Forum Replies Created
Here are two stickies that help you find Important links with lots of interesting stuff for all new members: us a little about yourself and your passion for Windstones. 😀
Oh! Almost forgot….Welcome to the Windstoneholics Anonymous…just kidding around!
Here are two stickies that help you find Important links with lots of interesting stuff for all new members: us a little about yourself and your passion for Windstones. 😀
Oh! Almost forgot….Welcome to the Windstoneholics Anonymous…just kidding around!
Here are two stickies that help you find Important links with lots of interesting stuff for all new members: us a little about yourself and your passion for Windstones. 😀
Oh! Almost forgot….Welcome to the Windstoneholics Anonymous…just kidding around!
Here are two stickies that help you find Important links with lots of interesting stuff for all new members: us a little about yourself and your passion for Windstones. 😀
Oh! Almost forgot….Welcome to the Windstoneholics Anonymous…just kidding around!
Here are two stickies that help you find Important links with lots of interesting stuff for all new members: us a little about yourself and your passion for Windstones. 😀
Oh! Almost forgot….Welcome to the Windstoneholics Anonymous…just kidding around!
“CHEETAH” CROUCHING GRIFFIN CHICK FIGURINE #3 PAINTED & SIGNED BY M. PENA // TWO EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!Bzj(cswBWk~$(KGrHqJ,!joEw5JYckHjBMWhRS0tEQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!Bzj(fwg!2k~$(KGrHqJ,!hwEw5MiBBT0BMWhRcWwsw~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!Bzj(ieQBmk~$(KGrHqR,!h4Ew5BV!!lYBMWhRkcEVg~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!Bzj(oWgBWk~$(KGrHqV,!jEEw5mP+TBOBMWhR32bIQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!Bzj(qtwBGk~$(KGrHqR,!i4Ew5QsJdN!BMWhR+k(dg~~_3.JPG[/img]
“UNDERWING MOTH” POAD™ FIGURINE #1 PAINTED & SIGNED BY M. PENA // THREE EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!BzoY7mg!mk~$(KGrHqR,!i!Ew5Gng6BZBMW2UIok+!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzoY-TwCGk~$(KGrHqZ,!h4Ew5Cnom2WBMW2UU!qEw~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzoZBR!Bmk~$(KGrHqF,!jcEw5Eush!zBMW2Ue79,w~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzoZJfQ!mk~$(KGrHqV,!jkEw41dobfmBMW2U9S,PQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzoZPNgEWk~$(KGrHqZ,!jQEw5Ptp(lDBMW2VRB9bw~~_3.JPG[/img]
Almost looks like a skull painted on there in the first poad picture. 😆BAY DUN “OVERO” GRAND UNICORN FIGURINE #1 PAINTED & SIGNED BY M. PENA // TWO EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!BzVVi0gBGk~$(KGrHqIOKnUEw9C,gcTMBMVjyWi9qQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzVVoJQBGk~$(KGrHqQOKjgE)N2mYk-rBMVjyy8Y3Q~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzVVpngEWk~$(KGrHqEOKjEE)T(ZLuKFBMVjy5ts!Q~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzVVulQB2k~$(KGrHqIOKm8Ew9GZh0NIBMVjzRC6wg~~_3.JPG[/img]
SAVANNAH FEMALE GRIFFIN STATUE TEST PAINT #3 PAINTED & SIGNED BY M. PENA // TWO EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!BzZySVgCGk~$(KGrHqV,!h0Ew5(Ib!FSBMV3rr!tjw~~_12.JPG[/img][img]!BzZyWqw!mk~$(KGrHqJ,!h!Ew5I(pyeSBMV3r-DnH!~~_12.JPG[/img][img]!BzZydpQB2k~$(KGrHqZ,!hYEw5P05ggIBMV3se(ECw~~_12.JPG[/img][img]!BzZygqQCWk~$(KGrHqZ,!ioEw5P+96RHBMV3srB9Rw~~_12.JPG][/img][img]!BzZyZ4wBmk~$(KGrHqN,!h0Ew5M8dgB)BMV3sM8+)!~~_12.JPG[/img]Michel, my son took the news of Raven better then I thought he would. I had alot to explain since he had so many questions about him, death and the future.
He also wants another kitty. 🙂This video was taken on June 25th 2010….Raven was euthanised on July 28th 2010 due to stomach cancer. Hard to believe he deteriorated so fast when he was so playfull all the time right up to the last 3 days before his death.“SABINO” OVERO GRAND UNICORN FIGURINE #1 TEST PAINT // PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!BzHpisw!mk~$(KGrHqIOKj4Ewg)g9yY7BMUjt6zJgg~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzHj7TwEWk~$(KGrHqUOKjUE)K,pWvP9BMUjSl3RhQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzHj9sQBGk~$(KGrHqEOKnQEw8ojvO2CBMUjSwCFUg~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzHj+vgBGk~$(KGrHqMOKi8E)IIIdT8DBMUjS553N!~~_3.JPG[/img]
“GREEN FIRE” PROTOTYPE OLD WARRIOR DRAGON #1 TEST PAINT // PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!BzLvH8QBmk~$(KGrHqQOKkIE)NO1HJr8BMU4WIrYKw~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzLyplwB2k~$(KGrHqUOKnIEw9VyLDzbBMU4pmMqpQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzLvNzgBGk~$(KGrHqYOKj!E)Olf,jgOBMU4WlWpCw~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzLvQbg!Wk~$(KGrHqIOKk!E)OcTqjdZBMU4Wzg5wQ~~_3.JPG[/img]
“DAPPLE GREY” HIPPOGRIFF CANDLE LAMP #2 PAINTED & SIGNED BY M. PENA // THREE EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!BzL9BYQ!mk~$(KGrHqF,!jMEw5DMd7Z)BMU5pLue5Q~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzL64d!BGk~$(KGrHqF,!jMEw5DMd7Z)BMU5brE5K!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzL68gw!mk~$(KGrHqR,!ioEw5G!hLf4BMU5cGi1!g~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzL6-,gCGk~$(KGrHqV,!jUEw44LNq9gBMU5cSOGM!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!BzL7CNQBWk~$(KGrHqJ,!h4Ew5Hd,rhsBMU5cre,w!~~_3.JPG[/img]etruscan wrote:Thank you very much for doing this! 🙂 I really enjoy reading the comments and seeing what does (or does not) appeal to people.
Huh thanks 😳
Rusti wrote:Aw, I’m so sorry BDW. I just put my 14 year old german shepherd to sleep this past Friday and I’m still smarting myself. It’s such a miserable thing to have to do and go through.
Oh Rusty I’m so sorry. 😥
Was he sick? 🙁 -