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  • Allison

      I’ll be ok then, I did email Susie, back before the store made up its mind. I gave her their contact information and she must have sent them along computer copies of the catelog, because the next time I went to the shop they showed them to me and told me I could order pieces through them 😀


        Store baiting works! I used it on a store in Midland and they are currently ordering in a new batch of Windstones! I went in and pestered them about Windstones, then I sent in my sisters and my friends to pester them, one at a time, until they decided carrying them was a good idea. I’d love to help you out, but I live a little too far away 😥

        I forgot about the referal gift 😯 . How does that work? I know this place has sent in an order, because I ordered something for myself through them. It hasn’t come in yet, but then I know there are really long delays at the border right now and I’m not worried about it. Will Karen or Susie get ahold of me if I qualify for something? *Gets all excited*

        in reply to: Spectrals #591460

          Intense Violet Em Pea Sitting and Rising Spectrals 😀

          Oops, should have said this: we’re talking specifically about the Rising one, but the sitting one is up too

          in reply to: Wow….I feel so insulted by this listing….. #589459

            I’ve been a forum monitor on a number of sites that are slowly being invaded by really bored and immature people, and this auction reminded me of something. Idiots there would post up boards that were rude, confrontational and often against the rules, wait for a ton of replies from people warning them to stop, and then post some lame message about the topic being a “study” or “experiment” on user behavior. That way they think their behavior is excused, or they lord themselves over the people that told them off, trying to make them feel badly for it. This auction stinks of the same thing to me…or it could be a top-secret study on Windstone addiction and its symptoms 😆

            in reply to: Spectrals #591457

              No, MINE!!! 👿

              Who am I kidding, I’m not a threat. It’s nice to dream though! That is a beautiful dragon, best of luck drag0nfeathers!

              in reply to: Spring Green Gold SK! #590732

                dragonessjade wrote:

                Hmm, too late I already got it. hehe The Sk is mine. Mahahaha.

                😯 😯 😯

                NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! 😆

                in reply to: Spring Green Gold SK! #590730


                  Actually, there’s several thousand dollars that could be used on there, which is the problem. It’s just so darn tempting sometimes, knowing that all that student loan money is there, and that I won’t need to use all of it for school. Spend the extra money though, and then you’re even further in debt.

                  Now I need to go hide my box of money somewhere else, being as I can see dragonessjade fishing for it right now 👿 😆

                  in reply to: Spring Green Gold SK! #590727

                    I’ll rescue the box after that dragon is safely sold and out of sight…until then I just hope none of the fishermen down on the bridge snag it 😆

                    in reply to: Spring Green Gold SK! #590724


                      She matches my bedroom! The urge to spend all my tuition money is rising again! Argh!

                      *Locks bank cards, credit cards and check book in a box, chains it shut and sinks it in the lake, just to end the temptation*

                      I agree she isn’t as flashy as the red, but I adore her all the same. Looking at these beauties sell is physically painful 😯

                      in reply to: In Search of Rainbow Emperor #582501

                        The shop I was talking to recently about carrying Windstones again has a Rainbow Emperor left over from before the Canadian distributor closed. I’ll be picking up an order there sometime soon, I can ask what they want for him if you would like me to Ski, and about shipping him. I think they just want him gone, which could really work in your favor. The only thing is that he’d have to cross the border to get to you.

                        in reply to: Intense Emerald Peacocks #587602

                          Man I wish I could have afforded one 😕

                          in reply to: Wow! Olimpia 's Red Gold Secret Keeper #583501

                            Pam Thompson wrote:

                            HAHA! And my bet WINS for being the closest! *gloats*

                            (we were betting on what price the SK would fetch)

                            Yeah, yeah, yeah…*forks over a bag of pennies…it’s all I’ve got to bet with at the moment*

                            Well, I’m glad I didn’t miss anything too amazing last night. I planned on sticking around, but then a thunderstorm showed up and the power died 🙁

                            in reply to: Wow! Olimpia 's Red Gold Secret Keeper #583480

                              I love how my comment on how much Windstones can cost is leading to a colourful slap-fest 😆

                              I think I may just have to sit around and watch how this auction ends. I’m hooked on it now!

                              in reply to: Wow! Olimpia 's Red Gold Secret Keeper #583455

                                I think it’s crazy what some of these dragons sell for, not because I feel they aren’t worth every penny (they are!), but because someone has to have that much to spend on a decorative piece like that. I come from a family and an area where people just don’t make that much extra money, so $4,000 for a dragon is mind-blowing!

                                I’ll likely never be able to afford pieces like the SK up for auction now, but Windstones are amazing things, and they really do seem worth it for those who can get their hands on them. I’m extremely jealous of all such lucky people 😛

                                That’s just my two cents worth…or whatever the exchange rate on two cents is these days 😆

                                in reply to: Wow! Olimpia 's Red Gold Secret Keeper #583428

                                  Wow 😯

                                  At the rate the bids are going, she’s going to sell for more than my tuition…maybe tuition and books combined!

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