Would you ever consider??????

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    wolflodge100 wrote:

    dragons against griffins?

    I like this idea!


      CherylKaufman wrote:

      wolflodge100 wrote:

      dragons against griffins?

      I like this idea!

      I do, too. 😀


        emerald212 wrote:

        Melody wrote:

        DROGO wrote:

        Also since we’re on the subject of “would you consider” …would you ever consider making a chess set with your Windstone pieces? They’d have to be MUCH smaller of course! Or even a PYO chess set 😛

        A pyo chess set! That is a neat idea! What should the pieces be?

        Dragons vs. Gargoyles
        Dragons vs. Unicorns

        Just some thoughts.
        Any possible!! You can buy the 16 peices you want for each side of the board so you are building your own set


          Cool well thank you Nam and Melody for clearing that up. I think the chess set is a great idea as well! Thanks for getting every point!!!

          Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!


          Dragon Master wrote:

          emerald212 wrote:

          Melody wrote:

          DROGO wrote:

          Also since we’re on the subject of “would you consider” …would you ever consider making a chess set with your Windstone pieces? They’d have to be MUCH smaller of course! Or even a PYO chess set 😛

          A pyo chess set! That is a neat idea! What should the pieces be?

          Dragons vs. Gargoyles
          Dragons vs. Unicorns

          Just some thoughts.
          Any possible!! You can buy the 16 peices you want for each side of the board so you are building your own set

          ohh I like this idea 😀


            That’s a great idea. And would be even greater if this set is made for the club only. 😉


              I like the idea of a chess set too, but that would mean I would actually have to learn how to play chess. 😉

              I like the suggestion of Dragons v. Unicorns or Griffins v. Unicorns.

              The other suggestion of just making sets and then people can choose their sets would be nice, but I can already see debate over what the colors the sets should be. This would especially be a problem for people who would want two sets of the same sculpt but different colors, like Dragons v. Dragons. Then again, we’ve had multiple polls on this type of thing before. I’m sure we could work out something with the help of a little democracy. 😀


                it could be a nightmare to cast all those little pieces too


                  I like the idea of griffins vs. dragons too!


                    Ohhhh a PYO Chess set!!! 😀
                    I think Melody would have to do complete sets of
                    – Dragons
                    – Griffins
                    – Unicorns
                    – Pegasus
                    – KiRins
                    – FlapFelines
                    Then everyone could choose the 2 sets they like and a Gerneral Windstone Chess Board. 😀 It’s a dream but really for a chess set you only have to sculpt 6 Pieces per set and then cast multiples 😀 😀 😈 Melody might kill me for saying that


                      foxfeather wrote:

                      Ohhhh a PYO Chess set!!! 😀
                      I think Melody would have to do complete sets of
                      – Dragons
                      – Griffins
                      – Unicorns
                      – Pegasus
                      – KiRins
                      – FlapFelines
                      Then everyone could choose the 2 sets they like and a Gerneral Windstone Chess Board. 😀 It’s a dream but really for a chess set you only have to sculpt 6 Pieces per set and then cast multiples 😀 😀 😈 Melody might kill me for saying that

                      That’s a great idea! We’ll see it done in about 30 years!! 😆

                      Honestly it is a neat idea!! 😀 Though I do wonder if Melody would have nightmares about sculpting that many pieces for such a set….

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                      My art: featherdust.com


                        That’d be awesome, but I’d be happy with just one set of those critters (mixed), in 2 colors. Fewer pieces to sculpt might cut it down to a single decade 😉 … I totally see them in various configurations of rank… I’d like a mini SK for Queen please. And which equine would be the Knight?? I say one of each…

                        AND… wait for it… mini Poads for pawns!! OMG that’d be awesome 😀


                          Poads would make very cute pawns! 😆


                          Melody wrote:

                          DROGO wrote:

                          Also since we’re on the subject of “would you consider” …would you ever consider making a chess set with your Windstone pieces? They’d have to be MUCH smaller of course! Or even a PYO chess set 😛

                          A pyo chess set! That is a neat idea! What should the pieces be?

                          I think a sampling of all the pieces (dragon, unicorn, Pegasus, griffin, gargoyle, etc) would be awesome. Maybe even Poad ™ Pawns. 😀 They could then be painted in opposing colors (black and white, red and purple, gold and silver, etc). I think it’d be neat to paint each piece in it’s own unique coloring, then trim one set in gold and the other set in silver.


                            Poad Pawns!!!! 😀 😀 😀

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