Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Margaret aka drgnlvr needs your prayers UPDATED 8/22/12 #889877

    I have been away from the Windstone Forum for a loooong time, but I am soooo sad to hear that Margaret has had so much trouble. She was the nicest person and helped me to purchase something on Ebay before. And it really saddens me she has to sell a lot of her collection, I hope she can at least keep some of her more prized items. My thoughts and prayers are with her, and I will keep on checking back in for updates, let’s hope she is MUCH MUCH better by Christmas.

    in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.4 #753558

    I just got the Gold Green Nettuce Poad, My first Poad ever! Yippee! I’ve been trying to win one for a long time, and the green eyes on this one are just too precious for words. 😀

    in reply to: Windstones' new eBay auctions thread closed #741889

    Doesn’t sound heathy… :nea:

    It’s not, but when you’re poor, it’s sustenance.
    I am in need of a Ramen Care Package too, because I just bought the Green gold Nettuce Poad! 8)

    in reply to: DARK GREEN SUN DRAGON #2 FOR SALE #738129

    Thanks everyone for posting these pictures and your best wishes to me–the Pearl/Gold one did sell, and I am not willing to part with 2 Sun Dragons, so if it is possible to delete this post (I don’t know, how to do it), I would appreciate it. The Red Fire Male Dragon is still for sale and ends on Ebay tomorrow, and only has one bid so far–but if the reserve is not met, he is still available if a forum member wishes to buy him. Thanks for everyone’s help. 😀

    in reply to: Anybody Know How Many Dark Green Oriental Suns Were Made? #738377

    As some of you may have seen, I have my dark green Oriental Sun Dragon #2 for sale, and I have been asked how many were made total. I did not actually see another one out there after I got mine, but there may have been more, so I am hoping somebody could let me know the answer to that question. Also, I lost John’s email address to get permission to post pics of him if I have to put him on Ebay, so if Jennifer or somebody could provide me with that, so I could ask his permission, I would appreciate it. Thanks for all help given by forum members to me. :squeak:

    in reply to: DARK GREEN SUN DRAGON #2 FOR SALE #738125

    thanks for posting the picture–gorgeous isn’t he? I’ve decided to offer a choice of either that dragon, or in the alternative, if somebody wants my Pearl/Gold #8 for $500.00 plus shipping. I doubt there would be as many takers for the Pearl/Gold, because there were all 10 of those made, but they were hotly contested for last year! I don’t know if somebody can post a picture of one of those, but I know there is a place on the Windstone website that had some of Olimpia’s LP dragons pictured–I’ll have to find it, and instruct people where to find it, but if somebody could picture the Pearl/Gold on this thread also, I would appreciate it! :squeak:

    in reply to: DARK GREEN SUN DRAGON #2 FOR SALE #738122

    Since my blue eyed Red Fire Male is not selling, I am going to have to put up my Dark Green Oriental Sun Dragon #2, painted by Olimpia Carapia, purchased in July, received in August. I paid $468.00 for him, so I am hoping to get an offer of at least $450.00 plus shipping for him. Melody also put a drawing on his letter of authenticity. He is pictured on page 13 of the Ebay auction thread and I would appreciate it if somebody could post that picture on this thread for me, because I do not know how to do that. If I don’t get an offer soon, I will have to take him to Ebay also, but then I would incur listing fees, plus FV fees, so I would rather do this through the forum if possible. Thanks for looking, and please post that picture, if somebody can do that for me, I would ever so appreciate it! :squeak:

    in reply to: Wow, crazy prices on Ebay — new trend? #736157

    I actually bought my coiled mother dragon from them, which they said did not come with original box, but he was well packaged like he said, but it turns out, he was packed with an original box. I guess they don’t want to claim it’s an original box if they are not positive. I paid a high price, but it seems that the coils seem to increase in value so much more than a lot of the larger dragons.


    Also, if you received a 10% off coupon from Ebay which expires on Oct 30, you would be able to take $35.00 off of the price of him, if you have not already used your coupon.

    Hi everyone–
    My blue-eyed red fire Male Dragon test paint #1 was put on Ebay yesterday with a reserve price of $350.00, and a BIN for $400.00, which is about what I paid for it, with shipping. Starting bid is $99.00, and I have no bids yet, but what I will offer to forum members is if you pm me, and there are still no bids yet, I will give you a BIN for $350.00 plus the shipping, because I really need to sell it ASAP. John permitted me to post the pictures from original auction, but they came out tiny on my ad, but the original auction number is on my ad, so you can still view all the original pictures since it has been less than 60 days since I bought it. Also, if anybody knows how to delete my old thread about taking bids for the RF Male dragon, would you please be so kind to do so, and if you could post larger pictures of him on this thread like the last one, I would be ever so grateful also. I just cannot work pictures on my computer at all! 😡 :squeak:

    in reply to: Taking Bids–Blue eyed Male Red Fire test paint #1 Dragon #736915

    Oh, my bad. I have not had one nibble, so I am probably going to have to put him on Ebay. However I may have an offer on my Fujitsu ultra mobile tablet PC, and if that sells, I may not have to sell a Windstone piece, which would be great. But I have to raise money someplace soon, so I probably should not be tempting myself with a trade right now, at least until I have gotten my bills in order.

    in reply to: Taking Bids–Blue eyed Male Red Fire test paint #1 Dragon #736913

    I love your seafoam keeper, but I don’t think you’ll go for that! 😀 And being that I have cats, I have a lot of lint anyway–if only that was currency, I’d be rich!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Taking Bids–Blue eyed Male Red Fire test paint #1 Dragon #736911


    in reply to: Taking Bids–Blue eyed Male Red Fire test paint #1 Dragon #736907

    Actually, I am on the forum twice, once as 49ER, which I have several posts up for, but then I forgot that I was a member, and couldn’t log back in, so I think Jennifer got me back on in this name. Anyway, either name should work now, but this is the only username that will let me log back in if I’ve been logged out for a long time, so that’s what I posted under. And hello to you too! 😀

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