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  • in reply to: Fantasy novel venture #530371

    Ooooh, sketches and music would be AWESOME!! I always fantasize about my works becoming animated or live+CGI films… I would love to see/hear any of that if you can swing it sometime!

    in reply to: Zephyrus – commissioned by starbreeze #561900

    Sure! Actually, I have written lots of stuff over time, but it’s all disparate (short ideas, lengthier novel stuff, RP stuff) and not terribly contiguous (and it’s oooollldd). If I can find some digital work and clean it up for reading (e.g. don’t have to retype from a hard copy, remove obsolete passages) I’ll send you some! It’d be a good excuse for me to start writing/editing/brainstorming again anyway. πŸ™‚

    Now back to your regularly scheduled PYO thread… ;D

    in reply to: Fantasy novel venture #530369

    Good, you stay busy… means I can hope to catch up! πŸ˜†

    At least you’re getting it down though, that’s the important part. Better than having an idea for years and rarely putting pen to paper before it disappears… *innocent whistling*

    in reply to: Zephyrus – commissioned by starbreeze #561897

    Pah. Storms are different everywhere you go. Here we often get drizzle with just a breeze. Very boring. πŸ˜‰

    I guess I use Storm Dragon (unofficially) since it sounds better than Weather Dragon, mainly. πŸ˜† Good point though! He’s been called that so long I couldn’t bear changing it. His name came somewhat before I developed the more detailed storm/weather aspects of his dragon type (more or less just a wind dragon at first… maybe that term works better!), but as a dragon type, I COULD use other names for other dragons of that type. Never gave others much thought yet. Doesn’t matter anyway… I’ve not gotten around to finalising my writing stuff yet, so it’s all just terms in my head. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Fantasy novel venture #530367

    Wow, eight installments!! Boy am I behind… *LOL* Weekend reading material! πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Zephyrus – commissioned by starbreeze #561895

    *G* Yep, my dragon is a Storm Dragon, so I picked Zephyr (shortened at first, Zephyrus for a ‘full’ version) for that reason. πŸ˜‰ It’s such an awesome name.

    I think the green looks best on the face too. The natural black and white would be alright, but I think I prefer how your paint job turned out. I agree with Ski too… more blue to tie it all together! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Koshii art #561136

    *LOL* Well, this explains why one person might have been complaining about VistaPrint before: VistaPrint Scam?

    So do be careful when considering service providers…

    in reply to: Koshii art #561135

    Yeah I’d originally mentioned that too before I edited my post with all that info. It is possible to submit your art I imagine, but I think for the bigger companies (Mead/Five-Star etc) they have in-house designers whom they can pay cheaply to come up with designs, or pay for stock-art (possibly royalty-free) made available by famous artists. I’m not exactly certain how they go about it to be honest. It might be worth emailing someone at the various companies to find out if they welcome submissions (take a run-through at a stationery shop and collect their names and addresses where available on the backs of their printed products).

    But yes, there is always the independent route (which is what most of my author-clients do when printing books, etc), when you can’t get picked up by a big name.

    in reply to: Koshii art #561133

    That’s an amazing and fascinating beastie that’s wonderfully rendered in your style. I always love your work (puts mine to shame, it does!)

    I agree, it would look amazing on folios and lined notepads for school. Much more unique than what’s out there.

    You can look up a local print service provider or one online, if you wish to order and sell the items yourself. After a quick search, it seems most major print shops can provide the right card stock, fold/trim options, etc. I took a look at VistaPrint.com for you… decent price-per-item costs, but I am not certain about their quality from personal experience or anything. Printpelican.com had a nice set of options as to how it will be folded, cut etc, and a good per-unit cost (including shipping) when ordering upwards of 1000 units… obviously you’ll need to order a decent number to make the resale price reasonable and so you’ll still make profit. You might even be able to order a sample from some of them for cheap to get an idea of what they’ll be like and to use as a sales sample.

    Do try other online services that will print single items cheaply, and ship to you if none of your local print shops can supply the right services. I did a search for “custom print services” and “print services folders notepads” to come up with example service providers to get a start.

    in reply to: Zephyrus – commissioned by starbreeze #561886

    Wow, that must have taken awhile to do. I love his face… the detail and colouration there is exquisite (especially viewed head-on).

    Hee… Zephyrus is the name of a dragon in my stories/artwork. *G* Small world!

    in reply to: Need picture of Autumn Leaf SK. Soon. #556947

    SQUEAK for ALL!! πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Sorta Still Around #556669

    Sorry to hear things just get worse for you too. : Here’s hoping it is just a false positive. Take care of yourself!!

    in reply to: Moon Griffin #558304

    I already posted in your Gallery, but I gotta say it again.


    I love the hints of colour on all those feathers. So pretty. You’ve outdone yourself on this one!

    in reply to: OMG! The New Sun Griffin is STUNNING! #547404

    Big congrats! But then it’s no surprise, you work so meticulously on these. Way to go! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: ANy good finger food recipies? #558183

    MMmm, crab spread. That was going to be one of mine but I changed my mind. Yours sounds tasty! I have fresh ginger in mine, but no onions.

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