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  • in reply to: Have you ever thought… #618301

    skigod377 wrote:

    Really? Lots o folks like the hatching emp, but I think he looks a little silly with his mouth forever stuck open…

    Hey I like how the hatching emps look….very animated…

    in reply to: ::cry:: #618333

    Is that about how much they usually go for?

    in reply to: Dragon Powers? #618012

    skigod377 wrote:

    I dont know what powers your dragons have, but mine can make be go broke directly after payday. Its amazing to see, really.

    Yeh, my dragons thrieve on a helthy diet of “greens”! 😀

    in reply to: Dragon Powers? #618009

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    I’m not sure I agree with all that, but it’s neat to read anyway. 😆

    Yeh, I feel the same way. I find it very interesting, and makes the dragons we own even more unique from each other. I’m a big fan of black myself, so I guess my blacks are “reformed” 😀

    It would be cool to see a pure black dragon with red eyes, silver horns and claws, and maybe some red highlights.

    in reply to: Record Price! #617648

    Hey how much do the Coiled peacock dragons with the little crystal ball run? I think there’s one in my area…

    in reply to: The "I just bought a – " celebration thread #576519

    sweet…put him next to the silver OW and take a pic 😀

    in reply to: Dragon Powers? #618001

    There is a book out…I think it’s called “Dragonology”..not sure, but it assignes specific characteristics, and powers to different types/colors of dragons, as well as where they live, how large they get…etc. Anyone heard of that book?
    It’s an interesting read for anyone interested in dragons. What’s also cool is that most dragons live extremely long…thousands of years, if not more, and sometimes they would live a part of their lives as a human. They are also of course wiser than us. I’ll try to look that book up next time I go to a book store…

    in reply to: Dragon Powers? #617997

    Ok, I grew up reading wads of comics, so I’m obsessed with super powers. I’m just curious as to what powers these dragons have. I remember reading a book along time ago that assigns different power/ characteristics to each color of dragon. Do you guys think all these dragons breath fire or their colors dictate what they spit out. I choose to believe the latter, because it makes each color more unique. This is how I see their individual powers:

    Browns- fire
    White- ice blasts
    Blacks- acid

    Others I have to think about…what do you guys think…

    in reply to: pink dragons #612253

    Nambroth wrote:

    Something Pink shall come this way, as to what I dare not say. 😉 Unless I’m told otherwise, I let Melody announce any new things she makes- they are her creations after all! 🙂

    Can you tell us what shade of pink…like is it just pink highlight or all pink…etc…

    in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection Thread 4 #597530

    So far I have 9, only 4 large dragons. I will post pics when I have 10…(hangs head in shame) 😳

    in reply to: Size Matters! #616430

    Jasmine wrote:

    starbreeze wrote:

    Considering how little our toys were regulated, compared to today, it’s amazing that we survived. 😆

    Yeah, who’s brilliant idea was it to create lawn darts for little kids? 😈

    I remember my sister and I used to have full scale wars with each others and whith our cousins. We used to beat the crap out of each other using tree branches, and throw rocks. That was fun though, and no one really got hurt…

    in reply to: Windstone Vent #617731

    Screw the managers, DEMAND to speak to the owner, or the district manager if it is a chain store. It is your right, if you feel the managers are screwing you over. My mom works in retail, and she said usually the managers will cave if you threaten to go over them. Good luck to you…give ’em hell!!!!! 😈

    in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection Thread 4 #597527

    LyoMoonheart wrote:

    mrawr, my collection is so small compared to all of yours *pouts* I only have 18 <_<

    I have half that much…so quit your whining! 😈

    in reply to: Record Price! #617645

    Dragon Master wrote:

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Dragon Master wrote:

    I wish I was selling this jade one!!

    This one is regular emerald, not jade.
    well the Jade would be worth more. I wish I had either I could sell right now for the cash

    I sell Windstones, so I can get some cash, so I can buy more Windstones….I sell Windstones, so I can get some cash, so I can buy more Windstones…. 😀

    in reply to: Record Price! #617629

    So, is she like the rarest coiled mom or something? What do the other colors run? I’m new to this game and I’m curious too 😀

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