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- This topic has 1,862 replies, 151 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 4 months ago by Jennifer.
September 19, 2014 at 1:12 pm #919123
The house we were planning to buy and were saving up a down payment for was broken into and stripped of all the copper wiring, plumbing and hvac is now ruined so now it’s completely unlivable and we can’t get approved for it.
This is the SECOND house this has happened to which we were watching. Apparently it’s a real issue in our area right now with homes that are vacant and in rural areas.
I want to pull my hair out and cry over this entire moving thing.
Also, I have a dentist appointment today for a toothache.
September 19, 2014 at 2:01 pm #919125Gosh, I sure am sorry so many of you are going through hell…!!
I have had two family members in the hospital in the last week…. x_xVolunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
My art: featherdust.comSeptember 23, 2014 at 4:22 pm #919304My sympathies on all the health problems, house troubles and hospital issues.
-sighs- My car was rear ended today in an accident on the way to work. I’m fine and so is the other person but….MY POOR CAR! Badly dented bumper, misaligned trunk lid and smashed tail light. T_T Now I have to go through the procedures to get the insurance (not mine thankfully) to pay for repairs. Plus I have to keep it in the garage just in case it rains because the trunk seal is completely messed up now (and I certainly don’t need a flooded trunk to add to the mess). Ugh! At least everyone is alright though and the other guy was very polite & pleasant about it all. It could have been way worse.
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https://www.redbubble.com/people/prezaurian?ref=artist_title_nameSeptember 28, 2014 at 12:40 am #919656Prezaurian, hope you’re able to get your car fixed right. So many of the insurance companies try to force you to accept cheap parts and repair- though by law it’s supposed to be OEM parts.
I hope everyone else’s problems are doing better.
Looks like I’m not going to Shands, even for the cardiac MRI- my lack of insurance is rearing its ugly head. (there was a catastrophic Medicaid that kicked in because the hospital bills were so high and they called me indigent, but that’s ended). They won’t see me because of it the cardiologist said (nor will his office allow me again); a hospital in Orlando recently got a cardiac MRI so he tried there after Shands rejected me but they did too. He says I needed the surgery to repair the defects because they are passing clots from my venous circulation to my arterial, and because of that I’m at very high risk of stroking out. No surgeons want the likes of me though. And because of the stroke risk, I can’t use my shiny new CDL. The company doesn’t want me, and the doctor says my condition as it stands blacklists me. So I don’t know what I’ll do, back to retail I suppose though that will be back to no benefits including insurance and maybe $100/week. I need to start looking although it gives my husband fits when I say it- I still have 2-3 days a week when I’m very short of breath and my chest feels weird or uncomfortable. Money’s tight enough to affect food though so I can’t wait much more. I don’t qualify for temporary disability because I’m not currently employed or ‘sick enough’.
At least my last blood tap had my clot rate in therapeutic range- though the warfarin dose is pretty high.September 28, 2014 at 1:52 am #919664Looks like I’m not going to Shands, even for the cardiac MRI- my lack of insurance is rearing its ugly head. (there was a catastrophic Medicaid that kicked in because the hospital bills were so high and they called me indigent, but that’s ended). They won’t see me because of it the cardiologist said (nor will his office allow me again); a hospital in Orlando recently got a cardiac MRI so he tried there after Shands rejected me but they did too. He says I needed the surgery to repair the defects because they are passing clots from my venous circulation to my arterial, and because of that I’m at very high risk of stroking out. No surgeons want the likes of me though. And because of the stroke risk, I can’t use my shiny new CDL. The company doesn’t want me, and the doctor says my condition as it stands blacklists me. So I don’t know what I’ll do, back to retail I suppose though that will be back to no benefits including insurance and maybe $100/week. I need to start looking although it gives my husband fits when I say it- I still have 2-3 days a week when I’m very short of breath and my chest feels weird or uncomfortable. Money’s tight enough to affect food though so I can’t wait much more. I don’t qualify for temporary disability because I’m not currently employed or ‘sick enough’.
At least my last blood tap had my clot rate in therapeutic range- though the warfarin dose is pretty high.Oh my gosh…. I’m so sorry about your situation. I have absolutely no experience with these kinds of problems but…I looked around a bit and found a couple websites that might be able to offer some kind of information. I know it’s not much and I’m sure you’ve looked around already but…I hope it helps in some way.
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https://www.redbubble.com/people/prezaurian?ref=artist_title_nameOctober 30, 2014 at 6:36 am #921148Hey all, just kind of diving right in… I hope to get more familiar with you all as we go, sorry for not having advice to give yet.
I was diagnosed with depression during my second full-time job out of college.. about 4 years ago. I initially thought I just had anxiety issues, as I was having panic attacks, but was informed that they sort of go hand-in-hand. It makes a lot of my young adulthood make sense. It turns out that I had been undiagnosed for some time and was only noticing now that I was getting worse.
The past two years, I’ve only been able to handle a part time job at the local grocery store. It was a huge blow to my self esteem – Why bother going to college if I can’t even deal with a job in my profession?
Today, I put in my two weeks’ notice. It is the first time I’ve quit a job without having a backup.. but the past few months I’ve been absent more and more from work due to depression, and I wanted to leave on my terms instead of leaving it to crumble until I got fired – Especially since I seem to be losing control of my breakdowns. (Having them in public is just about my worst, most humiliating fear.)
I just feel lost right now. My husband is amazing and says I can take time to try and focus on myself… but I’ve lost all sense of self-reliance, and I feel like a huge burden. No one else but my best friend knows yet and I’m dreading telling anyone.
October 30, 2014 at 9:11 pm #921167Thanks for the tip, Kim. I’ll give the book a try…
I’ve been having symptoms of depression all my life and for the first 35 years self medicated with food, Finally, about the time I would break down and cry for no objective reason on the way home from work, I got diagnosed and began taking medication. It is NOT a cure all but it does help with the extremes of anxiety attacks and depression (I rare;y just lie in bed with the curtains closed and run my negative tapes in my head) It was my morbid obesity as well as my depression that got me on SS disabilty but I have managed working at home part time for the last 8 years (I am homebound). I’ve tried therapy a couple of times (once for over 3 years) but did not improve at all.
Don’t rule out medications entirely – they can take the edge of your depression enough to enable you to keep functioning on some level…
Best wishes to both of you!
October 30, 2014 at 10:21 pm #921168I’m yet another forum member with life-long depression. There seem to be a lot of us! Don’t discount drugs entirely. While they may not help much, they do make it so I don’t regret waking up in the morning. I also see a therapist. It gets me out of the house for a while anyway. For winter months I use a blue-light box in the morning. Every little bit helps.
It's not hoarding if it's books!
Cat hair -- condiment and fashion accessory!October 30, 2014 at 10:28 pm #921149I think I know how you feel Rachelled. I have suffered on and off with depression for the last few years but it goes worse in the last year after going through a lot of issues and a painful break up and such. I had a lot of panic attacks and anxiety as a kid and I never knew what it was until I was a teenager. I got over the panic attacks but have worse social anxiety now. I haven’t been able to work for the last year as I haven’t been able to cope with the stress. My doctor wanted to prescribe me medication but from what I have heard from friends who got no results or worse results from their medications, I won’t take drugs.
I started reading a book recently called Feeling Good by Dr. David D. Burns that is actually quite interesting as it talks a lot in the introduction and first chapter about depression and methods for treating it. The author is a psychiatrist who has researched treatments and treated patients effectively for decades using psychotherapy/cognitive therapy and even did trials showing how it was more effective than medications. He even did trials with patients using his book alone to treat depression and overcome it and found even reading the book to be about as effective as going to a professional for therapy and that very few people relapsed and some were ‘cured’ for good. Anyway the whole book is meant to help you retrain your thinking and negative thought patterns so you can overcome depression and not just treat the symptoms. I haven’t read it all yet but have had friends who have and told me it was great so I would definitely recommend that anyone who suffers from depression and anxiety read it.
Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!
November 1, 2014 at 5:47 pm #921233Also try to make certain that you get some sort of exercise every day – to the point that you sweat… icky, I know, but it was something my counselor suggested and it does seem to help. Something to do with balancing out your body’s natural chemicals…
tdm 🙂
November 8, 2014 at 5:55 am #921547Oh wow…that’s some serious news since last I checked this part of the forum. My sympathies! I hope everyone recovers quickly and nothing even more serious comes up.
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https://www.redbubble.com/people/prezaurian?ref=artist_title_nameNovember 20, 2014 at 10:07 pm #922075My goodness, Ciarnet, I hope everything will be ok.
I came in here to complain a little about my wretched day at work. I got there to discover one of the dogs dead in his kennel. Then also, one of the 2 people scheduled to work with me came in an hour and a half late, and the other one didn’t come in at all (his significant other was having a baby today). So for the first portion of the morning, I was stuck trying to do everything by myself in addition to dealing with finding a dead dog and being shaky from that. To top it all off, a dog gave me a bloody lip from banging me with its head (injuries like that aren’t unusual at my job, but I didn’t need that today)…
I don’t work at a vet- I shouldn’t have to deal with dead animals. 🙁
November 21, 2014 at 5:32 am #922087That sucks Phantomess. I’ve thought of working at a vet clinic before but the thought of having to book in animals for euthanasia procedures always stops me. That must have been one heck of an awful phone conversation with the owner!
Well, this past Tuesday I lost my bakery job. It’s kind of a good thing because the bosses were horrible and it wasn’t working for me long term because I did not feel respected or valued there, since I was never once given a scrap of praise in the entire three months that I worked there but the loss of income does hurt, especially as tomorrow I have to take my cat (not Casper, his big brother Copernicus) to the vet to try to figure out why he suddenly scratched most of the skin off of the one side of his muzzle. He’s also got a swollen dewclaw for some reason and all of this is baffling because he’s an indoor kitty. He doesn’t get into fights; his fellow kitties are amiable with him. I’m praying that the next job I get works out better; it would certainly be nice if it wasn’t retail. I don’t think that I have ever lasted more than eight months at a single retail job. The last one I had, I could have stayed with I think but then the store closed and that was that. Thank goodness I had most of my Christmas shopping already complete! I’ve also been sick, so I haven’t started job hunting yet (don’t want to sneeze on an interviewer.) Anyway, hopefully I can get a diagnosis on Copernicus tomorrow so that I can move forwards with him and get a new, better job soon.
Check out my finished artwork at http://falcolf.deviantart.com/ and my sketch/studio blog at http://rosannapbrost.tumblr.com/
November 21, 2014 at 3:31 pm #922095Aw man, my sympathies phantomess. It’s always upsetting to see that kind of thing. And to have extra work on top of it is lousy. Hopefully the coming days are better.
Falcolf, the lost job news stinks. I hope you’re able to pick up another one soon. And I hope Copernicus is ok and it’s nothing serious. Hopefully an easy vet trip.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble!
https://www.redbubble.com/people/prezaurian?ref=artist_title_nameDecember 16, 2014 at 9:50 pm #923109I kind of feel guilty complaining sometimes, because I really have nothing to complain about. We have money in the bank (even if my personal funds are pretty much all gone) and I’m not sick, my pets are all fine right now, everything is pretty good. I just feel like crap anyway. I’m so sick of working. I’m tired of making things for other people, and not the things I want to make. But then I do steal a little time to make the things I want to make, and nobody notices or cares. I know I should make art purely for the love of it, I shouldn’t depend on other people’s praise, but I kind of like when people comment on and enjoy my stuff… It’s depressing when nobody does. And I’m always tired, and always cold, and I just feel like crap, even though every doctor’s visit for months has said my thyroid levels are normal now, it feels like they aren’t. It’s probably all just in my head, and I should be able to not let it drag me down so much, but I can’t help it.
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