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  • in reply to: Discussing your favorites #714563

    I remember reading in New York Times Magazine that according to the website Urban Dictionary, male characters in movies/TV series who are perceived as being written unrealistically and appearing too perfect are sometimes referred to as “manicorns.” 😆

    in reply to: Photo Competition VOTING TIME! #813843

    skigod377 wrote:

    Can someone who is a picture taker explain the whole issue about taking pics? When the first competition came out and pics could be up to three years old, I was really surprised by that. Why cant new pics be taken? I understand for professional photos, a great shot can take many many pics and being at just the right place and just the right time with just the right light, but this is just an amateur little photo competition. I dont understand what the whole issue is with going outside and taking a cool pic and submitting it. I am not being sarcastic or anything, so please dont take it that way… I really want to know so that I can come up with decent rules for this style competition. 🙂

    Your rules are very fair and well stated; I was just making chitchat. You need not feel insecure. I think that perhaps members including myself were simply thinking in terms of our own perceptions of what might actually win a contest, I don’t know. I probably have some eligible photos, and I could always shoot something new. I might not enter though, since I heard about the contest at the last minute, and others will most likely enjoy entering more than I would. 🙂 Have fun everyone!

    in reply to: Trio Dragon Candle Lamp #815316

    squeek*It would be great as a limited run, and certainly would compliment the painted cat trio candlelamp very well.squeek*


    in reply to: Photo Competition VOTING TIME! #813840

    @ ghostndragon

    I know, I’m in the same situation. :yes: This contest sounds like fun, but my favorite photos are few years old too. I guess it’s to keep the whole thing spur of the moment. 😕

    in reply to: Welcome testing! #815713

    @ WindstoneCollector

    XD HAHAHAHAHAHA…oh geez…
    Thanks for the video; talk about dachshunds chasing donuts down the Lincoln Tunnel… 😳
    OK, we’re waaaay off topic here…

    in reply to: Welcome TalonaCat! #810862

    Welcome ~ ~ TalonaCat!

    —> I’m sorry for your loss; keep checking eBay as well. I’ve seen a lot of white/pearl dragons up for auction there.
    Take care and best of
    luck to you,
    from Zephyr

    in reply to: Removed #815724

    Yeah, it’s funny — I couldn’t sleep and pulled an all-nighter, that’s how I saw the post. 😳

    in reply to: Oh no… SPAM!!! #815736

    Thanks Pegasi1978, I sent Jennifer a message regarding the spam as well. It was a private message, but either way she’ll hear about it. :yes:

    in reply to: Welcome glollaWothelt! #815728

    🙁 Everyone, I think this member is posting spam, I just wrote about it under Community.

    in reply to: Oh no… SPAM!!! #815734

    Guys, I think there is spam on the forum again. Someone calling themselves glollaWothelt is posting Viagra-related gibberish under a topic labeled “Six Months After Pakistan Earthquake.” The topic can be found under General Windstone. It’s really bizare, trust me. 😮 You have to see it to believe it.

    in reply to: Welcome glollaWothelt! #815726

    WELCOME glollaWothelt!

    —> From Zephyr

    in reply to: Welcome testing! #815709

    Welcome to the neighborhood testing!

    —> From Zephyr

    in reply to: Melody! *whines* I'm having Dalmatian Dreams! #815695

    Thanks Melody, that’s so sweet! I’m very happy for you drag0nfeathers, how exciting! 🙂 I’ve got a few ideas for new Windstone colors myself, I’ll probably post about them at some point.

    in reply to: Welcome soccercrazy! #815614


    —> From Zephyr

    in reply to: How do you like your eggs? #792660

    Hmmm, let’s see. I enjoy eggs scrambled, sunny side down, hard-boiled, or prepared as omelets. Mushroom Swiss cheese omelets and aged white cheddar spinach omelets are my favorites. I preferred egg whites as a child, but I now I love the yolks. I still discard every other yolk when I make egg salad though. (I feel that it makes it more palatable) Personally, I find real sausage to be a bit heavy in the morning; Whole Foods brand soy sausage is remarkably good and perfect for breakfast if you have trouble with grease. I miss eating egg drop soup; I had to stop because I found that the MSG made me dizzy. Sometimes for a bit of variety, instead of ordering hash browns with my eggs at the local diner, I ask for sweet potato fries. Yum! I think that a frittata makes an excellent dinner; does anyone here like quiche? Thanks for the suggestion Miraeko, I’m definitely going to try eggs in a basket.

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