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  • in reply to: New horse! Pics on 2! #691632

    Well, I think we’ve settled on Nar/Naree. (Naree was my mom’s suggestion instead of Narelle) I almost went with Sahara, but to me that would be an Arabian or at least a sorrel and she’s still such a shaggy beast! πŸ˜†

    We took her to the vet on Wed for her checkup… (supposed to be prepurchase visit)
    The last time I bought a horse, he was supposed to be 17 and turned out to be 25; this time she was supposed to be 10 (as of this summer) and when the vet looked at her teeth he said, “There’s no way she’s 10.” She’s closer to 6! And she’s completely green! The vet said she just doesn’t know anything (including having feet picked up, and stuff like that). The vet said to treat her like a green 3 year old. Better than finding out she’s 10 years older. πŸ˜† Our best guess is that she really was just a brood mare to the guy that owned her originally. Thankfully, she’s at her real home now, and she’ll learn what it is to be loved for herself and not just her genes.

    in reply to: New horse! Pics on 2! #691631

    PhoenixTears wrote:

    I said I would do it and so I have… I named my first born dragon (white one) after “T” in memorandum. He is loved (or if it turns out to be a female, she is loved).

    Thanks! Temeraire and Absinthe… interesting combination.:lol:

    in reply to: I feel stupid…suggestions? #693261

    Argh, πŸ‘Ώ some people are just rotten. I’m sorry you got taken. It’s okay to be pissed off!

    in reply to: How aware are you? #693187

    πŸ˜† Passes yes, bear no. I even went back to the beginning of the video to be sure he was there the first time (anyone else do that?) … my husband did that too.

    in reply to: Possible flood / update may 7th p6 #687644

    I’m so sorry BDW. The pictures are amazing, but so scary. I was living in Illinois in ’93 when the Mississippi flooded and we were being excused from classes (university) to help people move out of their homes. Raging rivers are recognizably dangerous, but it must feel much more wearing for it to be such a slow, unstoppable thing. (Like the videos of people in Hawaii with the lava flows just creeping slowly toward their homes and knowing there’s nothing you can really do.)
    I really hope the water starts receding soon and your home is not damaged.

    in reply to: So why do you call 911? #692907

    πŸ˜• Doesn’t he have to pay for the ambulance visit? What a jerk.

    in reply to: Very cool..horses..Dancer is home too! #691751

    Metal in the ground sounds so scary. Glad you found it.
    When do they all arrive?

    in reply to: So incredibly sad right now. #692934

    I’m so sorry Phoenix πŸ˜₯
    I wish I could say something to make it hurt less.

    in reply to: Very cool..horses..Dancer is home too! #691741

    Yay! Congrats!
    Yeah, the name thing! You have a favorite book or show? (I was going to use a name from Firefly, but the one name that fit is my niece’s name, so that wont’ work for me πŸ˜† )


    in reply to: SNOW??????? ****NEW PICS ADDED**** #692279

    Holy cow that’s a big bone! πŸ˜†
    We’ve always found that you can give each dog a bone, but there’s only ever one bone that seems to count.

    in reply to: Camera Advice #692345

    Ooohhh congrats! *throws confetti*

    (As for the camera question, I have no sound advice, but I was curious about what others would say)

    in reply to: New horse! Pics on 2! #691609

    Thanks everyone!
    Yeah, we knew she hadn’t been ridden in a long while if the guy felt the need to wear her out before we got there. The vet comes on Wednesday to give her the full checkup, but I know by then I won’t be willing to give her up even if he finds something wrong. I just can’t help buying on impulse and getting attached…
    She’s sooo different from T (Temeraire)… much more willing to push or almost nip whereas he never pulled that kind of stunt. But, he was almost 17 hands, so he knew he was bigger, whereas she’s just 14 some (the guy said 14.5, but he was so full of it, I just need to really measure her myself), so I think she’s constantly testing. However, once she knows you’re serious, she seems very willing.

    Well, here she is!

    Her body is so beautiful, but her head is very much like a mustang…
    Just wait ’til she sheds her winter coat! She’s so shaggy right now, and we brush out piles of hair every day.

    And of course, I haven’t changed her name yet! Any help here would be appreciated! Her name was Daisy, but I’m not really interested in keeping that. So far I’m thinking of:
    Nar (like Narelle or Naree): it’s Aboriginal for companion
    Kesare: Spanish for long haired
    Dai: Welsh for adored one (which is good in theory, but I don’t like calling her “Dai” out loud)
    I even though of Mushu, but that’s not working for me either.
    What do you guys think? Any other suggestions?

    in reply to: Purplecat sculpts.. new moonshells pg 51 #610344

    Yeeee! I just got my conch dragonsnail! She’s up on the mantel with windstones & real shells… we’ll see how long it takes for husband to notice πŸ˜† . Thanks PC! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: New horse! Pics on 2! #691591

    Yay! I finally got a new horse! I lost T 4 weeks ago, today πŸ™ and am still in mourning, but I also really missed having a horse. So, on Wednesday I made some calls and went to look at a buckskin mare that sounded promising. She’s 10 and has some issues, but was so good with the kids on her back (plus, she’s only 14.5 hands instead of the giant T was, so it’s much easier to put them up there).

    I rode her with the saddle & bareback, and she was a sweetie (though she hadn’t been ridden in months, so the owner took her out for a hard hour long ride right before I got there… she was all sweaty & still willing to stand there for us). She doesn’t understand leg cues at all, but we’ll work together. She’s not a rescue horse like T, but I’m not ready to bring in another old horse, nor am I up to breaking a young one, and those are the ones that’ve been advertised lately. (Although, there was a gal who really wanted to buy her just to breed her, so I figure she got a better deal w/me)

    Pics soon!

    in reply to: New Curlies! Squeeeee #690582

    Aw, I missed ’em too πŸ™
    But, I made another purchase that was probably better for me anyway (new horse πŸ™‚ )

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