
WHINE is served

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      I have boxes all over my duplex because I will be moving at the start of next week (my fiance will be here Monday and Tuesday with friends and the uhaul). I just don’t have enough boxes for everything so he’s taking some home today to unload and I’ll bring the empties back on Sunday/Saturday so they can get reloaded. I still need to buy picture packing boxes though, because those won’t fit in book boxes.


        yar, husband has a 3-7 shift tomorrow so there’s not a lot of time to do anything….then Sunday I get picked up by the in laws at 9:40am(translates to like 10:30 with them) to help get a party ready for my turning 6 year old niece then boring party with the idiotic mothers who like one last year was dumbfounded when I told her son that all those ants are female that you see, she was like “How do you know that?” oi….

        4 things I'm looking for:
        1. Mother Meerkat
        2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
        3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
        4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


          Work is so frustrating.

          Explaining why is too long and boring, so here’s an illustration:

          You clean toilets for a living. You clean a toilet and show it to your boss for his approval.

          He goes, “Good start, but you missed a bunch of spots.”

          So you clean it again.

          Then he goes, “Ok, but there’s this one other spot here and here and here that you missed too.”

          So you clean it again. Thoroughly. The thing is freakin’ spotless.

          Then he goes, “It looks great, but if I turn on this blacklight and look at it, I can still see a bunch of stuff. You can only see it with the blacklight but it needs to be perfect.”

          So you sigh inwardly and go, “Ok, if you’ll just let me use that blacklight so I can see the spots, I’ll get right on it.”

          And he goes, “Oh no, I can’t give you the blacklight. Just do your best.”

          Oh, and you have a time limit to clean the toilet each time.



            Whine. I am taking part in an open studio tour this weekend and set up in a nice gallery, along a major highway in a populous area. I paid quite a bit to get in, and went to a workshop going over how to sell at these (I was surprised that it was stuff I already knew). I listened to the other artists talk about high sales and even some big sales. I know a few of the other artists do really well! I was excited.
            Well, today was dead, and of the one person that genuinely was interested in my work, his wife told him no. I understand, but I am completely deflated now. 🙁 I even marked my paintings down in hopes that they’d be more affordable for someone.

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
            My art: featherdust.com



              I’m Exhausted and Overwhelmed :tired:

              Between work being very busy and screwing around with the schedule, the young mountain of homework (2 research papers, 3 sets of forms and 2 Q&A papers) that I got on Monday and are all due Friday, which is causing my anxiety to flare up, leaving me in tears at least 3 times in the last week, add in that my practicum advisor is no longer with the school and apparently did no work on looking for a practicum for me and I have to meet with the new guy now and basically start over (Practicum is supposed to start in mid-September), have had two major family emergencies and am maybe getting 4 hours of sleep a night. I haven’t had a day where I haven’t had to do something for either school or work or deal with some family crisis in over 3 months.

              I feel like I’ve run head first into a brick wall and with only a few months left of class then 2 months of practicum I really don’t feel like I can get through all this and just want to crawl under the covers cry and hide from the world.


                I’m sorry. 🙁 I hope the world lightens up soon and gives you a break! Just keep taking one day at a time and something will work out in the end, maybe not what you envisioned, but that is okay.


                  Can’t get on the ebay Windstone page here or on ebay because of PHISHING . What is going on .


                    The temperature outside here in northern NY is just TOO. BLOODY. HOT! Temperature in the mid 90’s, the dewpoint is oppressive at about 70 degrees, and the heat index is at 100. I’ll take some snow please! My doggies, esp. my black one (Soot), would appreciate it as well!


                      minor whine, my hubby broke the tip of his toe in a battle with the coffee table….so he has to rest it all weekend so mostly stuck at home all weekend and no time to go to the fair like we had planned and there’s no time to go otherwise….

                      4 things I'm looking for:
                      1. Mother Meerkat
                      2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                      3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                      4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                        My spaghetti won’t cool off fast enough.


                          My spaghetti won’t cool off fast enough.

                          Haha!!! Don’t you hate that?

                          Being a pasta lover myself, you should do what I do. Shove a huge forkful of spaghetti in your mouth anyway. As the scorching sensation tickles your mouth, just tilt your head back and puff air towards the ceiling while yelling, “Ooo! Ooooo!! That’s hot!!! *pant* *pant* *pant*” …and then swallow it. While your family stares at you motionlessly with a puzzled expression, just do what your heart tells you to do; put another forkful of spaghetti in your mouth and do it all over again. Sure, your mouth might be a little sore for a while, but at least your tummy will be happier more quickly!
                          And that’s what matters most: Happy tummies. 😉


                            ugh, get a call from my husband this morning, apparently the landlord lost our rent checks somehow….we had put them in an envelope in after hours(just barely) since the one of the landlady’s likes to close the office early…so this was the 3rd, it’s due the 4th but with the holiday, they said it would be fine if it’s there when they open on the 5th….

                            fast-forward to today, apparently someone somehow got through the mail slot and got it out since our’s was “apparently” the only one missing….anyhoo, hubby and I had to stop the checks with our bank and we get to make new checks for it after work….and I got to pay a lovely $20 fee to stop the check since I’m not going to go on the bank’s website on my used by many people computer here….

                            4 things I'm looking for:
                            1. Mother Meerkat
                            2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                            3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                            4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                            OK so this is irritating. A friend offered to help us move. He said he would get days off to help move. So we text him to get up and shower because we’ll be around to pick him up in an hour or so. He gives a non-answer (something about still being asleep), we get no other replies, figure he’s probably dragging himself out of bed/in the shower. I go to pick him up (I’m injured so can’t help move much), and ring his buzzer. Call him. Ring his buzzer. After about 10 mins I leave a message saying “I’m here, at least answer the door buzzer!”. He sends a text within minutes to my friend (not with me) saying he got called into work and was already there (it takes him more time to get there via bus, then had passed between his last text and me arriving at his place, not to mention getting dressed, etc). I give up and head back to help how I can.

                            Later, we’re going to the mall where he works to watch a movie. We can’t reach him so call the store he’s at to see if he’s still there (in case he was telling the truth). They tell us he never worked today. ORLY?

                            He’s probably going to be moving at the end of the month. Guess we’ll all be ‘working’ that day, as well.

                            And he thinks that I don’t like him. I WONDER WHY? (this isn’t the first time it’s happened)

                            I mean, in the end we really didn’t need him, but we had one good back, two gimps (my knee and my friend’s hip), and a middle aged man with a history of back problems moving us. His help would have really taken a load off us.


                              My friend just passed away, my gramma is in the hospital two states away, it’s been miserably hot here and we have no AC, and a ‘freak’ storm came through yesterday and not only wrecked most of my vegetable garden that I was relying on for food but took down a large, healthy oak tree that I loved (which took three other smaller trees with it when it fell). Life, not okay.

                              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                              My art: featherdust.com


                                Everyone has more valid whines than I do.

                                And the coffee place messed up my iced mocha, the day before I start a stricter nutrition plan!

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