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  • in reply to: Happy Birthday The Great Goddess of Windstone 3/26 #682084

    What a neat way to draw names. Very creative.

    Gee and we expected otherwise from the Creativity Goddess? 8)

    I just wanted to say thank you again for the opportunity on your birthday.

    Again, a very nice thing for you to do.

    You never did say if you took advantage and were treated like a Princess on the special day.

    Favorite flowers are next ya know. You know we’ll hound you until you answer. Or worse, start a secret mission. 8)

    ~Hoofer has nickered

    PS Congrats to the TWO winnders. How awesome is that?

    in reply to: How many windstones do you own? #686442

    AdaraSky wrote:

    My husband says I have to hit or go past the 100 mark this year! 😀

    Wow, a husband that wants you to collect more?

    I bet many of your wives here on the forums are feeling your standard jealousy smack with that one.

    Quick count reveals 38.


    in reply to: Peacock Old Warrior #685986

    Yes, it definately depends on the sellers packing.

    It’s a personal decision that I made to protect my own investments.

    It’s just to much hoop jumping if it does receive damage, which unfortunately also ties up the cash flow while it’s being worked out.

    I might take the risk if the price was to good to be true, but that would still depend on the seller. We all know about the ‘to good to be true’ deals.

    Besides, there’s only so many of certain large pieces that I wish to collect, so I can choose to be picky about it. 8)

    ~Hoofer has nickered

    in reply to: Peacock Old Warrior #685977

    Heh, that part about the “I do not have the original box” showed up after my inquiry.

    Since the tiny mishap with the Lap Dragon from the store, (which was for the most part well packed) my stance nowadays is, “If they do not have the original box for shipping, I will not even consider buying a large Windstone pieces on eBay!”

    There’s just to much risk, especially when dealing with the Limited Editions.

    ~Hoofer has nickered

    in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.3 #682679

    Jennifer wrote:

    I am also very wary of her as she has left a good handfull of people, both here on the forum and off, without their pieces. Many are still waiting on things from her, from last year.

    Say it ain’t so. 😥


    ~Hoofer has snorted

    in reply to: How to ship Windstones 101 #682494

    Ah yes, I saw those. I kinda meant … does Windstone themselves go over this sort of thing with dealers when they sign on to become dealers.

    Ya know …

    “We can’t stress enough how fragile these things are and highly recommend shipping with the original containers in order to greatly reduce the risk of damage. to see the damage that could happen if you choose to try and ship without the original box.”

    Yada, yada. 8)

    Of note, this post is more in jest than anything really. I do realize that Windstone can’t exactly dictate that a dealer must use the original containers, they can only recommend it and show why.

    I was just curious if they go to that extent.

    ~Hoofer has nickered

    in reply to: Happy Birthday The Great Goddess of Windstone 3/26 #682017

    Melody, it is extremely obvious that you are a warm and generous person and not just because of this kind act.

    As stated in my e-mail to you ….

    ‘It’s not just your statues that we’ve come to love, it’s your warmth and the heart behind them that make them so much more than a pretty collectable.’

    It’s obvious that you are living the ‘Labor of Love’ we all seem to strive for in our lives and I’m honored to be a part of your forum family. Your availability (openess), warmth and generosity really set the tone for these forums and make them a great place to come.

    I truely hope you had a special day, you deserve it.

    Happy Birthday !!


    in reply to: How to ship Windstones 101 #682491

    Ok, so many repeated discussions about this subject brought this question to mind.

    It’s not really an ask Melody question specifically, but who knows, it might be a good suggestion if it’s not something already being done.

    A brick and morter dealer shipped a Lap dragon to me and although they assured it would be well packed, and it was, it still was damaged.

    The short and skinny as to why it received some damage on route was that, although it was bubble-wrapped very well and double boxed, it was in a box on it’s own that was almost twice as long as it was.

    Soooo, I was wondering, do you folks at Windstone offer tutorials, advice, suggestions, web-links, recommend that they keep the original boxes, mandatory testing that will be graded by Chessie …. add naseum, to your dealers on shipping these very delicate sculptures?

    They really are shipping fodder without your original boxes.


    ~Hoofer has squeeked

    PS Horses squeek to ya know. 8)

    in reply to: Single color collection (or mostly) #544081

    pegasi1978 wrote:

    The only problem with that (as we collector’s know) is those boxes take up a lot of space. Space that can be used to house more stock, so it’s a give and take on keeping the boxes or having more stock on hand.

    Completely understandable. Perhaps keep one empty box of each pose offered in the back with the extra inventory and there you have it, safe to ship.

    Of course, this would be necessary only if the store offers to ship them.

    Sad thing about that Lap dragon that broke, the damage was minimal, eye/horn which caused the horn to fall out and it was their mistake. Super packing job, double boxed, bubble-wrap, peanuts, etc, except for one critical mistake, the box used for the Lap dragon was almost twice as long as it was, which of course gave him slide/wiggle room.

    No amount of bubble-wrap in that larger box was going to stop that fella from shifiting. Another oddity about that particular package, it had two candlelamps also in it (back-ordered so in their original boxes and arrived juuuust fine) so the outer box was huge AND heavy, meaning, not tossable by any means, definately needed to pick it up with two hands.

    Considering the superb packing job, the weight of the actual entire box … yeah, it was their dumb luck the box they used for the Lap dragon was definately to long.

    I really feel bad for the shop because once the shipping company sees the box it is in, they’re going to think the same thing I did, box was just to long (wiggle room) for that item and they probably won’t pay the insured amount.

    Ya know, this subject makes me want to post a question in the ask Melody section now.

    ~Hoofer nickers and trots off

    in reply to: Single color collection (or mostly) #544078

    Not that it’s really worth mentioning, but of course I have all the hoofers in white with quite a few duplicates. Which is easy to do since their seems to be so many of them out there. So technically, one could say I have a herd and not just a family. 8)

    As for the dragons, the poses I like are the OW, Lap and Scratchers and as I see it all colors are game in those poses!

    Sadly, I had received a damaged EmPea Lap from a store, stoopid stores that don’t keep the original boxes, anyway, it turned out to be the one with purple in it.

    I really, really liked that once I saw it. Of course, the replacement is going to be the EmPea w/out the purple from Windstones store stock. Why oh why do they not keep the original boxes? Perhaps another plus for ording direct from Windstone. The purple in it really looked good!

    Ya know, I almost wish Windstone, who is completely aware of how delicate these statues are to ship and probably test marketed their boxes for a long time before they got it right, dictated that if dealers are going to offer shipping from their shops, to KEEP THE ORIGINAL BOXES to ship them in!

    You’d think eating the cost of a $200 (or more)scuplture would wake shop owners up.

    ~Hoofer has whinnied!

    in reply to: Ebay: Are people smoking something or is it just me?! #681698

    emerald212 wrote:

    2Huberts wrote:

    emerald212 wrote:

    I saw that too, Hoofer. I tried for them when the auction was just starting out, thinking I could split them up and resell them. But it quickly went out of my range. However, that was a lucky deal for the seller because he or she started the auction really low, and it just got bid up that high.

    which one were you ? I hate the new ebay hiding the bidders ID.

    First bidder. 😀

    I’m feeling bold, trying out the quote function, next will be pictures of my collection! 8)

    Yes, I was very surprised at the ending price.

    Althought I knew the lot couldn’t go for less than $200, because none of us would have let it, it’s that lots usually go for less than the average individual pieces would add up to, hence the surprise at how over the market the total price ended up being.


    in reply to: Ebay: Are people smoking something or is it just me?! #681680

    How about what the Grand Unicorn and Pegasus family lot just sold for? A grand total of $510.00.

    The Unicorn is $145 new leaving $375 for the Pegasus family, um, wow!

    I sure hope for their sake they all get their in one piece.

    ~Hoofer has neighed

    in reply to: Will there be any more Black Pegasus? #666804

    Hola again,

    Ms. Susie requested that we NOT PM her but instead request to be put on the waiting list via e-mail.

    For this particular item, she requested us to put “Black Pegasus Waiting List” in the subject line.

    I went on to elaborate further that it was the Mother and Laying baby that I was hoping to see more of at a later, “we have moved and are set up and can now breath again” date.

    I’m hoping we can sway Melody, obvious huh?

    I get the distinct impression, from older threads, that the Black Pegasus familiy was released via eBay BIN’s. I sure hope for the sake of those of us that were not eBayers back then, that she reconsiders releasing another small batch for her own website store. Which has to be nicer for her profit margin as I’m sure there are no listing fee’s for their own website. 😕

    So to summarize, if you are interested in being put on any waiting list, please do not PM susie, but instead e-mail her directly as Susie@windstoneeditions.com with the sculpture you are referring to in the subject line.

    Thanks all and happy collecting!

    ~Hoofer has neighed.

    in reply to: Will there be any more Black Pegasus? #666797

    I’m pretty sure those are the two that Melody said she would not be producing any more of when she responded to my inquiry a few weeks back, the Mother and laying baby black Pegasi.

    Perhaps if we squeek loud enough?

    I’ve seen in other threads (and even on the ordering page for specific dragon colors) where forum members have managed to sway her. SQUEEK

    If this was something she did reconsider, I’d be willing to bet that they wouldn’t be put on the “To Do” list until after the move and setting up of the new factory.

    The factory move is probably priority right now.

    I’m going to remain hopeful we could sway her for another small batch of the Mother and Laying baby. There seems to be quite a few of us that wish to complete our family of black Pegasi and those are the two that are missing.

    I wonder how long ago it was that those two sold out.

    ~Hoofer has neighed.

    in reply to: Will there be any more Black Pegasus? #666781

    Yay, only 23 in stock now, good job Khat7!

    Nice how just this simple discussion has boosted a sale.

    Wonder what it would take (lotsa begging) for Melody to reconsider another small batch of the black Pegasi currently out of stock.

    Please (re)consider Ms. Melody?

    ~Hoofer has nickered.

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