Just got my wolf griffin chicks in the mail yesterday.. soo cute! Love the little kitten butt on the crouching chick! ha ha
EmP Curl should arrive next week.. drool.. next paycheck I will order the gold and white too.. 🙂 I’m getting them shipped to me at work so my hubby does not see the mysterious box at the door.
PYO Muse and Male wolf Griffin on my list of next to get.
Goodness you all are a bad influence. To think I only had a peacock skratching dragon this January. Since then I got a OW in peacock, Trio of dragons (as a belated holiday gift) Critic bookends, BG hatching dragon for easter, and a Rainbow emperor for myself. .. lets not mention the rainbow family for my mother.. (Emp, Male, Mother, Hatching, Young and Fledgling)..