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I was reading about my symptoms and alot of them has to do with “Retinal Detachment” 😮
I’m going to see someone tomorrow after work!Adaneth wrote:I’ve had eye strain all right, but never like that. For me it usually crops up on the bus first because of all the jiggling motion, and it’s just too hard to focus on what I’m reading. I have to pinch the bridge of my nose or cover one eye, and I slow to a crawl with reading speed, the effort just isn’t worth the trouble.
Honestly, that sounds a little more disturbing than just eyestrain, but maybe someone who’s had migrane or the like can chime in. 😕
I was feeling fine though through it all. No headach or dizzyness…notingHey guys…I just had an episode. I’m not sure exactly what happened 😕
I was staring at the computer and got up to take some Celebrex for my back and my leg since they are killing me and I want to be in working order for tomorrow.
I then went to check on Michel in the bathroom and sat back down in front of the computer…..about 30 minutes after I had a small line smack in the middle of my vision, so I had to read the words by looking up or sideways abit. I thought I must have stared at a light for to long or something. I was feeling ok, not dizzy or anything.
But then that line got bigger and started to move towards the left in both eyes! Then it changed into a half circle from the top of the eyes circleling the left to the bottom of the eyes. The only way I can describe it it’s like looking at a road when it’s real hot….you know it looks like a mirage. It shifts and shakes and full of colors…but yet you can’t see what’s on the otherside. It lasted a good 20 minutes! Meanwhile i was wondering what was happening to me and who was going to stay with Michel and who would drive me to the hospital. 🙄
I’m going senile!
It’s gone now but my eyes kind of hurt. :scratch:
Did any of you ever suffer from that?Thanks Jen and Mmloda. I’m relieved to know she’s ok 🙂
darjeb wrote:Oh BDW my deepest sympathy goes out to you and Michael, I am so sorry to hear about Raven. Before Tristen I had a blue female chow and for the last 6 months of her life I had her at the vets about every other week or so telling her there was something wrong with her she didn’t feel good and they missed the cancer it was way up on the back of her throat and apparently that is a area that is hard to see. I told my present vet about that and he also told me it was a hard place to diagnose
😥 I’m sorry darjeb about your blue chow.
It really sucks to lose one to cancer when they are still young.
I do fell robed from years of life we should have had with Raven.
I printed this pic of Raven and have it next to the couch….I’m always looking at it. It is still difficult to believe he’s gone. 😥 Everytime I see it, it brings tears to my eyes.
Here are two stickies that help you find Important links with lots of interesting stuff for all new members: us a little about yourself and your passion for Windstones. 😀
Oh! Almost forgot….Welcome to the Windstoneholics Anonymous…just kidding around!
Michel had a great birthday! 😀
And he thanks you for the wishes.
I’m sorry you lost him…he was a beauty. 🙁
Birds are very difficult to dignose since they rarely show any sign until it’s almost to late. 🙄Congrats to the new parents and to you aunty!
My G.. is that your two boys for real! 😮 What did you feed them? They are men! Well almost…. 😆Rakshar wrote:I’m not even too sure what I should say here that won’t come off cheesy, so Hello everybody and hopefully I’ll get the jive of this place soon.
Thanks Blackdesertwind for your greeting!
You are welcome!
Noting is ever cheesy enough here 😆
I hope you’ll stay a while and enjoy the forum. Lots of very nice people on here. 🙂
Here are two stickies that help you find Important links with lots of interesting stuff for all new members: us a little about yourself and your passion for Windstones. 😀
Oh! Almost forgot….Welcome to the Windstoneholics Anonymous…just kidding around!