WHINE is served

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      I get to see them on Tues. and hopefully during some of their Spring Break in 2 weeks. I have some foot surgery on the 23rd and need to be in Utah for that. I just hope that Rod will allow me boyohs to visit g’ma and g’pa for Spring break. We were going to see Mt. Rushmore; now I don’t know what will do, especially because of dad’s health.


      Tell the boys I send my love when you see them. And you do have my phone #. 😉


      This rotten heat is driving me nuts . I miss winter . Oh man it is still winter . So unfair . Record breaking heat . 80’s until Wed. I’m sick of it 4 or 5 days of this so far . Yuck .

      I am SO with you. Summer is hades for me (seasonal depression) and I am so NOT HAPPY about having to go to hades two stinking months early! I really hope it cools down soon. And rains, if we can’t have snow. We really need the rain.


      This rotten heat is driving me nuts . I miss winter . Oh man it is still winter . So unfair . Record breaking heat . 80’s until Wed. I’m sick of it 4 or 5 days of this so far . Yuck .

      I am SO with you. Summer is hades for me (seasonal depression) and I am so NOT HAPPY about having to go to hades two stinking months early! I really hope it cools down soon. And rains, if we can’t have snow. We really need the rain.

      Here’s a little snow for you Adaneth….My son Yesterday morning in our front yard! Hope the image of cold snow helps a little! 🙂


      I wish we had a little of the heat you guys are getting. Brrrrrrrrr!


      I so wish I was there!!!
      8th record-setting hot day out of the last 10 for me. 🙁


      If I get through this week alive… I deserve a drink! (or more…)

      I hate audits.


        …. I got a kidney/bladder infection, the antibiotics and really making me feeling like I have the flu, and there is something wrong with my ovaries….they really hurt… I have to wait for test results to come back to find out what is wrong with them… and I’m crying a lot because I don’t like the idea of my ovaries are not well and I’m scared…


          Sorry to here that . Nothing worse then not feeling well . Kidney problems are no fun .


          If I get through this week alive… I deserve a drink! (or more…)

          I hate audits.

          I feel for ya….Audits suck!!!


          …. I got a kidney/bladder infection, the antibiotics and really making me feeling like I have the flu, and there is something wrong with my ovaries….they really hurt… I have to wait for test results to come back to find out what is wrong with them… and I’m crying a lot because I don’t like the idea of my ovaries are not well and I’m scared…

          I hope that all will be well with your ovaries. I can totally understand your fears about damage and it is such a hard thing for a woman to have to deal with. Are they checking for endometriosis or Ovarian cysts? These two things can cause brutal pain in the ovaries but are manageable and do not mean that your ovaries will be permanently damaged. I will keep fingers crossed for you and I hope that your infection gets better soon.


            Found out what we’re going to be having (a boy) and I haven’t told my parents yet because they are being stubborn and condescending about the whole situation. I’ve had minimal contact with them in the last two weeks after my mother was so insulting to me on the way back from dropping Gavin off to visit with my ex-husband.


            Found out what we’re going to be having (a boy) and I haven’t told my parents yet because they are being stubborn and condescending about the whole situation. I’ve had minimal contact with them in the last two weeks after my mother was so insulting to me on the way back from dropping Gavin off to visit with my ex-husband.

            I’m excited for you Pegasi and I am sorry that your parents are making it difficult and taking away the joy that is supposed to be inherant with the coming of a baby!! Congrats on your little BOY!!! YEAH you will love having a son. I have 3 and though they frusterate me sometimes there really is something special about Mommas little man!! My sons are all momma sucks…..even my 15 yr old. When he’s sick…..he just wants his momma to rub his hair and give him love and tell him it will all be OK. No matter how old htey get…….they still need their momma! BE happy for you and if they don’t come around it is your parents loss and they will have to deal with that! 🙂


              just a little whine, more like a whinge really…

              my foot hurts and my cast feels too tight and I’m getting claustrophobic




                I’m Cursed!!!! last time I wanated to buy an item from a forum member, my boiler went!!cost me 1044.00 just to have new one installed. (boiler was only 2 1/2 yrs old-covered under warranty but not labor!!! now my daughter calls me yesterday all upset. her car died. what do I do. tell her get fixed. well my 200.00 that I would have loved to buy a new dragon with just paid for her car!!!


                EDIT: I don’t remember posting this…. haha… drugs are awesome. I’m just gonna delete it now (while it is a legit whine, I’m sure none of you want to hear about my gross hand).


                  Its the May long weekend which is upposed to mean H-O-L-I-D-A-Y but I’m going to be stuck pulling a couple of double shifts at work and buried under 4 projects, a research project, group project and studying for my final next friday. :tired:

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