Windstone Forum Anniversary Celebration!

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    Hm, only 17 people responded? 😕 We have a long ways to go to beat the current record of 40.


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Hm, only 17 people responded? 😕 We have a long ways to go to beat the current record of 40.

    I think there might be quite a few people like Spark who are planning to attend but didn’t respond for various reasons…but we’ll see…


    Well, we’ll make the effort, but I just know that whenever I plan something, that’s the one way it doesn’t happen. 😆 Oh well. Maybe Melody will help us by announcing the release of something special on E-Bay for one of those days.


    Yeah…if an auction for a limited edition piece ended at one of the planned times, that would definitely help. 🙂


      I think it would help if Melody or Nam or someone made an Announcement a day or two ahead to remind everyone. 🙂


        Don’t forget June 15th 😛


          Ok… cause I’ve been outta the loop for so long…

          I could pvobably be on both days… 😀

          but what are we doing? just being on the forum at the same time? Or are we chatting? or what? I’m confused… maybe I should have read the entire post… 😆


            Trying to be online at the same time and make a new record for the most forum members online.


              AH I get it!

              Count me in… I will try my hardest to be online both day! 😆


                Good!!! 😀


                starbreeze wrote:

                I think it would help if Melody or Nam or someone made an Announcement a day or two ahead to remind everyone. 🙂

                Probably…but in any case, I’ll do a “reminder” post on this thread the day before each scheduled day to remind people…


                  Awesome!!!! count me in. I know I’ve been out of it for a while..finals bleh but Im through with it.

                  I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                  Engaged to a Weasel


                  Hey, with you and Lady Brooklyn we have 19 now! 😀


                    I should not get scheduled July 4th and should be here all day I’m not so sure about the 7th


                      As I am retired any time is good for me as long as it is not the middle of the night.

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