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      foxfeather wrote:

      Poad Pawns!!!! 😀 😀 😀

      Eeeeeee! 😀

      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
      -J R R Tolkien


        Arlla wrote:

        foxfeather wrote:

        Poad Pawns!!!! 😀 😀 😀

        Eeeeeee! 😀
        NOT THE POADS AGAIN???!!!


        YES!!!POADS!!!! 😆 😆


          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          YES!!!POADS!!!! 😆 😆

          I’m melting oh what a world, what a world what a world what a world


            The world can never have too many Poads!!!! 😀


              Dragon Master wrote:

              WindstoneCollector wrote:

              YES!!!POADS!!!! 😆 😆

              I’m melting oh what a world, what a world what a world what a world

              hmm and I thought throwing water at you would work….if I knew it was poads I wouldn’t have wasted a whole bottle of Evian…. 😈 😈


                starbreeze wrote:

                The world can never have too many Poads!!!! 😀

                there are way too many already!!
                THEY ARE TAKING OVER HELP ME!!!


                wolflodge100 wrote:

                dragons against griffins?

                I like this idea! Seems evenly matched!

                On a side note that I know was discussed somewhere I cant find- I think it was said that theres a difference between a SK and a Keeper. Can someone post photos (or links to photos) of these 2 kinds of dragons. If they are the same, Id love to see the SK. Is it the large one (really large) sitting with one leg up? Or what am I confusing it with?

                If someone could post a photo (this might take some work and the right ppl to read this as theyd have the pieces) of a SK, and Emperor and, say, a Young or Male or Mother dragon all together, so I can see a comparison of size. Never seen an Emp or SK or Keeper in person and Id love to compare & see perspective against the dragons I *do* know.

                If no one can do this or answer the questions, thats fine. I know it’s a lot of work and I dont navigate this site as well as others do. Thanks in advance if anyone can find the time to appease my curiosity! 😀


                  frozendragon wrote:

                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  WindstoneCollector wrote:

                  YES!!!POADS!!!! 😆 😆

                  I’m melting oh what a world, what a world what a world what a world

                  hmm and I thought throwing water at you would work….if I knew it was poads I wouldn’t have wasted a whole bottle of Evian…. 😈 😈
                  But alas I’m reincarnated!!


                    PhoenixTears wrote:

                    wolflodge100 wrote:

                    dragons against griffins?

                    I like this idea! Seems evenly matched!

                    On a side note that I know was discussed somewhere I cant find- I think it was said that theres a difference between a SK and a Keeper. Can someone post photos (or links to photos) of these 2 kinds of dragons. If they are the same, Id love to see the SK. Is it the large one (really large) sitting with one leg up? Or what am I confusing it with?

                    If someone could post a photo (this might take some work and the right ppl to read this as theyd have the pieces) of a SK, and Emperor and, say, a Young or Male or Mother dragon all together, so I can see a comparison of size. Never seen an Emp or SK or Keeper in person and Id love to compare & see perspective against the dragons I *do* know.

                    If no one can do this or answer the questions, thats fine. I know it’s a lot of work and I dont navigate this site as well as others do. Thanks in advance if anyone can find the time to appease my curiosity! 😀
                    I’m not sure how to post from the Gallery but Melody has a picture in her Gallery of the Rainbow SK on the right Rainbow Emperor in the middle and regular keeper on the left. It’s page 7 in her Gallery

                    I’d lOVE to learn how to psot from this gallery if anyone want to teach me!!!


                      Hey, DM, just think about it this way… pawns are the easiest & most likely sacrificed… so you could just revel at wiping all the Poads out with the other critters. 😀

                      (Not that I necessarily want to do that, but anything to have 8 tiny Poad butts lookin’ back at me… :lol:)



                        This is a ‘keeper’ PYO (we hope) with a normal male dragon (Chessie painted him)

                        The keeper PYO, an emperor, and then the Secret Keeper.

                        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                        My art: featherdust.com


                          I want that big beautiful rainbow SK! Gah! So gorgeous!


                            Maebnus3 wrote:

                            Hey, DM, just think about it this way… pawns are the easiest & most likely sacrificed… so you could just revel at wiping all the Poads out with the other critters. 😀

                            (Not that I necessarily want to do that, but anything to have 8 tiny Poad butts lookin’ back at me… :lol:)
                            that would help and I LOVE chess too bad I can’t find anyone to play it with


                            I like all the ideas. The more the merrier! 😆

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