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  • in reply to: I got my swap! #739571

    OOhhhh, 2 more pretties πŸ˜€ This is so much fun!

    in reply to: I got my swap! #739544

    Pretty, pretty!

    in reply to: Read any good books lately? #740416

    Does anyone else get depressed when they finish a series? I actually get sad when I finish up a series. It’s like saying goodbye to good friends. I know I’ll find another series I like just as much, but I still want to know what happens to these characters I have fallen in love with!

    Like with this last Holly Lisle series…Do Lauren and Molly succeed in fixing the entire world chain? Does Molly get a new soul? What happens between Lauren and Pete? What role is Jake going to play in the future? What about Baanraak and Molly, do they work for good or end up going evil??

    See, I still wanna know more πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Bakugans?? #740498

    Both our walmart & toys r us are sold out…even online. Did not check target….ended up ordering a ‘red pack’ from someplace on amazon…

    My boy worked SO hard to earn it too! He was getting a lot of reminders(little cards the kids get when they are not abiding by classroom rules, 3 in one day = no recess). So, Noah had to go a whole 5 day week with no reminders. It took him 4 weeks to finally have a full week without a single reminder…

    in reply to: Read any good books lately? #740414

    I just got done reading 2 different series from Holly Lisle, both good reads. Read Rhiannons Ride by Kate Forsyth, fairly good quick read. I’m in the middle of Kate Elliott’s Crown of Stars series…um, what else…Ofcourse eternally waiting for George RR Martin to get off his bum and finish A Dance With Dragons…Jennifer Roberson’s Karavans series has been excellent, I’m looking forward to the next one.

    I burn thru books when I like them πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Bakugans?? #740493

    What is the deal with these things??!! My 7 year old is SOOOOOO into this little guys and I can never find them in the stores. Are they popular or gone by?

    in reply to: LAST CALL!!! Are you ready for the swap? #730924

    Mine went out too. I got to the PO just in the kick of time, turns out my back woods post office closes at 4:30!! πŸ˜•

    in reply to: LAST CALL!!! Are you ready for the swap? #730915

    All packed up and headed out to the PO this afternoon. I wanna keep him tho. I actually really like him, can I post pics now?? πŸ˜† Just kidding…

    in reply to: LAST CALL!!! Are you ready for the swap? #730854

    and ofcourse it’s raining here today, which for me means extra long drying times πŸ™„

    in reply to: LAST CALL!!! Are you ready for the swap? #730849

    I’m one of those deliquents that hasn’t sent pics yet 😳 I still have a decent amount of work to do, but will be working on it today and tomorrow.

    I have been so crazy busy w/ the boxer that life has just sorta sped by and I can’t beleive Thanksgiving is right around the corner!!

    in reply to: LAST CALL!!! Are you ready for the swap? #730825

    dragonmedley wrote:

    Phoenix wrote:

    I don’t know what to do! I just broke mine!!!
    I was putting finishing touches on him and I dropped him and smash! He didn’t drop very hard, but he shattered πŸ˜₯
    What do I do? I don’t think I have anything that I can do in its place and I’m gone all next week at the horse show!
    DM, What should I do?

    😯 😯 😯

    I’m always deathly afraid that it’ll happen to me! I emailed you.

    Oh NO! Yup, I’m always afraid of that too! I need to post about just such an thing(not my swap piece tho). I bet you and DM can work something out. I know if you were my swapee I wouldn’t mind waiting πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Anyone know anything about skunks? #735923

    purplecat wrote:

    twindragonsmum wrote:

    AAAawwww!!!!!!!! What a cute little pew!!!! πŸ˜€

    *heart melts*

    in reply to: New addition!! #735949

    Emma is getting better and better guys! Its like we have had her forever. She sleeps with my son almost all night now, every night!!

    Her skin infection is still an issue, but we are working hard to control her symptoms. It’s a battle, but I’m learning a lot about allergens and foods and medications and holistic approaches.

    She is so happy all the time, a little ray of sunshine!

    in reply to: Anyone know anything about skunks? #735919

    Smell is all gone, thank goodness! Yes, up here rabies is always a concern(new hampshire). We don’t have a ton of it, but there is some. Doggies & kitties have thier shots, just in case πŸ™‚

    in reply to: New addition!! #735943

    ruffian wrote:

    asinnamon wrote:

    Yah, it’s not ‘breed standard’ and so frowned upon by breeders, but the whitey’s still appear somehow πŸ˜‰ They tend to have alot of health problems like blindness and deafness, not to mention skin problems and allergies. Emma however just sufferes from selective hearing and skin allergens.

    These would be the reasons that they are frowned upon, there are BYB that will purposely breed them, and inexperienced breeders get them quite often. You can not breed flashy to flashy (boxers with the white markings) because you will likely have white puppies. The health problems listed are very very common in whites, on top of the health problems Boxers commonly have such as HD and cancer.

    She is a beaut though, have you had her hearing tested?

    Yes, ditto everything you said ruffian. No, no thoughts of testing her hearing, LOL! She *hears* just fine, listening on the other hand…. πŸ˜† she is so sweet! Her and delilah are at thier gramma and grandpa’s house until saterday or sunday and I miss em! Just me and the kids tonight and nothing to protect me if the boogie man comes around! πŸ˜†

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 725 total)