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  • in reply to: Classified Ads are OPEN! (IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!) #877493

      I like the idea, mainly for 2 reasons: Dead add will automatically disappear, which will make searching much easier, and I agree with Hannah, it will get rid of the whole bumping issue.

      There’s a whole forum for us to chat on, surely being unable to chat in this one particular section isn’t that big a deal, and will help make the whole thing more fair and efficient.

      Hear Hear! I love the idea, mainly because once something is sold, and expired, it’s gone! So when you go to search for an item for sale, most likely it will actually still be available! Thanks Pam!

      Keeper of the Fledgings

      in reply to: Dearest Melody… #877492

        I adore the Sand Color, but understand it’s too hard to really do LP. :Treasures my Sand Fledge:

        Keeper of the Fledgings

        in reply to: mythical creature? #876864

          Mythical Creature: Fairy Dragon
          Real animal: A house cat

          Keeper of the Fledgings

          in reply to: PT's PYOs – New Stuff (bottom pg 2) #876404

            Very pretty! where did you get the cat eyes for the tuxedo dragon?

            Keeper of the Fledgings

            in reply to: BVEP Fledgies… #876317

              I’m guessing these guys did not go in last night since I never got a restock announcement?

              Keeper of the Fledgings

              in reply to: BVEP Fledgies… #876236

                ok, I might be away from the store for a few minutes while driving home from week. I am offering a bounty/reward to anyone who can help me get a fledgie! I desperately need one! Pm me if you can help!

                Keeper of the Fledgings

                in reply to: WHINE is served #876005

                  When my dad had cancer the doctor he had was an idiot . Giving him expensive drugs that were not helping . He lived 5 years with one lung . My mom nearly died because a drug company person wanted a drug pushed . If they hadn’t taken it off her she would have died in two days . She was the one who overheard the drug rep telling her doctor to push the drug .
                  I think there are good caring doctors around . But the bad ones just make everything worse for them .

                  And This is exactly the problem of having only one side of a story.
                  The doctor who treated your father was “an idiot” because he gave expensive drugs? Wello, guess what? Doctors have to “harm” a patient with Chemo and radiation in the cases of agressive cancer just to have a chance to save them. Read it again Sasha…”A CHANCE TO SAVE THEM”. No drug works the same for everyone. No doctor can predict how a drug will work, if it will help, if it will hurt because everybody is DIFEERENT. And there is no way to cure cancer. Sadly, we do NOT know everything yet, and “Expenisive?” Again, much like insurance companies, drug companies charge a lot of money for some drugs. The excuse is they charge that much so they can afford research into new drugs. Truth? I don’t know, because I DO NOT WORK IN THE DRUG FIELD.

                  And your mother overheard a drug rep trying to “push” a drug? Maybe it was because the rep though it might help her given her symptoms. As you were not there and your mother “overheard” something, you have no idea what the doctor or the rep really may have meant. And that is what I meant by “generalizations.” You simply SHOULD NOT make them if you do not know the whole story, and you don’t.

                  I am sorry about your parents, I really am. I have been the patient, too. I have had all the tests, and the frustration of a problem that will not go away.

                  But until you walk a mile in the shoes of a nurse, or an x-ray tech, a doctor or medical biller, please STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS about us. Most of care. and I cannot tell you how hurtful people like you are to us, as well as patients we cannot help, cannot save, or refuse to be helped. I deal with nastiness every day, from patients, insurance companies, and frustrated doctors. I have had an insurance company tell me that my patient doesn’t need a test that might help their pain, or save their life, even though they have never even met the patient, just because the test doesn’t meet certain criteria in some little book.

                  People with ignorant options don;t help anything and eventually, when all of us are forced to leave the health field because we can’t take the stress of it all anymore, there will be NO ONE left to take care of anyone.

                  AND with that, I am now DONE with the conversation, as it’s way too upsetting to continue.

                  Keeper of the Fledgings

                  in reply to: Frustration Scream Thread! #875987

                    Ah, I talked to hubby at lunch. He said he was just upset they didn’t come out right, and when I come home and make the new batch, could he please watch so he can learn to do them right in case this happens again? Okay…so…deep breath, and sigh, now.

                    Keeper of the Fledgings

                    in reply to: Frustration Scream Thread! #875965

                      Ever had one of the days where you screw one thing up, and then everything else follows? I’m screaming right now about last night/this morning!
                      I forgot my father’s b-day for the 1st time in 30 years. Now I have covered my siblings butts and reminded them about b-days their entire lives, and so has my mother. But did anyone call me? Nope…because I “would never forget something like that.” So my mothers wait three days to call me, and then it’s to ask if I’m still alive, since I never would have forgotten otherwise. (aside the fact that I’m working full-time, with a 3 year old, etc.) But excuses aside, I should not have forgotten. So I felt horrible, and decided to make him cookies and overnight them to him. I had enought time to make the batter, and stick in the fridge before going to appt I couldn;t miss, figuring I could finish them after the appt. However, when i get home, I smell cookies. My lovely, dear husband had decided to finish them for me, so I wouldn;t have to stay up late. Problem is, he overcooked them all. So I swallow my frustration, and thank him for the help, and can;t sleep all night thinking about should I send my father the overcooked cookies (which he won;t like, since he is very particular), for his already missed birthday, or should I remake them, but upset my husband, who really was trying to help?
                      And this morning, i decide to remake them, but now hubby is upset that he “ruined” the other ones. So either way I’m a bad guy. Screaming now…

                      Keeper of the Fledgings

                      in reply to: WHINE is served #875962

                        Doctors should remember the oath they toke when they became doctors . Egos are over blown by ideas of money and power .

                        People who are not Doctors and not in the medical field should also wait/do research before jumping to conclusion about a situation they know nothing about. Medcine is supposedly a science, and so people think that we in the medical field know everything about every problem. Here’s the problem: we don’t know everything yet, and sometimes medicine and practicing it is nothing but a guessing game. And all those tests no wants to pay for because they are expensive, are being ordered because without tests and x-rays, and mri’s etc, we have no idea what is going on in your body, and cannot treat a problem blindly. And you don’t like the costs? Take that up with the insurance companies! They pay only a small fraction of your bills. And doctors have to charge stupid amounts of money for any little test/procedure/visit BECAUSE THE INSURANCE COMPANIES pay only small amounts. Your bill may say $160. The doctor probably gets pay between 20-40 based on each insurance companies’ re-imbursement rate, which the doctor now has to use to pay his/her staff, insurance (for all the inevitable malpractice suits, many of them frivolous lawsuits), and up keep for the office, supplies for the tests, etc. So profit for that $160 test? Maybe a couple of bucks. The more problems you have the more complicated everything becomes.

                        And yes, there are doctors who only care about money, are incompetant, mean etc. but the greater majority went into the field of medicine for a reason: to help people. And considering the hassle of school, insurance companies, grumpy/frustrated patients who take NO responsibility for their own care and treatment, and don;t even listen to you or the doctors when you are trying to explain WHY the Treatment/test is necessary, I don’t know why most of us bother anymore…oh yeah, it’s because we still CARE, and are trying our best to help the patient, even when they won;t help themselves! So yeah….please don;t generalize, because in general, it’s not true, and no one ever writes about the doctor who figured it out, or the test that saved their lives, just like most news is about bad things happening, not good.

                        Keeper of the Fledgings

                        in reply to: The Winner of Quest 4 #875961

                          Congrats! This Quest was tough!

                          Keeper of the Fledgings

                          in reply to: More Rainbows? #875692

                            I can’t even tell you how much I would beg and adore if there were some more ?Rainbow OW, laps, curls, and most especially SK done. There were only ever one or two small batches of any of these. Oh, please! We could send bribes!

                            Keeper of the Fledgings

                            in reply to: Grab Bag Young Poad 2/22/12 Batch Trade Thread! #875667

                              Hmm, so I’m looking to trade one, maybe both of my fantasy poads. Not sure yet. Not even really sure what I would want to trade them for, either. They both very pretty, but someone just traded me the “siamese” poad I wanted, and not sure about these too.

                              EDIT: Brown eyed Poad is Traded! Thanks!
                              For the butterfly winged one, I might keep her, but might still be interested in a trade for a different critter. Maybe a bigger poad, esp if they look vaguely siamese, maybe a dragon, especially of the fledgeling or rainbow variety, maybe a GBB unicron, but I would be very picky about which one. Maybe for another fantasy poad, but it would have to have the butterfly wings, and be more of a purple, or pink heavy color.





                              Keeper of the Fledgings

                              in reply to: WHINE is served #875670

                                Just a minor, stupid whine. A Rainbow OW came up on e-bay (one of my dream pieces), it is at a reasonable price right now but I’m sure it will go way out of my current available price range. And even that current price range is stretching the budget. It stinks that when you are the least able to buy a piece the ones you REALLY want to own happen along. :S boogers.

                                I’m RIGHT there with you. I was trying for that rainbow lap the other day and put in the max I could squeeze together and someone bid it up a ton at the last second. 🙁

                                I lost a rainbow hatching empress the same way.

                                I’m not sure about even bothering on most ebay stuff any more. There are just too many folks with far deeper pockets than me. 🙂

                                I agree. I guess I will just keep hoping that someday I will be able to pay the going price for the sculpts I want. I’m after rainbows as well and they are popular. 🙂

                                Hmm… same here. I’m not even going to try bidding on the OW…it’ll be way out of my price range, anyhow. Just wish more of the rainbow lap, OW, and curlie had been made….sigh. Just resigned to never complete my rainbow collection either.whine.

                                Keeper of the Fledgings


                                  Ok, so here’s mine and a surprise one, too. Hubby wouldn’t be able to get one, so he ordered me one. Pretty sure I will be trading one of them for something different. But thought I’d share them.

                                  Mine-kind of a rainbowy peacock one with wings


                                  Hubby’s Present-a coppery tiger stripey one.


                                  Keeper of the Fledgings

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