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  • WOW – I was on when they appeared and hit the button to buy one…and they were gone! They were literally gone in 1 second! Oh well – better luck next time. 🙁

    in reply to: What's being painted for the store? #886012

    Thanks Melody & Pam! And really I would not be choosy about which color Secret Keeper comes out in – I just really really want one! They’re kind of expensive though, so I am hoping that I have the cash ready for when/if they do hit the store! I’ll quit harassing about it now! 0:)

    in reply to: 2012 Windstone Ebay Auctions Thread 2 #885678

    :X Oh my – I stand corrected and embarrassed. :p

    I always wondered why Pam Thompson would have P.S. for initials. Now I know that I was wrong…sorry for the confusion. :bigsmile: And thank you for correcting me.

    Well then, I am a huge fan of P.S. – even if I’m not really sure of what the initials stand for.

    in reply to: What's being painted for the store? #885676

    I know you are all extremely busy and I really dont want to annoy anyone here, but back in April it was said that there were some BVP SK’s going into the store “soon” and I remember seeing pictures of them also. I think I asked about them in May too. Sorry to be a pain, but are they still coming or did I miss out or…?

    in reply to: 2012 Windstone Ebay Auctions Thread 2 #885674

    My Eggplant #1 male just arrived last night and, although there are some who don’t think it was that great of a color scheme, I think it is absolutely beautiful – especially in person. I love the purple! He has taken his place next to 5 of my other E-Bay auction purchases done by the wonderfully talented Pam Thompson…and at the moment I am high bidder on my #7 Pam Thompson E-Bay auction…although I would guess that I will likely lose that one because I have really gone over budget on these. I really wanted that stunning Koi #1 Sun Dragon or the Ball Python #1 Moon Dragon that Melody did – but they went way over my budget. Perhaps I just need to save up for the next Sun or Moon E-Bay special.

    In sort of an attampt to “make amends” with Fairyhearted, I contacted the E-Bay seller and asked him whether the picture he posted was “borrowed” or not since I would be interested in buying it. Following is his response:

    “Hi thanks! I can email you actual photos of the dragon, At the time I had no camera and needed to post it quickly so used photos I found. I intended to upload them to ebay and remove the others but ebay will not let me change the photos sadly. Is there an email address I can email the photos to? The one I have looks exactly the same and in great condition =)”

    So apparently E-Bay won’t let him change the pictures? I assume he is telling the truth, but I have never sold anything on E-Bay so I don’t know.

    The only point I was trying to make was that you are all stressed out that someone won’t respond to your questions/comments. Communication was all I asked of you, but you didn’t respond to me either. Just noting the irony…

    And yes, Littleironhorse – you are correct. I should not do this in public. For that I apologize to Fairyhearted and anyone else.

    Irony is what I would call it…or maybe karma.

    Personally I would recommend that you give them the same patience and understanding that you expected from me regarding the sale of your item. First it was extending the end date over and over and then you just changed your mind about selling it and pulled the add…without even a quick message to me saying you changed your mind and are not going to sell it. Especially after I asked you for some sort of response…you can’t demand courtesy when you won’t give it yourself.

    in reply to: 2012 Windstone Ebay Auctions Thread 2 #881509

    I agree – the new COA’s are nice. I got one with my new Baroque Black #1 male that I bought for…well it was more like I stole it for the price I paid! I swear, everyone must have fallen asleep when the bidding on him ended – much to my very happy surprise!

    in reply to: Winner of the May 2012 raffle #881190

    Congratulations! 🙂

    in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #881111

    My “squeaks” would be –

    Definately make some Secret Keepers in any color available…I know that there’s supposed to be 3 in the BVP color coming soon, but if I’m not online at the exact moment they go on sale I’m sure they will be sold in about .08 seconds. 😉

    Also, I have an absolute, desperate NEED for a dragon – any dragon – in the Autumn Leaf color. I think this is one of the coolest colors I have ever seen.

    Also any Violet Flame and, to a slightly lesser degree, Red Fire.

    Oh – also we need more Oriental Dragons – Sun, moon, etc.

    But mostly the Secret Keepers and the Autumn Leafs – An Autumn Leaf Secret Keeper would probably be my most prized possession if it were to happen! :love:

    Still, if none of these can happen – thank you for all the beautiful dragons that I do have!

    in reply to: What's being painted for the store? #879831

    I’m just curious, and forgive me if I missed the answer, but did the BVP Secret Keepers ever get stocked? Or did I just miss them? It’s just that I need a SK to complete my collection. And when I say complete, I mean that I have all the other “types” of dragons except for the Secret Keeper. Of course my collection will never truly be complete – I just need the Secret Keeper. And I do like the BVP color, but really any color SK would do…so, again I am sorry if I missed it – but is there an update on the status? :bigsmile:

    in reply to: Winner of the April. 2012 raffle is… #879378

    Congratulations Jellyfish! You got a nice one!

    in reply to: Celebrating the artists here . I love PYO pieces . #879281

    Oh my gosh Sasha, those are nice! I’m just getting to the point of having a somewhat respectable dragon collection, but I can see that I need to start a unicorn collection as well. I love your pieces – especially that Halloween one. I agree, there are so many very talented artists here!

    in reply to: 2012 Windstone Ebay Auctions Thread 2 #879280

    I won the Spring Copper #1 fledgeling – yay me! I am surprised I actually got one. Usually there is a flurry of bids literally at the last second and I lose out (I’ve tried to get so many of these…well the ones that aren’t out of my financial reach anyway), but this time I won! Getting one of these “one of a kind” or “limited edition” or in this case the “test paint” one’s is so exciting for me. I have looked at some of the members collections and they are so awesome, so it might not be such a big deal to some of the more veteran collectors, but it almost feels like I’m getting an Oscar or something! This week, including the above mentioned fledgeling, I should be receiving (from Windstone and E-bay) dragon numbers 21, 22, 23 and 24 in my collection. 24 dragons is small compared to a lot of you, but I’m finally building the family up!

    Now I just need those Secret Keepers to get re-stocked… :bigsmile:

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