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      No I know there are good doctors out there . I was not insulting all doctors or care givers . Sorry if my words offended anyone .
      I’d remove all , but the edit button is gone on all of mine .

      And I won’t talk about this any more as this thread could get locked .

      I was only agreeing with Bodine about doctors are sometimes not good .
      The Cancer Society really was the blessing for us . They did help us . They payed for my dad’s surgery .

      Sorry if I offended anyone .


        Man I hate the stupid time change . Lose an hour sleep . And losing sleep gives you health problems . Ugh . Daylight savings time is for the birds .


          Both of my kids have been really sick all weekend. I hate not being able to make them feel better. 🙁

          We’ll be off to the doctor tomorrow, but I couldn’t even go to urgent care this weekend (it is closed), and since the ER is almost an hour away I decided that 2 hours of driving plus a 5-6 hour wait, probably wasn’t the best thing to do with two sick kids who don’t seem to be critical – just miserable.

          I wish we had a hospital in town, but when they tried to build a small one, people threw a fit because it was going to increase taxes by $16/year. Why do people have to be so stupid? Sixteen dollars a year really isn’t going to kill or be noticed especially by most people and the ones complaining the most don’t pay taxes anyway.

          It’s a little scary to know if you ever REALLY need help after regular business hours it will take at least an hour to get it since our urgent care closes at 8 pm and is closed on the weekends…


            Thats a problem when you need help on a weekend . Seems things happen on the weekends when you can’t get to any one for help .
            I hope all goes well and everything ends up ok .


            Both of my kids have been really sick all weekend. I hate not being able to make them feel better. 🙁

            We’ll be off to the doctor tomorrow, but I couldn’t even go to urgent care this weekend (it is closed), and since the ER is almost an hour away I decided that 2 hours of driving plus a 5-6 hour wait, probably wasn’t the best thing to do with two sick kids who don’t seem to be critical – just miserable.

            I wish we had a hospital in town, but when they tried to build a small one, people threw a fit because it was going to increase taxes by $16/year. Why do people have to be so stupid? Sixteen dollars a year really isn’t going to kill or be noticed especially by most people and the ones complaining the most don’t pay taxes anyway.

            It’s a little scary to know if you ever REALLY need help after regular business hours it will take at least an hour to get it since our urgent care closes at 8 pm and is closed on the weekends…

            Awww I totally feel for you Kiya! I have had 2 sick babies too and felt so helpless. It is so hard as mom. You feel like you should be able to fix the world for them and when we can’t help them feel better it is so tough. Not having available medical is definetly a huge frusteration too. It would be nice if everyone had equal avalibility to the medical needs that they have. It is kind of an ass backward time when we do not “SEE” the need for proper health care in western culture that professes to be so capable of providing for the needs of the “PEOPLE”.

            Wish that things were different for you. It is hard enough to be a mom…nevermind not being able to simply be able to take your kids to the doctor that should be just “Down the road” and an inherent right for all.


              blargle, my head just feels funny today, I’m not dizzy or anything, just feels off…hate these kinda days….

              4 things I'm looking for:
              1. Mother Meerkat
              2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
              3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
              4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                Just got my oil changed…coolant in the oil… Seems like I can’t get ahead no matter what I do. Probably can’t afford to fix whatever is wrong…can’t afford another vehicle. Only had this one 9 months. Not much hope for people who can’t afford more than a $1,200-1,500 car.


                Car trouble totally sucks. I feel for you completely! All I can offer is my commiseration on the pain in the a** and pocket book with vehicles.


                  Car trouble totally sucks. I feel for you completely! All I can offer is my commiseration on the pain in the a** and pocket book with vehicles.

                  Thanks 🙂 I know *nothing* about cars. I’ve been doing some googling and wondering if this milky looking oil *might* be caused by the way I drive and not a coolant leak. The guy said the oil was milky at the end, and there was condensation. I drive *maybe* 150 miles a month, never get above 40mph, and most of my trips are 1.5-2.5 miles before I’m at my stop. Pretty much never go more than 6 miles before I stop. Maybe the condensation isn’t being burned off cause I never really get the car heated up? I’m praying this could be the problem!! My coolant wasn’t low either, just a little below totally full.


                    I miss me boyohs desperately




                      I miss me boyohs desperately


                      **HUGS** I’m so sorry, Sweetie. When do you get to see them?


                        I get to see them on Tues. and hopefully during some of their Spring Break in 2 weeks. I have some foot surgery on the 23rd and need to be in Utah for that. I just hope that Rod will allow me boyohs to visit g’ma and g’pa for Spring break. We were going to see Mt. Rushmore; now I don’t know what will do, especially because of dad’s health.




                          You’ve got some good boyos. Given the circumstances, I bet they’ll just be happy to spend some time with their mum and grand parents. *hugs* It’s so much for you to have to go through all at once. My dad being sick was hard and getting divorced (without kids) was hard, so I can’t imagine how stressful this all must be at the same time!

                          We love you and we’re pulling for you!


                            *Hugs Kiya* thankies for the kind words – they do help…




                              This rotten heat is driving me nuts . I miss winter . Oh man it is still winter . So unfair . Record breaking heat . 80’s until Wed. I’m sick of it 4 or 5 days of this so far . Yuck .

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