if it was later in the year i would take photos but since they are newborns,t hey have no feathers and are very susceptible to drafts. and there are 5 babies total now haha.
I agree, that pyo dragon by hannah is beautiful. I cant wait to share with you guys the piece i commissioned her to make for me, painted in the colors of one of my favorite minerals. Its not even finished and its amazing lol. i forsee commissioning her many more times in the future. at least as many as she will let me hahahaha.
yeah that pyo. according to her ebay listings those spots should actually glow in the dark. i was curious if you had tested to see how brigth they are in the dark.
first windstone was the emerald green scratcher. He has a few tiny dings here and there but overall he looks amazing. I want photos of Hanna’s collection too. 😛