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  • in reply to: Poads!! Will they be auction, direct or stores?? #549830

    ddvm wrote:

    For those of us who are computer doofuses – we could number them with number 1 being the one with the pepperoni in the beak and counting clockwise. With that scheme #12 would be the white one. Makes sense or clear as mud?

    My favorites are #1,2,5,9 and 11.

    Using this scheme, I’m lovin’ on the tabby ones in semi normal colors, poads being poads and all: # 2,8,11

    in reply to: Ok, the secrets out. #551027

    Congrats on the pinkness. Y;know, that shade really WORKS on the scratcher… and I normally am so not a fan of pink. ;D

    May he be with you for years and years of happy… er … scratching. -g-

    in reply to: Black and Tans #547848

    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

    They are up on eBay, whole family, mother, father, and hatching…..along with the next BEP OW.

    Congrats Nirvanacat– you fought one heck of a fight for those jewels… I’ll keep hoping another male is painted like that someday. 😀

    in reply to: Black and Tans #547810

    littleironhorse wrote:

    bluepony78 wrote:

    I really like them. Wish they were listed seperatly, I only like mama, but even she alone would probably be more than I have to spend on my personal dragons. They are neat though. I like the color.

    You know what you should do? You and Whippetluv should team up and pool your money! She only wants the male!

    Same here 🙂

    in reply to: Wolf Colored Griffins #543157

    Melody wrote:

    Pam Thompson wrote:

    Mel, are you going to show us any more test paints for these guys or have you pretty much decided on a wolf colored one?
    And I’ll venture to say that I am not fond of green eyes, although I appear to be very much in the minority with that opinion 😀 Someone else mentioned them looking drab, and I think a darker color could look really nice on these, help bring out the colors on the feathers.

    I can show the production ones when they appear. This is pretty much the color they will be, but like all our stuff, colors evolve over time.
    I wanted to use green for the eyes because we have some beautiful green jewels that I wanted to use.The green eyes match them… and also, I am sick of all the old eye colors! At least this is different!

    That’s kinda what I was going to say — I’m very much for new eye colors and jewels. 😀

    in reply to: Do you name your windstones? #545170

    Nambroth wrote:

    I’ve only named one- my brown old warrior. I named him Smrgol. Kudos to anyone that gets the reference. 😉

    wasn’t he the older dragon in that animated movie whose name I will never remember about the guy turned into a dragon, helping a wizard and his daughter on some quest? I don’t remember much of it, save that the guy had to learn how to be a dragon since he was stuck in the form and the older dragon Smrgol had to try and pound ‘dragoness’ into his head. ::grin::

    I distinctly remember being irritated that someone would be given the chance to BE a dragon and whine about it nearly nonstop. 😉

    in reply to: Parliament of Owls #544145

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Good question, star. That’s one of the four still-in-production candlelamps I still want to get. I just think it’s kind of misnamed – parliament is French and means “talking.” And those guys don’t look like they’ve said a word in their lives. 😆

    I so love this candlelamp– got one for my godmother a year or so ago and was tempted to keep it. 😀 And “parliament” comes from the name given to a group of owls, I’m thinking, kinda like a murder of crows, or pack of wolves 🙂

    in reply to: Different greens? #542430

    ::grin:: I just explain the color variations in my collection as that, like living things, there are variants in color tone. I used to work in a kennel of Irish Setters, and trust me, they’re not all the same red. 😉

    The variants make them more ‘real’ in a way, at least to me. 🙂

    in reply to: Other Windstone items #539736

    frozendragon wrote:

    Melody wrote:

    AdaraSky wrote:

    Can calendars be next?

    I need to find twelve images that are interesting enough and big enough! I am trying to avoid having to do new photos, but maybe we will have to.Do you want a calendar to be all dragons? Or can it be anything?

    I think the calendars should be a variety of things….

    but groups of things would be good too…
    put like in scenes….but that would mean it would take longer… 😕

    What if you had same color families for each month– the brown family in the gallery current, a black pegasus family, a white peg family, unicorns, kirins, and varied dragon familes… I’m thinking if you add in things like the poads (my personal YAY! -g-), a gathering of the whole PYO family (Muse too , please!), and maybe even something like the family shot of everyone who makes up Windstone you’ll have the 12 shots in no time. 🙂

    in reply to: Help please #541648

    wow… yeah, I really really NEED an OW now- I really had no clue of the size difference! Now to try and choose the color of the dude who needs to come live here ::grin::

    thanks again for all these pix!

    in reply to: Help please #541645

    Wow… ok you who might have both– is the Old Warrior *that* much bigger than the lap dragon? He seems HUGE in that one picture… I’d thought they were the same size, but then again I was just dumbfounded by how big the rising spectral was… I thought it was the size of the young dragon (whatever the one is that is not hathcing and not the adult -g-) but the RS looks larger than the scratcher next to it.

    ::mind boggling:: I might need to get off my heinder and actually BUY an old Warrior if he is that big!

    THANK you for those pictures!

    in reply to: painting over production colors #541044

    I’m not an official anyone, but last I remember, it was said WIndstone was not wild about the idea, as that was why they did the PYO line. However, what you do for *yourself* that will not be sold on eBay, but sit in your home is your own business…

    Now watch, I remembered it all wrong… 😀

    in reply to: Black and Tans #535112

    WolfenMachine wrote:

    The brown and tan dragons. They look like dobermans to me. Ski’s puppies personified into dragons!

    I adore that male. Years ago, I was deeply involved with Pern fandom, and my very first persona was a bronzerider named G’len, rider to bronze Areth, and the way the B&T look is almost exactly (the small colorful accents notwithstanding) how Areth looked. Those were some really special times for me, and reminds me of some very special people who are no longer around, so I’d do nearly anything for that male, even getting the rest of the set if they’re sold as a set.

    in reply to: Black and Tans #535075

    Chessapeaka wrote:

    Watergazer wrote:

    I adore your black and tan dragons, but was never crazy about the mother/father/and hatchlings you have them painted in. Would you ever paint fledglings in that color?

    Yes, I’ve been thinking about doing other dragons in Black and Tan also.I probably will when I get time.
    OOPS! Chessie was logged in, we are sharing a computer. .. this is Melody.

    I heavily approve of more dragons in the color… wish you had more males as that is the one I really want, and intend to bid on until I maxx out everything when you auction the next set… never liked the mom dragon, and meh on the hatchling but that male has had me since the day I saw it in the gallery…

    in reply to: "Silver" Dragons #534809

    Dragon Master wrote:

    Well maybe if they where accented correctly and not completely monotoned I’d like them

    oooo… deep blue and dark amethyst hilights on silver might be lovely…

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