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  • in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection-Continued #540694

      New pics



          in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection-Continued #540689

            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Very nice collection. It’s easy to see you like earthy colors. πŸ˜€

            Thanks, I always like earthy tones. That is the reason way I like Jennifer Miller’s PYO she paint. All natural colors. πŸ˜‰ Beautiful!

            in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection-Continued #540687

              dragonessjade wrote:

              Very nice collection.

              Thank you.

              in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection-Continued #540686

                KoishiiKitty wrote:

                you have a LOVELY collection of windstones. I hope to get the circle of dragons eventulty.

                Thank you for your compliment. The Dragon Trio Candlelamp is very beautiful in person, when you get one you will not regret it!

                in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection-Continued #540682

                  [i] πŸ˜€ Hi everyone!
                  My collection is not as impressive as some, but I only get the ones that strikes me. Eventually if I can paint my PYO dragon in a beautiful brown and if it’s a success I will be selling my brown and the white young dragons.
                  The album does not show all my pieces but most of them. Once I find the other ones, I will post them. All my windstones are packed in boxes that are stored here and there where I could find space πŸ™„ and only 4 are on display.
                  Why you might ask. I need to find a place to move to that is wheelchair accessible (been looking for 3 years now πŸ™ ). Once I move only then will I purchase a glass cabinet to put them all on display.

                  Please feel free to browse the other subfolders. They are other collections like Country Artist, Marjolein Bastin, Stone Critters…Will upload more in the following weeks.

                  Here the link to my Windstone collection:


                  πŸ˜‰ Enjoy!

                  in reply to: Questions about Item #'s #560237

                    emerald212 wrote:

                    That’s really cool. I’ve seen some selenite ones and a rose quartz one, but nothing as nice as yours. Awesome!

                    Thank you Emerald.
                    I had the smokey quartz for some time. Then when I purchased the pillar, that is when the idea struck me. And voila!

                    in reply to: Questions about Item #'s #560235

                      emerald212 wrote:

                      I like the way that looks with the crysal, BDW. It lights up? Is there a cord with a light bulb that fits into it?

                      Yes it does have a cord with a light bulb.
                      Purchased it on eBay.


                      in reply to: Questions about Item #'s #560233

                        Dragon Master wrote:

                        emerald212 wrote:

                        Melody wrote:

                        Female griffin is 902
                        Sitting Griffin Chick 903
                        Crouching Griffin Chick 904
                        Curled Dragon 516

                        Did you find numbers for the Claw Foot Pillar Holders?
                        What is this Claw Foot Pillar Holder?? I saw it mentioned earlier and have no idea what it is???

                        Hi, if you want to see a picture of the Windstone Editions claw foot pillar holder, I have one pictured in the following link:
                        I use mine with a lighted crystal instaid of a candle.
                        Feel free to browse. Not all my collection is featured on this site.

                        Hooked on Windstone for life!

                        in reply to: We want pictures Miss Melody! #556531

                          [/i]Happy belated birhtday Melody! πŸ˜‰ Sorry for being late. πŸ˜₯

                          in reply to: Opinion on custom regular windstones pieces #559755

                            πŸ˜€ Hi Melody,
                            I was wondering about your opinion on customized regular Windstone pieces. How do you feel about it when someone customizes a regular piece like an old warrior or a male dragom and such?
                            Is it frowned upon?
                            Or accepted?
                            It makes a few I see on eBay and was wondering about it.
                            Please your true feelings.

                            And I would like to also hear others’ opinions on the subject. πŸ˜‰

                            in reply to: Poads on eBay! #558558
                              in reply to: Poads on eBay! #558533
                                in reply to: Brand of Pastel used for PYO? #549079

                                  ladybrooklyn wrote:

                                  Blackdesertwind wrote:

                                  Hi Ladybrooklyn,

                                  😳 Sorry me again…

                                  Where do you get your alpha colors pastels?
                                  Can I get them online?


                                  Dick Blick SHOULD have them… as should Art Supply Warehouse…

                                  I bought mine at a local art store that just closed it’s doors last year… so I don’t have anywhere LOCAL to get them… (Michael’s DOES NOT carry them GRRRR!!)

                                  You should be able to find them online… Lemme see here…

                                  Yup! Dick Blick carries Alphacolor!


                                  And it looks like Art Supply Warehouse does not carry them. πŸ˜›

                                  Now pastels aren’t for the faint of heart. πŸ˜€

                                  You know you have to use clear acrylic sealer between EACH layer to seal it right? you can’t touch the PYO… or anything until it’s sealed or you’ll mess up your work. πŸ˜€

                                  Now… Jennifer Danza (REALLY big in the model horse hobby) JUST put her “pastel basics” webpage back up… check this out… it can certainly help ya out if you’ve never pasteled before…


                                  I do things a LITTLE bit differently than Jen Danza does… but she’s a good starting place! πŸ˜€ That’s how I learned!

                                  I did see her tutorial earlier this week. It’s great! I’ve also save her previous ones.
                                  It’s just difficult for me to get started and the stores here in quebec or even Ontario, Canada don’t cary much. It’s ether too cheap or too expensive and nobody seems to know anything about the brand sold there. πŸ˜•
                                  I will pst a question in your webshot tutorial later on.
                                  Thank you for the info and sorry for all the questions I will be asking in the near future.

                                  in reply to: Brand of Pastel used for PYO? #549076

                                    Hi Ladybrooklyn,

                                    😳 Sorry me again…

                                    Where do you get your alpha colors pastels?
                                    Can I get them online?


                                    in reply to: Brand of Pastel used for PYO? #549074

                                      ladybrooklyn wrote:

                                      SilverArrow wrote:

                                      Asinnamon, I had a couple of questions:

                                      What do you use to grind down the chalk (a grater or something like that)?

                                      Also, what do you use to apply the dust to the PYO with?


                                      I just grind it down with the butt of a exacto knife… or whatever I have that I can use to crush them. πŸ˜€

                                      And I use pastel brushes and just plain paintbrishes to apply my pastels… lemme go find a pic…


                                      Here are my pastels…

                                      And here’s what I use to apply them….

                                      Notice the bottom smaller brushes are just your cheepy ones from Walmart… Michael’s… etc…

                                      The top two are actually two sets of three sized brushes… I bought them from Dick-Blick I think… or Art Supply Warehouse… Lemme find a link…

                                      ::runs off again::

                                      AH HA!! Art Supply Warehouse… that’s where I got them… here’s the link…


                                      They are GREAT for large areas… but I still use the smaller ones for detail work… or nooks that I just can’t get in with the larger ones… πŸ˜€ They blend REALLY well… love them to death. πŸ˜€

                                      MAN I still need to do that pastel tutorial I promised… 😯 As SOON as my studio is back in working order (MAN I hate moving) I’ll pastel someone!!! πŸ˜€

                                      πŸ™‚ Hi ladybrooklyn,
                                      so do you recommed these, the one mentioned in the link asinnamon gave me?
                                      Need your expertise!

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