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  • in reply to: anyone want to trade? finished #727168

      Well, I don’t have PYO’s to swap but I have to say, that is an exceptionally nice Muse. My compliments on the critter. 😀

      in reply to: Nevermind #726180

        Yet another lurker jumping on the comfort bandwagon here.

        Newer pieces or not, your starting prices were reasonable. And offering unusual pieces, in good condition and safely shipped helps other collectors to fill in gaps on their own collection. Which should be self evident.

        Sounds like you just ran across a bad case of sour grapes. So take heart. [/i]

        in reply to: Windstones' new auctions thread Nov 11, closed #720039

          It shows up beautifuly Blackdesertwind, thank you.

          *purrs* I like the twilight male, but the Plum Spectral is marvelous. Looks royal with that burgundy and gold. *wonders about an emperor in that color* :squeak:

          in reply to: ABC of painting #722490

            X for eXcellence, often denied. 😉

            in reply to: Windstones' new auctions thread Nov 11, closed #719940

              Man, that pearly green paired with the bronze-gold details is striking! Very handsome way to paint that fellow.

              in reply to: Norcal Fires #721715

                Aieee! Given how difficult it is to photograph objects in midair, that shows how close they were! 😯

                Excellent photos, take care.

                *feels most lucky about only having to deal with hazy air*

                in reply to: Who loves StarWars #706382

                  Well, I greatly enjoyed the original three. They were awesome. I have a slightly similar story to Barrdwing, didn’t see them as a kid, but a friend enlightened me in my early teen years. 😆

                  But exposure to the new ones (1,2,3) caused me to be afflicted with ‘Lucas Allergies’. Which caused me to twitch several times through the mostly fun new Indiana Jones flick during portions greatly influenced by him, and seriously entertain the notion of running out screaming during the new trailer for the new Computer Animated thingy.

                  Which is a crying shame because I know the guy still has talent. If only he was willing to hire some young tasteful trustworthy nerds to tell him when part of his vision ah… isn’t working.

                  Though the original trilogy does rock. 🙂

                  in reply to: Windstones' new auctions thread Nov 11, closed #719845

                    *purrs* Love the Sand male.

                    Looks like something you’d see a poster of at a ranger station at a national park. (which would of course advise the tourists to back away slowly and not feed it.) 😆

                    in reply to: KoiPYO's Batch5: 2 new Keepers pg.47 #699158

                      Yipes. I am impressed. Fluid but distinct markings and that little critter has become intense!

                      in reply to: Larger PYO's? #720846

                        Just started with my first Griffin and it’s amazing the amount of surface area even he has. Griffin/Kirin size appears to be perfect on average for a nice challenge.

                        But while that size is a very practical (and pleasant) standard, I’d welcome the occasional variant, large or small with extremely open arms. 🙂

                        in reply to: How Do You Do Your Windstone? #712028

                          pegasi1978 wrote:

                          Yay another hoofer fan! We’re a little out numbered since there are so many more colors and poses of the dragons for people to fall in love with.

                          Well, as much as I enjoy dragons, equine necks are far more convenient to hug than dragon ankles. 😉

                          in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #690814

                            Hmm, if I figure out any possible solutions to the castings, I’ll drop you a note.

                            But that’s cool! Tarantula keepers in the oddest places. 😆 I have a young Chaco Golden Knee who was named Miel till I figured out that she is probably a he and renamed him Arnold. But he’s young so has some good years ahead of him.

                            in reply to: Welcome maplecarver #718404

                              *blushes and preens* Why thank you guys! They’re one of my favorite. 😀

                              They’re finished and are currently just hanging out. They have an oil/wax coat to protect against moisture, fingerprints, etc. Unfortunately it darkened the wood a little, but it brings out the wavy grain. For a painted piece, I’d prefer Alder or Basswood. Boring grain that carves beautifully.

                              Thanks Jasmine, the search function on the PYO section (and the Ask Melody section) brought up just what I was looking for.

                              In summary I gather that copying existing Windstone paint types is illegal but unlikely to summon the Windstone Police if it’s just existing in a corner somewhere. Repaints on regular pieces are officially discouraged to avoid confusion but legal and have the recommendation that they be marked as repaints on the bottom. And that natural critter coloration (dapple grey equine, buckskin, ocelot spots, peregrine markings etc) are absolutely free game and welcome.

                              *rubs hands together in glee over potential PYO griffin raptor/feline combos* This shall work nicely…

                              in reply to: Welcome maplecarver #718399

                                Bubo, now that is a cool bird.

                                Would be honored to. I’ll see if this photo behaves itself now…

                                Yesss!!! Here’s my Gryphon and Snake, carved of Maple, hence the forum name. Hard wood, but very strong and it holds small detail beautifully. The ripples in the wood are from a knot that was right above the Gryphon’s head. I cut the holes out from the board with a scroll saw before carving it. They’re about 5″ by 23.5″ and argue above my bedroom’s door frame.

                                Bit of a question guys, about Windstone copyright. I certainly know enough to not commit any heresies. But it’s the little faux-pas and accidentally-stepping-on-toes issues (like with PYO’s) that concern me. Are there any threads somewhere where the really minor stuff is clarified for fans?

                                Anyway, thanks. 🙂

                                in reply to: Welcome maplecarver #718395

                                  Thank you.

                                  A solid two, possibly two and a half days, if I remember right.

                                  The book Birds of Prey by Floyd Scholz is a highly useful reference for making birds.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 496 through 510 (of 517 total)