Your Favorite PYO Paints (non-airbrush)

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      My name is Angie and I’m very new to the Windstone world (though I remember drooling over Melody’s dragons as a child in the Crystal Realm of my local mall!).
      Anyway, I’m getting reading to tackle my first couple PYO and I’m not sure what paints I should be using- does anyone have suggestions? I’m particularly drawn to paints that allow for color mixing, and paints I can find at my local shops (Dick Blick, Hobby Lobby, JoAnn, Michaels).
      I hope it’s ok to add a new thread, I was looking for an old one to no avail!



        The old threads tend to get buried, so starting a new one is fine! I did find this topic from about a year ago. It has some helpful tips, and I’m sure the PYO artists will add more. 🙂

        Gonna try to paint my own first timer!!!


          This thread also looks helpful with tips for things like blending:

          Painting a PYO


            Glad to see someone new taking on the PYO’s! I’m interested in seeing what you come up with!

            For paints, here are ones I regularly use and recommend:
            – Golden. This is my default and favorite to use. Except for the white. I use Folkart or Americana brand white paint.

            – Decoart
            – Folkart
            – Americana
            (I think the above three are made by the same company. There are a lot of interesting specialty paints between them like Enchanted, Color Shift, Dragonfly, Brushed Metal, Glow in the dark, and a slew of different varnishes)

            – Martha Stewart. You’re paying a bit more for the brand but the paint is very good quality. I’ve gotten quite a few when they were on sale or clearance at Michaels.

            – Craftsmart Premium. Very good quality, great price, and lots of variety.

            – Crayola signature. It’s in metal tins. I especially love the white pearl paint from this series.

            A lot of people like using Liquitex as well. I don’t use it as much compared to Golden because I’ve had some duds with the brand.

            People have used watercolors on their PYO’s, so there’s another option for you. Oil-based paints are not recommended for PYO’s since they don’t allow the piece to breathe.

            Hope this helps!


              I use pearl-ex powders quite often.Layering colors can give some beautiful effects.I use them in the dry form but many folks mix them into their liquid acrylics.

              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
              Male day🤞Dream on.


                I haven’t painted a pyo in a long while, but I use hard pastels. When I first started painting them way too long ago, I used the liquitex brand acrylics. Any brand will work really. Just no oil paints.


                  I use Liquitex, Golden, some of the specialty Folkart paints, and my favorite go-to for metallic paints are the Jacquard Lumiere paints and the Sargent Art Liquid Metal Acrylic Paints.

                  If you are blending colors the Golden (not heavy body) is wonderful and the Liquitex is really good when also using a paint medium.

                  Good Luck! Show us what you paint! ^_^

                  IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                  Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                  Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                  *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                  *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                    Decoart and Americana are the same manufacturer. Folkart and Martha Stewart (and Apple Barrel) are the same manufacturer. I swear some of the Martha paints are exactly the same as the Folkart, which was a disappointment, because I was expecting better from Martha’s paint. However, both of the Martha pearl white paints are my favorite of that color, even better than Golden’s.

                    Looking for...

                    Sitting young oriental dragon koi gold and white


                      I use a lot of Liquitex paints (the kind in the tubes), but also Delta Ceramcraft and a number of “cheapo” brands.

                      For some of the effects/details I do, I have variously used a Liquitex gloss varnish, Pearl-Ex powders, color-shift paint (I forgot the brand name, sorry!), metal leafing, or Jacquard ‘Lumiere’ paints. (And Swarovski crystals!)

                      For me, I’ve found that having good brushes is more important than having expensive paint; I don’t go all-out, but definitely see a difference between the cheapest brushes and those in the $10-15 range, so those are what I usually buy. (Older, worn-out brushes that lose their precise shape get used for blending or large-area application, so although I have to replace my detail brushes fairly often, their working lifespan is longer than the replacement time suggests.)

                      Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).

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