Winter/Holiday gift swap! Who wants to join?

Home Forums Miscellany Swaps Winter/Holiday gift swap! Who wants to join?

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  • #789812

    This sounds wonderful! I’d love to participate and will send an email later tonight :).

    Thank you!



      — Please include at least 3 items in your package.
      — General price range will be $25 – $35, though if you’d like to invest more, that’s fine. And $25 is not a mandatory minimum– if you’re good at crafts or you have a knack for finding thrift store treasures, that’s cool, too.

      Do you mean 3 items worth a minimum of $25, or 3 items combined worth a minimum of $25?
      e.g. If someone wanted to get their ‘Secret Santa’ a $30.00 windstone, could they send just that item or would they need to get two other items?
      Why three? o_o

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        I’m in…that is if I can get to the forum between then and now… πŸ™„

        Crimson Vision

          Jennifer wrote:


          — Please include at least 3 items in your package.
          — General price range will be $25 – $35, though if you’d like to invest more, that’s fine. And $25 is not a mandatory minimum– if you’re good at crafts or you have a knack for finding thrift store treasures, that’s cool, too.

          Do you mean 3 items worth a minimum of $25, or 3 items combined worth a minimum of $25?
          e.g. If someone wanted to get their ‘Secret Santa’ a $30.00 windstone, could they send just that item or would they need to get two other items?
          Why three? o_o

          Three items worth a minimum of $25 total for all three (not $25 each). Not everyone will want to spend $75 on a swap. 😳 Come to think of it though, I did end up spending around $75 on the last one but it wasn’t required.

          I’ve really never done a swap with a community that is focused on collecting relatively expensive items & we had the three item minimum just because people like to get more than one item. I will change that requirement though to ‘suggested’. πŸ™‚


          Sent an email!


          This is a good idea! Sending the email now…. πŸ˜€


          I sent mine to you Crimson but gmail is being a pain so let me know if you got it. πŸ™‚

          Crimson Vision

            I’ve got everyone that has posted so far. πŸ™‚ As of right now there are already 7 people in the swap.


              Crimson, please ignore the blank form I just sent you…I’m a noobtard with these migraines…going to actualy fill it out now…>.< πŸ™„


              did you get mine?


                This sounds like fun–just sent you an email–let me know if you didn’t get it.


                Oh!! How fun! I will join, but I need to fill out the form first! πŸ™‚

                Crimson Vision

                  Here is a list of the people who I have forms for; we are up to 11 (as of 11/3/09 @ 11:55am):

                  And me, Crimson Vision πŸ™‚


                    Sounds like fun. I used to belong to a Secret Pal group at work and we had a great time. Each hoiday (valentines, Easter, etc) we sent a small thing like a card or knickknack pertaining to the holiday – coffee cup, etc. to our secret pal and on birthdays and Christmas a larger gift for $25 or under and then in Dec. we had a luncheon and discovered who had our name the last year and drew names for the next year.


                      πŸ˜€ This sounds like alot of fun, I am in … πŸ˜‰ I’ll fill out the form tomorrow… πŸ™‚


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