
Would Anyone Know????

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        I would really like to get one of the garden sculputures but am a little concerned and was wondering if anyone would be able to answer my questions.

        I’m concerned cause we can have some pretty wild temperature variations (40 degrees in one day sometimes) esspecially during the winter and even during the summer (it has snowed in july before) would they be up to that sort of punishment, both the concrete and the paint finish, or would it be better to bring them in during the winter? And are they hollow?

        Also, I know I saw thins somewhere but I can’t seem to find it. Is there any list of prices that windstones are generally worth?



          They aren’t hollow exactly; they have a core from the bottom that goes up through the center of the statue that makes them lighter. So they do have a hole up through the middle, but they are strong.

          Apparently Melody and the crew put these though very rugged testings which included baking them at high temperatures and freezing them. They are meant to hold up to the elements. 🙂

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com


            Do you want a price list for all Windstones, or just the prices of the outdoor pieces, foxfeather? The Rock Dragon is about $170 or more; the Little Rock Dragon starts at $150. You can check other prices on any dealer’s page.


              I’d love a list of all Windstones. Some of my dragons are peacock but differeent from the peacock that was just retired. They are more blue and purple with gold accents and no green on them

              That is excellent news about the garden staues!!!Now to collect the money (+shipping) for a little rock dragon for my Iris bed!!! I really hope Melody and Windstone can make more Garden stuff, I’d much rather pay money for such beautiful statuary that will last that some of the cheep stuff I’ve seen at the garden centers


              There is an Encyclopedia about them at http://www.astralcastle.com . Just click the buttons until you get there. They have alot of information on them, it’s not complete, but they have alot of pics and prices for even the retired ones. 😀


                If you are looking for original selling prices astral castles is the place to go. If you are looking for a current value, well there’s a forum member (littleironhorse) who has been tracking how much windstones have been going for on eBay for a few months now and she could give you estimates.

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