Forum Replies Created
Hi guys,
Sorry I haven’t been around much. I am still in the land of the living, my job has had me working 60 hour weeks, until my doctor finally said no more, and got it reduced to 50 hour weeks, which is only a bit better, but at least I am functional at the end of the day. The last 4 months have been insane, and I just spent the last 2 months frantically pulling my wedding together. We were married on Oct. 16th, 2010. And yes, I will post some pictures, especially since the cake featured PYO Windstone Kirins! DragOnfeathers, your lovely kirin you painted for me a few years ago was perfect, so I used him and another that I repainted to match our colors.
So I have several pieces to complete, and then I may be available for repairs again, but first I would like to clear out everything that is here first, and perhaps work on a few of my own for a month or so. So perhaps around Feb, I might be ready to take more repairs.
Anyway, I would like to tell everyone who missed me, and all those who are friends with me on Facebook, thank you for keeping me in the loop on goings on here and I hope to be keeping up with things on my own from now on. Love you all and have missed all of you. *hugs*
The best way to repaint a peacock is to simply get the blue and purple interference paints, and some basic black paint, and the satin brush on sealer.
First do your repairs, fill in and resculpt. Then paint repaired area black, let dry. Then dry brush on the blue interference paint blending in purple if there happens to be any in the area you are repairing. Once that dries, seal with the satin sealer, and there ya go, done.
Windstone uses Golden brand interference paints, you can usually find them at Michaels, they aren’t cheap, but they are very cool and if you plan any PYO projects, they are worth the expense for future projects.
Good luck on your repair, sounds like she’s in good hands.
As for the Declo, I admit it, I hate them. What ever you do, seal your piece with sealer, then run the gold pen over it. If you try to seal after you put the gold on, it turns this sick army green color. The Declo does not like sealer on top of it. (Don’t tell, but I prefer Krylon 18kt gold leafing pens)
First off, Nat love, I am so sorry about Raven’s passing.
Secondly, I want you to chew your vet out royally for worrying more about how much money he could make off you versus doing his goddamned job!
When he failed to get results from treating his initial diagnosis, he should have scrapped it and started looking for something else. There are three things he should have done, one, bloodwork, two, abdominal papapation..which ideally should be done with the cat knocked out so he will be completely relaxed so that you feel the organs. Three, when he did the damn x-ray, he should have given your cat barium suspension so that the xray would actually track the GI tract in the first place! If he had done any of these things on the second visit, you might still owe $1000, but likely Raven would still be here after surgery. I am so pissed that your vet’s failure to do his job properly I am spitting nails!
If this were a human doctor you could get him for malpractice, and I am not entirely sure you still can’t. This is gross negligence if you ask me. Oh I am so mad.
*hugs* I am so sorry Raven had to suffer at this incompetent’s hands. Poor baby. I’ll call you tomorrow and try not to rant since I got most of it out of my system here, but *growls* this is unacceptable. Nat, please seriously consider talking to him about canceling the rest of the bill, he owes you, not the other way around, and I would call him on why he failed to do the procedures mentioned above. On top of that, I am so very sorry I wasn’t around at the start of this, I should have been, you would have known what to ask him to do. Crap.
Forum Name: Kyrin
Preferred method of contact: Best way is email, PM’s max out too fast. kyrin(at)
Location: Idaho, USA
Types of repairs done: You name it, I’ve done it, touch-ups to full out rebuilding.
Repair experience: Been repairing Windstones for folks here for almost 2 years now.
Examples of work: Just follow that thread, it has a lot of my work throughout.
Price range: . Simple touchups start at $15, and major repair jobs are priced depending on size and amount of damage done to piece.’ Please contact me for price quotes. Please note, repair prices do not include shipping!
Shipping: Owner of piece is responsible for all shipping costs, it will not be included in the repair price.
Completion time estimates: Currently my completion times take awhile, up to a few weeks or months depending on the repair. My regular job hours have finally dropped, so my turn around times should improve greatly.
Currently open for repair jobs?: At this time, I am unavailable for further repairs until I am done with the current backlog of repairs, and I have fulfilled my waiting list, however if you are willing to be patient, I can add you to the waiting list.
Additional Info: Color matching is done with Windstone Edition factory paints, or brands they usually use. Melody has kindly supplied many of the impossible to match paints to me, and I am often able to replace horns that are damaged, if they aren’t too firmly seated.
I am still alive and even still fixing things. LOL! Sorry I haven’t been around a lot last few months, should start seeing me more in the next coming month or two, as the reason I have been so scarce will be here and I will have more time to do other things once more.
Updates, I have completed Mmloda’s dragon, some of Drnlvr’s, and a couple others, still have several here to complete, poor Pixiekissed’s dragon is still here, but slowly gaining back new scales, just had to get new AS, the old stuff was failing to stick. So will be on that once more. Gonna be working on some orientals soon, and then I hope to be able to start clearing some space for people who have patiently been waiting on the waiting list.
Also, anyone who might have things here, please contact me, my computer died and was replaced, all files I had on what is here is toast, I do know what most of it is, but I have a couple I don’t know where they go, fixed, but no one to send them to, please identify. Karli kinda took all my post it notes off of everything, so thank the 3 year old for me not knowing anymore after I lost my master lists.
ideally, if you could email me, that would be best, PM’s pile up fast here.
Kyrin kyrin(at)
Thanks guys, it’s been a crazy week, sorry I haven’t gotten on to check messages before now.
I turned 40, eep!
Still hanging in there, work is slowing down and I am starting back to work on repairing things that are here, I hope to clear out a bunch of things in the next couple weeks.
Those on the list, please bear with me, I will try to get openings for you soon.
*hugs to you all!*
drgnlvr wrote:Kyrin, no insinuation was ever meant or implied that you would ever be less than honest, I never even thought that of you! I just went through my file and found your phone number which I didn’t realize I had or I would have called you! I’m so sorry you took offense, it wasn’t meant to offend you at all. I was worried about you and as I said, this was unusual for you. I have had you do a lot of (excellent!) work for me and I trust you completely. I have learned not to bother you with inquiries when time goes by because I know how swamped you are with the Windstones as well as your family life and I know you will get to them when you can. This was just an unusual time span and I was worried about you, not just the pieces. I know what sleep deprivation can do to a person too, it’s really hard! The miserable weather doesn’t help either!
Anyway, I didn’t intend to insinuate any negativity toward you at all, I was just explaining the time line and why I was worried about you. I will email you a list of what I sent you for your new computer and I hope this will ease things between us. I wish you time and sleep and sunshine and deep breaths, and Vitamin D helps a lot too, it’s the sunshine vitamin. Please take care of yourself!!! MargaretOh okay, we’re good. No worries!
Also, I might add that I posted something here a few months ago, I don’t believe it was as far back as Oct, Drgnlvr, either.
No one really responded.
I have been working 62 hours a week since Aug. That means I have had very little time at home, I have two young children, and so what time work has been allowing me has been going to spending time with my family, running errands, and sleeping. In that order more or less. I have only in the last couple weeks gotten any time to work on any repairs, and I am trying to do them in the order I got them in, and some of them are quite extensive in what I need to do to restore them. (Some of you might remember Pixie’s Emerald Emperor).
I would appreciate it if those who have items with me, let me know what it is. My darling daughter pulled off all my post it notes and my old computer suffered a catastrophic failure and so my master list got eaten as well. Yes, I now have a new computer, but all that info is lost. I would appreciate it if folks would email me, my PM folder here is more or less maxed. I need to know what you have here, and all contact info for you, address, phone, etc. If you have the original repair quote, that would be fantastic. Thanks guys.
kyrin (at) kyrinslair (dot) com
I am sorry I have been scarce, but all of you with items with me have my contact info, which includes my phone number, so if you have been worried, you could have called at any time. Laurie calls me about once a week just to make sure I am still breathing…LOL! I have not been deliberately avoiding anyone, as the opening post on this thread seems to suggest, and getting a hold of me has never been dependent on just this forum, I have always made sure those who have repairs with me had all means to contact me in their possession, so I am a bit unhappy with the insinuation that I have made off with anyone’s belongings or do not intend to make good on my agreements with them.
Anyway, I will be more available as the spring and summer get here, our hours at work are starting to drop, and I should be clearing out some of the backlog here in the next few weeks. I will try to keep folks a bit more informed, I have just been overwhelmed and exhausted and been finding it hard to do much more than the bare minimum, basically putting out fires that required my attention and letting things that weren’t urgent slide a bit. I apologize folks.
drag0nfeathers wrote:Thank you Kyrin, but I’ll leave the master repair work to you. This was kind of a pro bono repair job for “just because” I guess. 🙂 I actually am begining to loathe repairing Windstones! LOL! It gives me a break from painting though and I want to improve my sculping skills so I can maybe start sculpting myself someday 😀 It’s not the repairing part that bothers me so much, it’s the repainting it to make it match 🙄
How I miss doing repaints! 😥
Melody was kind enough to give me factory paints for matching up, otherwise I would go quite bonkers.
December 6, 2009 at 7:28 pm in reply to: What's This Strange Thread? Is It A Zombie? Nope, It's drag0n's PYOS Resurrected! #782601drag0nfeathers wrote:The eyes kind of scare me, but they’re glued in now so no turning back!
Love those eyes, where did you get them, want some!
Glad you are able to pick up some of the patients, DragOnfeathers. I’ve been working 60 hour weeks, have 20 patients here already, with a waiting list of more, and no time. On top of that, I can’t get off of work before the post office and shipping store close anymore, so even when I get things done, I can’t ship them home.
Going to start having Cyberhorn take them to the shipping store, but need to arrange a charge account with Maxine first so he can.
Nicole, give the seller my info so those dragons can be repaired.
I hate the thought of them going into the trash with such minor damage.
Okay, several repairs are in the works at the moment.
Mmloda, your dragon is on my desk, he will be a bit though, lots to rebuild.
Drgnlvr, working on yours one at a time, should have one to send this week, biggest issue is getting to the shipout store in time, due to work schedule. I could also use a new list, I lost the other one, I know most of the things that are yours, but I want to be sure I have them all.
Sapphire, yours are packed and I plan to take them down to ship some out this Friday, sorry I keep postponing it. *hugs*
Everyone else, those of you who have sent items to be repaired, please do me a favor and write me and remind me what I have of yours here, I am going to be working to get my living room and back room back by Xmas, so an updated list of what is here and who is waiting on things would help me, I keep missplacing my list. Organized I am not. LOL! Also I would like to try to get as much out of here as I can, so knowing what I am hunting for and for who would help me.
I was organized once, had post it notes, etc, then more stuff started pilling in and next thing I know, I am buried and I’ve lost track of what is here. Sorry about that. This is why once I get this unburied I am going back to only 5 at a time.
I need to borrow an Old Warrior box from someone. If anyone can spare one for a few weeks so I can get a dragon from Canada to here, I’d appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
Phoenix wrote:Thanks all! I am really proud of Frodo and he is coming along. I’m hoping in OK he does well. Though it’s another UK judge so probably not much of a chance there. Not sure about the Canadian judge though.
Kyrin, Ditto at some point after feeding coliced and spent the night rolling around and thrashing in her stall. By the morning her poor little face was swollen and bruised and she wouldn’t get up. When the vet got there and we tubed her and gave her some pain meds she seemed to be doing better. But the ultrasound showed thickening of her intestines which probably meant she’d twisted something with all her rolling around. I sat and watched her all day and thought she was going to be OK, but in the afternoon she went down again. I called the vet out to repeat the ultrasound and her walls were a lot thicker. So I had to put her down. Colic is a terrible thing.
I think she got into Silo’s supplements as her bucket was on the ground. Either her or Silo must have knocked it down 😥Yeah, Cricket sanded, and then rolled. By the time I got home around 11pm that night, she was backing up from the pain, and there was dead silence in her guts. All the vet could do was help her go, she was already going into shock and dying shortly after he got there. Took him long enough, called him at 11:30pm, and he didn’t show up until nearly 3am. And I really have no idea if the drugs he gave her really helped much, since she went down to the ground and collapsed just as he went to give it. Charged me $350 and I don’t think he did a damn thing except show up and watch.
My landlord was actually more compassionate and helpful, and he was a tough as nails certified asshole. But he got his backhoe out and buried her for us.