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  • in reply to: teh winnar #719297

    purplecat wrote:

    really? wow….I was stalking the forum all day waiting to see…. πŸ˜†

    I was trying to keep from getting hit by lightning! We’ve had some doozies these past few days and I usually leave the system off during them, which ironically would be the perfect time to do PC stuff, when I’m not able to be outside.

    Mother Nature, sweet as pie and a witch the next moment.

    in reply to: teh winnar #719295

    Melody wrote:

    I am still waiting for Hoofer to surface!She doesn’t know yet!

    ::pant:: ::pant::

    “I’m here!”

    Thanks to finally checking my e-mail. 😳

    in reply to: Lavander Blue…… #718544

    . . . . . WHINNY!!

    Understandably, I know some of you are as disappointed as I was surprised by this, especially the, ‘Super Purple Lovers.’

    If it helps, I’m a closet purple lover myself. πŸ˜‰

    Lavender also happens to be one of my favorite scents. I love it so much that I would bathe in it if I could, oh wait, I can and I do! πŸ˜› (something has to help cover all the critter smells) πŸ˜‰ Not to mention all the Lavender incense this fella is going to be exposed to. Better that than cigarette smoke. πŸ˜†

    I’ll tell you what, if I find that for some reason Senior Lavender Azul needs to find a new home, I’ll make sure to offer him here to the Windstone Addicts … Uh, I mean Fanatics first. Deal?

    In the mean time, I’m going to lick him when he gets here to see if he really does taste like chalk, as Jennifer suggested in the Gallery. 😯 Ok, not really but, you never know with me. πŸ˜†

    Thank you again Ms. Melody, this is such a super thing you do for us.

    ~A verra happy and suprised Hoofer

    in reply to: My Cat Took Off/ He Came BACK!! #718696

    And here I can’t get mine to go out of the house. ‘Go kitty go, seek out and depopulate the rodents!’

    Unfortunately for me and the barn, they’re well fed cats. But, they definately give the squirrels a run for their money.

    Any update? Hope he comes home soon.


    in reply to: I'll be gone for a while #717579

    Griffinlover wrote:

    travistie wrote:

    Yay, you’re visiting my hometown! πŸ˜€ Have fun in the steel city!
    It’s not the most exciting place on earth, but it’s home and I miss it. I’m so tired of Atlanta.

    Atlanta! Ha I go there alot. Its the closest big city to me. I go to Dragon-Con every year!

    I was turned on to some of the best music evah by going to Dragon-Con.

    Enjoy your trip Jennifer.


    in reply to: Identity Theft. #718207

    ddvm wrote:

    But under real identity theft I just learned that a really good friend’s sister used his info to get a credit card in his name issued to her. She ran it up and hasn’t paid it at all so he (who is the single most financially responsible person I know) was getting collection calls. His own sister did this to him. Shocked The truly sad part is their father just died Wednesday and he is going to have to see her at the service.

    skigod377 wrote:

    Thats terrible. My mother has used some of my brothers SSN’s to rent apartments and such many many years ago. When we got evicted, it went on their credit reports. I guess she just didnt realize how it would affect them in the future. πŸ˜•

    That’s nothin’ you should hear what one side of my family genes has pulled off on each other, sheesh.

    😯 What?!

    😯 Wait, repeat that?!

    πŸ˜• Hmm, that’s not right.

    😳 OmGawds, I’m related to that?!

    πŸ˜‰ Naw, I’m me.

    I keep telling my mother that it’s not in the genetics, it’s in their choices. 😎

    ~Hoofer and her neighs

    in reply to: Not Another Thread of Mourning…but dammit #717184

    I won’t miss him.

    I’ll remember him fondly and treasure every skit, movie and voice-over he’s ever done.

    in reply to: Request real horse's eyes pictures Page 4/horse resins #712939

    joshmo4evr wrote:

    Blackdesertwind wrote:

    Hoofer wrote:


    Translation – This one!!

    “Oh yeh baby that’s a beautiful tail”? πŸ˜• πŸ˜†
    Did you click the link yet? πŸ˜›

    Hoofer look at this one: Very nice…click click.


    And this one.

    You’re putting wwaaaay too much temptation into my hands… Those are gorgeous!!

    Yeah, I clicked the link and then I clicked that link and then I clicked that other link and then I drowned in my own drool πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Favorite Windstone in your collection #715102

    twindragonsmum wrote:

    Along the lines of getting to know each other a little better… Out of everything in your Windstones collections, do you have a favorite piece?


    ddvm wrote:

    Just one? Inconceiveable!


    But, since the theme of the thread is to make us pick …..

    Like most here, I had oggled Windstones for years, both the Pegasi and Unicorns of course, in the mini-catalogues and various Mall shops that I would see them in. Honestly, I don’t even recall the dragon items that would be on the same shelves. πŸ˜€ But finally owning one, holding her in my hands and seeing her realistic muzzle and facial expression, oh yes, sentimental tag, it was the Mother Unicorn.

    But, but, then I acquired the entire Pegasi family and, and, and don’t make me choose! Pegasus family, argh I chose!

    My favorite equine sculpture would be the delicate Mother Pegasus with the Grand Unicorn as a close second.

    My Favorite dragon sculpture would be the Old Warrior with the Lap as a close second.

    And hands down, Melody’s originality of the candlelamps with the glowing eyes from the flickering flames. Wow. 😯 I’ve seen her idea (fantasy creature candlelamps with marble eyes, not Windstone replica sculptures) copied by molders around here, but I’ve stayed true to Windstone and never purchased them. It was well worth the wait when I finally purchased one of those. Yes, I’m also a wee pyromaniac. 😎

    As for favorite color, blargh! that is tough. I really, really like the Emerald Peacock and found that I really, really like the Rainbows; groaning allowed. πŸ˜€ Peacock is pretty, BVP and BEP are really pretty and um, um, so is the simplicity of the White and Golds.

    Special Paints: Twilight Secret Keeper and the more recent Labradorite Griffins.

    Oh Sassafrass, I could have simplified this by stating …

    I like them all!!


    in reply to: Phoenix Tears "best wishes card" #717096

    To late? E-mailing you.


    in reply to: Things that made me smile today. #717114

    Mahal wrote:

    Seeing as everyone seems to be going through a rough patch recently…

    Here’s what made me smile today.

    My beloved and my Candycat fell over each other coming to variously hug and smooch me when I got home from work today. Cat is now sharing my desk with me and snorepurring.

    Work was… work, but three people said “thank you” to me today.

    The immigration lawyer thinks my beloved will have residency approved by the end of July, which is also my birthday (that would be an AWESOME AWESOME present!)

    What’s going well for you?

    Awww, I can’t seem to view your photo. I wonder what is turned off on my browser. Darn things! That’s ok, I went direct, Candycat is adorable.

    Things to smile about:

    The squirrels and birds outside my window, down from their home (tree), feeding in the early morning.

    Squidjit, the male tiger cat thinking he’s sneaky enough to stalk up on them.

    The horses staring at the front of the house, awaiting my whistle that lets them know I’m actually heading down to them to give them their grain. The neigh I hear in response from the talker of the herd.

    Our drought has finally ended, so the pastures are finally growing.

    I got to bottle feed 5 racoons from three different litters. The youngest one did not even have her eyes open yet. The next two barely had their eyes open. While the next two were old enough that I had to excersize my quick reflexes as I removed them from their cage, while trying to keep the others in the cage.

    Not long ago, my mother verbalized that I was right about something. 😯

    And that’s just the tip of the iceburg. 😎

    Best of luck with the residency, having it approved by your birthday would also make it easier to remember. πŸ˜€


    in reply to: What the Heck Happened? #717083

    Jasmine wrote:

    Now within the space of 2 weeks, I find out that PT has been in the hospital for over a month and didn’t say anything to anyone and didn’t want anyone else to know.

    Jasmine, thank you for letting us know. PT, though she does not know it, led me to this wonderful forum and the wonderful people that make it what it is and although she is at terms with her illness and prefers to not shoulder us with it, we know it will not stop us from caring about her through her journey.

    Dragon87 wrote:

    We’ve all been there and done that, but it just makes us really good at …. dammit I forgot the word I was thinking of….

    Empathic maybe? When you know exactly how someone feels and can relate to it?

    Unless you’re Phoebe from Charmed, I think the word you’re looking for is empathetic. 😎

    Phoenix wrote:

    We all seem to be having hard times right now. I wonder what is in the water!
    I’m glad no one was hurt in the car accident and hopefully you can line up a couple more clients to fill in the missing one.

    I hear ya Phoenix. Some days it feels like it’s in the water, the air and coming from the very ground we walk on. Fortunately, a lot of us are stronger than we realize. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I went splat only to realize afterwards, “Hey, I’m still here and I didn’t break a thing!” πŸ˜€


    in reply to: I was told not to post but I'm going to anyway #716840

    He is not done fighting.

    Purpledoggy, may your strength continue to hold you
    through and is enough to help him rebound back again to himself.


    in reply to: OUCH #716174

    WindstoneCollector wrote:

    frozendragon wrote:

    Stardust is good…

    I mean who would pass up a chance to see Robert Deniro in a dress…

    no one…

    well unless they are scared of lots of hair… 😯
    I would have to pass since he is one of my favorite mafia style actors of all time. I just don’t think I could stand seeing him in a dress. 😯 The hair wouldn’t so much bother me…I thought Chewbacca was cute in a hairy sort of way. LOL πŸ˜†

    Ahhh, but the Mafia image that he had/has, including his role in the movie Stardust, is what makes the whole dress part of it hysterical.

    The Blooper section of that movie was also hysterical. As for the hair, I’ve seen WAY worse. 😯 So it did not phase me. πŸ˜‰ Of note, I’m very Italian, I have my own hairy issues. 😎


    in reply to: Movie Recommendations… #714943

    ddvm wrote:

    Yes, I admit it, I have all 3 seasons of Beauty and the Beast on DVD. 😳 But I figure I’m among friends and won’t be mocked. (much) Mostly because of Ron Perlman as Vincent, the beast. He does an amazing job as Vincent – wearing a costume where you can basically just see his eyes. It was my favorite show when it was on – it had great writing.

    Safe to assume that you haven’t seen him in, Quest for fire? It was his first movie and there is no real way to explain his character or the context of the movie itself except that he was portraying a Caveman, so he was very animalistic. Since you liked him as the Beast and are a fan of his, it’s worth watching it for those factors alone.

    Beauty and the Beast was on the romantic side of things, Chick-flick oriented, guy-groaner, aye? That was a short lived television series right?

    ddvm wrote:

    And a small rant – hello, you kill of Beauty (Linda Hamilton) at the beginning of the 3rd season? And expect the show to make it? Please. It would have been better to do a Darrin switch then kill off Cathy and replace her with the police detective. Blech. But it was years ago and I’m not bitter. (much)

    *slinks off to watch Hellboy*

    Oh … 😯 No wonder the series fell on its face. Agreed, not very smart of them to kill off Beauty. Wasn’t that during the time period when Linda Hamilton went off to do cinema with Schwartzenager in the Terminator?


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