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  • in reply to: EDIT:My Mom is getting a fox #838978

    WRITE. DOWN. EVERYTHING!!! :gasp: I read this article too, and I absolutely LOVE THEM!! Someday, when I actually have that much money, I really want to rescue one (even if they cost more to get than a genuine Savannah cat!). Seriously, have her write things down, take pics, and videotape what a normal day looks like so that people who also support the adoption of domestic foxes are more aware of what they’re getting into (sadly, there isn’t very much info on the subject).

    in reply to: I know you cant put them in store, but WOW! #838545

    Somewhere, there is a thousand angels singing the “Hallejuah” chorus in perfect harmony…. or the synchronized squeaking of a thousand mice… hard to tell which. πŸ˜€ When I saw the OW, I CRIED!!! I just LOVE the bengal dragons!!!! (my name probably gave that away :oops:)

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, eaglefeather831! #831667

    I’m SLOW!! πŸ™„
    A happy belated!! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Melody! Poad Costumes! XD #837675

    You definitely earned “Most Creative” for ideas. XD So cute!!!

    The colors look so soft and spring-ish! Good job guys. :snappy:

    in reply to: Yeral's PYOs – Gilded Sky to Khufu Keeper (Batch 1) #830128

    0_0 It’s going to infect us all in our sleep!!! πŸ˜€ Being a Walking Dead fan, I think it rocks!

    in reply to: Bubbas #515104

    Extremely super sorry. πŸ™
    I remember seeing random shadows for a long while after my first cat passed away.

    in reply to: February Raffle #837812

    I got it! A pink and red tabby flapcat with white wings named Cupid. XD Or a pair of poads with the names Romeo & Juliet! πŸ˜† The temptation to ask was too much… πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Daydreamer's Art – New stuff! p.4 #808700

    Awesome Daydreamer!! Love the new icon!

    in reply to: ART CARD SWAP 2 – New Deadline to Mail JANUARY 31 #826540

    Mine was sent a couple of days ago (I like it better!) , sorry for not notifying, i’ve been kinda lurking lately on my new phone and its confusing to post anything on it. :scratch:

    in reply to: "Volcano" Keeper – Progress photo #1 – Pg. 46 #800110

    πŸ˜₯ If I paid you like every quarter I find a month until I can afford one, can I have one? I LOVE THESE!!!!!

    in reply to: ART CARD SWAP 2 – New Deadline to Mail JANUARY 31 #826519

    Awesome PT! πŸ˜€

    I’M SORRY!!! πŸ˜₯ I will be a few days late, because of course I left my drawings on the kitchen table and of course my little brother would spill fruit punch… πŸ™„ 😑 I got more cards and am running to finish.

    in reply to: Art Schools? #835151

    Thank you everyone, all the info has been extremely helpful. πŸ˜€ Still researching schools and am trying to talk my family into letting me leave (word is trying because my mom unfortunately doesn’t have the same ideas I do *sigh*) to maybe a different state (they are the people funding some of it). I’ll keep searching and let people know. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Art Schools? #835142

    I thought I would ask this one here and start a more “college in general” thread in community later. πŸ™‚

    I am looking to go to art school mainly because I am trying to get into the video game business (just not first-person shooters; motion sickness :puke: ) and I love art. Art is fun to look at and to do it yourself. :yes: The problem is that most are scams just lurking in the shadows, waiting until you’re flat broke to pounce. :gasp: I am also hearing mixed reviews on everything and anything (AI of Pittsburg has druggie students and don’t care about you, ‘My cousin so & so came from AI LA and is very successful’, Westwood College is a SCAM!) and all I want to is study somewhere… πŸ™„ Anyone know a reputable art school? Preferrably in CA?

    in reply to: I'm feeling pretty spoiled….. #835012

    That’s amazing! You definitely deserve it. πŸ˜€ (not to mention you get to cross off ‘weight issues’ on your New Year’s resolutions)

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 292 total)