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  • in reply to: NOT a Britney fan but…. #616005

      I have never, ever liked her, but even I had issues with everyone commenting on how “fat” she was. She is not “fat”. She is certainly out of shape compared to when she was at the top of her game, but you’re right, that was years ago and before she had two children in the space of a year. Weight-wise, she’s fine. None of those fat comments were right to me.

      Now, if you ignore the weight issue, I agree with the critics that the performance was terrible. I did think she was drunk or high on something, she couldn’t even mouth the words along in time with the recorded song. The outfit, the lack of focus…ugh, I couldn’t watch it. I turned it off. She seriously needs some proper help, if not I’m afraid she may do something that she is not around long enough to regret 😕

      in reply to: What's in a Name? #615800

        My name is *not* from Eragon. I know a lot of people think that it is, but I’ve never read a single one of the books, and I’ve been using “Arya” since I was about 6 years old…so since about 1992 😛

        Arya is a character in an extremely old story I came up with as a little kid, and it sort of evolved way out of control as I grew up. I’m either Arya or Arya_of_Evern (or some combination thereof) on most sites where I hang out, mostly because I like both the name and the character herself 😀

        in reply to: How long and how many? #615893

          I have one production Windstone and two PYO’s…wow eh? 😆

          I just found Windstones earlier this year, and as a fourth year university student it’s not like I have a lot of extra income to devote to them yet. I’ve got a Em Pea Curl, a PYO dragon and a winged wolf. Really hoping to expand on that in the future!

          in reply to: Tapioca is my life's blood #615489

            I had mine out a couple years ago. Pain wasn’t an issue, but then I get incredibly bad migranes, and realtively speaking it felt like nothing to me. The swelling on the other hand drove me mad! And then there was my family…they had steak and pizza the next two days! Torture!

            Ice is your very best friend to start with, it keeps the swelling and pain down beautifully. Just remember after a day or two to start using hot water bottles in between hits of ice, otherwise your jaw is going to get horribly stiff and sore in a whole new way! Hope you feel better soon! *Sends some pudding, soup and ice cream*

            in reply to: The problem with the world today… #615367

              I chat on a couple of online communities, and I’ve dealt with similar situations more than once. I went through a really rough year last year, and I often wound up talking about it on one website where I have a lot of close friends. Then another user began giving me grief about it, how I just seemed to be there for the attention, and how I should feel ashamed of myself for “abusing” the people there by telling them some of the things that were making me so depressed. I believed him, and I felt awful. I avoided the site all summer and apologized to my friends before I left for my bad behavior. It was only after I got back to school and back to the site that I was told that the user who had told me off just wanted to be the center of attention himself, and that I had been getting too much of it for his liking. Apparently he told everyone he was a war vet with a sniper wound, that he was in his 60’s, and that he lived in New York by Ground Zero. Turns out he lives in LA, and the rest of his claims can’t hold water either.

              I can totally understand how friends would make posts about their problems on a community forum. They need support, and just like in the “real world” with “real friends”, they need to talk about it. It’s when people start spinning tales to take advantage of this that I get so very angry, and especially when it involves fake life-threatening illnesses and deaths. There are real people facing these situations, and it’s disgusting to see other people pretending to be in the same boat purely for attention and sympathy.

              Wow…that was a bit of a rant. Sorry, things like this get me worked up 😳

              in reply to: Trip to the factory..again! :3 #614886

                foxfeather wrote:

                I guess all us canucks are going to have to get a couple of buses too! Start on the East coast, travel West across the country, take a turn south when we hit vancouver and on to the factory! 😀 😀

                Please don’t forget me!! 😆

                in reply to: More EmPea curled? #614822

                  Melody wrote:

                  There will be em pea coiled dragons, some day.

                  *Happy dance* Thank you 😀

                  in reply to: Another fake… #614909

                    tc_cat333 wrote:

                    Is it just me or do they look like candles??

                    Yep, they’re candles. The ones I saw were the fathers, made in silver, black and greenish-grey wax.

                    in reply to: Another fake… #614908

                      I’ve seen those before, in real life. It was years ago though, before I knew what Windstones were (dark times…)

                      in reply to: More EmPea curled? #614815

                        I’m holding out for Em Pea Coiled Mothers 😈

                        I managed to swipe the last Em Pea curled…came home from working an overtime shift and saw there was only one, had a minor panic attack and ordered him 😆

                        Hopefully you’ll get a chance to get one too Ravnheart!

                        in reply to: Coiled Brown Mammas! #614187

                          She’s lovely! If it wasn’t for the fact that a new school term just started (and the fact that I’m waiting on ones in Em Pea) I’d have her in an instant! 😀

                          in reply to: What do you think? (rant) #599669

                            Something similar happened to me. It’s not really helpful, but maybe it will make you smile over the whole issue 🙂

                            I go to McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, but I live further north in a community of only about 750 people, total. I’ve lived up here my whole life, everyone knows everyone else, and I’ve always felt it polite to say hello to people I pass on the street, etc.

                            I went to McMaster partly because my mother’s family lived there, and I could live with my grandma while I went to school. While my parents trusted my judgement completely, my mother’s city relatives had other ideas. They really tried to tear strips out of me for making friends! I’m at a new school, I don’t know anyone, and *gasp* I started talking to strangers! 😯

                            It was pathetic. They were scared of one of my friends because she had purple hair (cause you know unnatural hair colours indicate that said person is a psychopath), and they freaked out because I met my now boyfriend at a bus stop. What am I supposed to do, sneak from class to class, not make eye-contact and never speak to another soul again? I don’t think so. I’ve been talking to and befriending strangers in the city for three years now, and I’m still in one piece! As for my relatives, I just told them I’m a big girl now (21 years doesn’t exactly make me a kid anymore), and if I vanish they can say “I told you so” all they want. At least I had some kind of life!

                            Think about it…every friend you ever made was once a stranger. If you never spoke to them, visited them or spent any kind of time with them, they would never become your friend! You would spend your entire life alone with only your relatives…and that’s a scary thought!

                            in reply to: Thanks pegasil1978 #599638

                              Oh very nice! 😀

                              in reply to: Hoofers and Curlies…..Show us Your Pictures! #595997

                                I’m waiting on my Em Pea curl right now…between the Canada Day and 4th of July holidays, my poor money order is in limbo 😡

                                Gosh I love the curls and coils! I worked overtime one shift just to be able to get myself one. Here’s hoping for a few more extra shifts (just as long as they don’t take my two weeks off at shut-down away!)

                                in reply to: New colored Curls !! Emerald and Brown oh my!! #592977

                                  I just ordered the last EmP. I fell in love with them when they were first released, but never seemed to be able to justify getting one…until I saw there was only one left! I had to act 😯

                                  I really want to see the pictures of the newest additions! I don’t plan on getting them (I could barely affored the one I just got…stupid tuition bill just arrived for next year), but I’m sure they’re lovely!

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