Forum Replies Created
Just to be clear, i agree with Jennifer on the cruel conditions many fish are bred in or harvested. bettas are a huge passion of mine and i maintain them in every tank. I also have several tanks of multiple bettas. I find them to be exceptional in multi-species tanks or solo. The breeding conditions for them are atrocious and the myth that they do fine in just a cup of water is outrageous.I find it very difficult to leave stores with them swimming in a cup of there own excretions. As to neons, I have never had issues with neons. They have been exceptional additions to all my tanks and were the first fish i ever had. If you cycle tanks properly (as Jennifer has mentioned) there should not be a problem. and i agree with all her advice other then to exclude neons and bettas. I think they are fine additions to any starter tank.
I do not suggest guppies actually for first time tanks because they breed like crazy and a small tank will get overwhelmed quickly. corys and neons do not breed easily so your tank will have just the right amount of fish without the worry of over crowding.
a ten gallon would be fine for a first time tank. If you decide to go with live pants, i would suggest gravel for the base. that way food waste and animal poop will collect, forming a substrate to feed the plants. i suggest cory fish as bottom feeders, neon fish (cheep and flashy) and one male betta fish for that bit of pizaz. the male bettas will leave your other fish alone. they only go after other male bettas or maybe a guppy that has a particularly brilliant tail. do not get a pleco. they will get to be 10 inches long over time and hard to re-home. i would say no more then 8 neons 3 cory and one betta in the tank. you can buy decent tank setups that will include everything you need. just make sure you get a heater for the tank.
December 18, 2015 at 12:10 am in reply to: Safari | Simple | Hoppy – GB Young Poad Show Off Thread! #938335woohoo! good luck everyone on your poads. I bought one of the new hippos for hannah to paint for me later on 😛
I would contact Paypal. They have always given me great customer service. Maybe they can tell you what the hold up is.
I just spent the last 30 min looking through everyone’s collection photos and it was like window shopping therapy haha. Everyone’s collections are amazing and I cannot wait to see what 2016 brings. I really appreciate the time and attention to detail that Melody and her painters bring to these creations. And I also really appreciate everyone taking the time to share their beauties as their collections evolve.
Why cant i be moderately wealthy so i could dump a fortune on that old warrior that was just listed…that guy is amazing!!!!
woohoo happy bday!!!
lol your loan pastel tad looks a bit intimidated
thanks guys. i have had a wonderful and busy birthday weekend. hopefully things will be a bit calmer tomorrow and i can get around to answering these forum messages. im out again now haha
Woohoo! its my Bday Nov 13th! I was born on a friday the 135h which may explain a lot haha. I am super excited this year because I get to go to the Fluorite Museum in MArion, Ky. So excited haha. after the museum, we are going to go collecting.
awe, mr chipmunk so so darn cute haha
ooo love your blue black and pink one hannah!