunhawk. I get very frustrated with PETA, because they have the power and voice to mobilize and make change for the better, but sometimes I think they’re just as much into “shock value” as the people who post animal cruelty for entertainment. I see some of their campaigns and think they could have gotten a lot more accomplished if they weren’t so focused on being outlandish to get people’s attention. They’re not attracting new “converts” that way–just pushing them further away. I think most of their campaigns are targeted toward people who ALREADY agree with PETA and that’s poor marketing.

      But, still, sometimes it’s who you gotta go to.

      in reply to: Happy Birthday Tinks! #777039

        Happy Birthday Tinks!

        in reply to: Happy Birthday nina789! #776896

          Hurrah! Happy Birthday!

          in reply to: Peacock Male Repair Picture Tutorial (IMAGE HEAVY) #757158

            I love this tut 😀

            I just bought this guy on ebay, I couldn’t resist! And I’ve wanted a Jade Oriental ANYTHING forever. I thought he’d be perfect to try out some more advanced repairs on, with the one big chip that’ll need resculpting. I have a couple others that I’ve been too nervous to try as well. So far I’ve only done small paint touchups.

            The only problem was, Michael’s didn’t have anything like Apoxie Sculpt! I scoured and scoured and the closest thing I could find was….


            Billy Mays to the rescue!! 😆 I decided to give it a try. Also, I couldn’t really explain to the clerk helping me that this was the reason I was giggling so hard about it at Michael’s….Green to white technology, man.

            in reply to: Need some advice-Love & Marriage #777120

              Oh wow what a great post. Unfortunately I gotta run so I did skip to the blue part, but I’ma come back and read the rest! Can’t wait to see what everyone has to say about this 🙂

              in reply to: Keeping snakes (title changed) #776681

                purpledragonclaw wrote:

                ChrisH, you went to PETA?!? Whoa! Good luck; I can definitely see them taking an interest in this.

                Aww thanks. I hope they do! It would be great to hear back from them but they get hundreds of reports every day. I’ll definitely update you if they do. Gosh that would be great.

                in reply to: Keeping snakes (title changed) #776680

                  WolfenMachine wrote:

                  my guy has 3 snakes, and even just what I’ve picked up from him, you don’t feed live animals to snakes anyway-at least not pet snakes you care about. Because yes, prey animals (even mice) will fight back and can scratch the scales off the snake or bite it and cause harm.

                  That’s true. The jury is out on whether it’s acceptable to feed live prey to snakes. I, for one, am actually all right with it, because it happens that way in nature all the time. I’d prefer to feed pre-killed prey, but my sister and I have kept snakes and some simply just won’t take dead food. Right now she has a Colombian Rainbow Boa that’s still small enough to eat young mice and that’s the case with him. He calls shenanigans no matter how “alive” we try to make the mouse seem. So we feed him live. But, he stalks, bites, and constricts the mouse efficiently, and it is over in less than a minute. When he gets big enough to eat prey that can fight back more, we might try again to get him accepting pre-killed, but really, if you feed the snake a prey animal that is appropriately sized for it, he will usually dispatch his meal quickly and efficiently. Nature is cold, but it is not excessively cruel.

                  Her Colombian Rainbow Boa is small though. Larger snakes that eat pigs or rabbits, even if I had a snake large enough to kill that kind of prey itself, I’d still want to take precautions.

                  What sort of snakes does your guy have WolfenMachine?

                  in reply to: Windstone editions sculpture CARE and FAQs: #636140

                    I just had a FILTHY Jade Oriental arrive, with years of dust accumulated in his scales and crevices. I usually just use a bone-dry sable paintbrush to dust them, it removes just about everything, but this crud wasn’t budging! Finally I broke down and got out a small soft acrylic brush, dipped it in water, brushed it across a paper towel so it wasn’t dripping, and went to work. The old dust came out like magic, and some of his factory glossiness returned when I buff-dried him with a microfiber cloth. Some crevices were so dirty I had to go over them twice!

                    I’d still be nervous to do this unless I needed to, but he’s certainly no worse for the wear. Just the opposite in fact 😀

                    in reply to: Keeping snakes (title changed) #776677

                      I just sent a very thorough e-mail to PETA about JonahVore and his presence on the Internet. You can find info on it here if any of you are interested in doing the same:


                      I gave them quite a stew of incriminating material. What’s frustrating is the anonymity of the Internet. I’d be reporting this guy to his local authorities every day if I knew which ones to report to. The news is an idea I hadn’t thought of either. Good human-interest (animal-interest?) story and it would generate a lot of public outrage. It might even lead to his arrest… I can dream.

                      in reply to: Keeping snakes (title changed) #776673

                        Ugh. This is still bothering me so much. 🙄

                        After doing a bit of research, it’s totally and COMPLETELY obvious (as if it wasn’t already) that this guy is a vorephile. He’s got a huge presence on the internet and a large following of vore fans who encourage him and propagate similar content. It is ABSOLUTELY, COMPLETELY DISGUSTING that YouTube has allowed this content to remain up for so long. ALL of his videos are posted for entertainment. His vore fiction can be found on message boards. I found one post in particular where he states that he’s posted videos of snakes swallowing live chicks at the request of, and entertainment for, other vorephiles. UTA research? Really? Just because you put the animal’s scientific name in the information doesn’t mean it’s SCIENTIFIC.

                        If this guy was a pedophile instead of a vorephile, and was exploiting CHILDREN for his sexual satisfaction the way he is exploiting animals, he would be in JAIL. Youtube would have removed it within minutes. Yet this, THIS, which is so obviously fodder for a particular sexual fetish, is totally acceptable? F THAT! I’ve complained to YouTube and UTA with no results as of yet. Seriously? Do they want people to take this into their own hands?

                        I’ve found his IP address. Is it wrong of me to want to feed him to the trolls? 👿


                          >_< WOW. You can't really find that image without a registered symbol OR Windstone Editions under it. Is this person that dumb or do they simply think they can get away with auto-tracing someone else's logo and selling it?

                          in reply to: Keeping snakes (title changed) #776667

                            Yeah, I agree. My sister keeps snakes and I often feed them for her if she’s out and I’m near the pet store, but if you feed live food (her snake also won’t take a dead mouse), then you need to make sure it’s done properly to make sure the snake is not harmed, and the prey animal does not needlessly suffer. It’s not that he fed the snake, it’s the improper way he did it that makes this so abusive. And then he claims it’s for research, misleading people into thinking it’s somehow justifiable.

                            Even if the exact same scene happened in nature, it wouldn’t be so cruel. This person had an opportunity to minimize the chick’s suffering and chose not to. Ooh. 😡 That’s what really disturbs me. Torture/killing of animals is very common in the psych profile of serial killers. It begins with a lack of empathy toward living creatures, then can extend to a lack of empathy for any being, human or otherwise. Ten years from now, if this person was on trial for killing 5 people, this would undoubtedly be cited as evidence of a deranged mind.

                            in reply to: Keeping snakes (title changed) #776665

                              Eleu wrote:

                              bayoudragon wrote:

                              For me, it’s the ASPCA’s announcement with Sarah McLachlan’s song “Angel”. She’s done a few commericals for them, but that one breaks me everytime. 😥

                              Yes that one too! Oh I can’t stand it! 😥

                              I can’t watch those either 😥

                              This was still really bothering me, so I decided to do a little fact checking. First off, he spelled the animal’s Latin name wrong. I can’t find any study or anything even remotely scientific on Google supporting this guy’s claim that it’s for research for UTA. Now, UTA could stand for a few things but let’s take a shot in the dark and guess University of Texas Arlington. The user lives in Mexico City. They’re just a wee bit far apart.

                              So we can give him the benefit of the doubt, or we can simply call the student attorney at University of Texas Arlington and let him know that a user/possible student has posted, under guise of the university’s research labs, content that the university would most likely NOT condone and would not like to be held responsible for. Which is exactly what I did. Thank you, UTA website.

                              in reply to: Keeping snakes (title changed) #776659

                                I’m glad you think so 🙂 I hope so too.

                                in reply to: Happy Birthday jackid55! #776643

                                  Happy Happy Birthday!

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