
WHINE is served

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      They finally discovered who was knocking on my mom’s door at night . This creep was let in and knew my mom’s name . Who the bleep comes and knocks on a 76 year old woman who has ALS and breast cancer surgery just last Oct. 12 am and 3 am .
      At least he won’t be getting in any more . Man it had me scared for months .


      Glad they figured out who it was Sasha and I am sure that you are relieved taht your mom is safe. GOOD NEWS!


        I know all of us have really bad times in our lives at one point or another.Afterall,it is part of it whether we like it or not.Please remember that change is inevitable and this is a good thing.Some of us have it worse than others and when we are feeling like the world crapped on our heads,try and remember others are suffering far worse and pick your head up,it will get better for you.I have had more than my share of the world sitting on me where I can’t breathe but I get back up and stand strong.I was feeling a bit down lately with personal crosses to bear when I got this email from a friend and all I could do was cry.I can’t help,I can’t do a darn thing but support her and be there for her emotionally.Here is part of what she sent me.Just a reminder to us all.We all have bad times,times we want to howl and scream but please remember there are friends and strangers out there in far worse boats so pick your chin up,put one foot in front of the other and tell yourself, it’ll all be okay in the longrun.I am alive.
        {I see the oncologist on Thursday to talk about lymphoma. I had an ultrasound of my lymph nodes done last week. They are all swollen from the collar bone up. And when they were looking at those they noticed a couple of masses in my thyroid.
        Had an ultrasound of my thyroid on sunday. Dr called this morning shs said she needs to see me tomorrow. So we will se about that.

        Found out my kidneys have shrunk three centimeters in the last year. Which is a big deal apparently. I guess thats over an inch. The left one is down to 7.7 cm. they hurt like a son of a b**ch. I think it is all the d**n antibiotics. Apparently when you have kidney problems they get smaller instead of bigger. Idk. Thats what I’m being told. I’m going to see a urologist on the 20th.

        Still have the sinus infection. Have had this d**n sinus infection for over two months. They have tried five antibiotics including a shot of rocephin….which hurt like hell, but I still have it. Keep trying to tell them to test for a fungal infection, but they aren’t listening. I was tested for a viral infection it was negative. Five antibiotics haven’t worked, so that leaves a fungal infection.
        Still am not being treated for the lyme, chronic epstein bar, hhv6, hypercoagulation…any of the stuff we know I have and know is making me sick. Did I tell you what happened with the dr I was seeing in Dallas? He wanted to order $2200 worth of more tests before he started treating me. So he could have a full picture of what I have. When I told him I couldnt afford that he told me he was going to put me in an antiparasitic. Said I dont have parasites but he wanted to see if I could tolerate the medicine.

        The final straw was when he adjusted my neck and back after I told him not to. He really hurt me. Could have paralyzed me. And we when I told him to stop he laughed.

        Anyways I am being referred to a new infectious diseases doctor.

        So thats…. an oncologist, a urologist, an infectious disease specialist, and an ent…. I thought there was one more… I will probably be sent to an endocrinologist next because of the thyroid. Something has to be done my body temp will drop to 96° then jump to 99° doesnt make me feel very good. Oh, lol did I mention I have leaky gut? Yeah. Apparently my stomach is so inflamed that it has become porous allowing food to leak into my body. My body views it as an attack and attacks the food….which is why I am now allergic to everything. Yay me.

        Yep, I am a disaster. A very tired, discouraged, disaster.}

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
        Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


          Doctors should remember the oath they toke when they became doctors . Egos are over blown by ideas of money and power .


            Doctors should remember the oath they toke when they became doctors . Egos are over blown by ideas of money and power .

            People who are not Doctors and not in the medical field should also wait/do research before jumping to conclusion about a situation they know nothing about. Medcine is supposedly a science, and so people think that we in the medical field know everything about every problem. Here’s the problem: we don’t know everything yet, and sometimes medicine and practicing it is nothing but a guessing game. And all those tests no wants to pay for because they are expensive, are being ordered because without tests and x-rays, and mri’s etc, we have no idea what is going on in your body, and cannot treat a problem blindly. And you don’t like the costs? Take that up with the insurance companies! They pay only a small fraction of your bills. And doctors have to charge stupid amounts of money for any little test/procedure/visit BECAUSE THE INSURANCE COMPANIES pay only small amounts. Your bill may say $160. The doctor probably gets pay between 20-40 based on each insurance companies’ re-imbursement rate, which the doctor now has to use to pay his/her staff, insurance (for all the inevitable malpractice suits, many of them frivolous lawsuits), and up keep for the office, supplies for the tests, etc. So profit for that $160 test? Maybe a couple of bucks. The more problems you have the more complicated everything becomes.

            And yes, there are doctors who only care about money, are incompetant, mean etc. but the greater majority went into the field of medicine for a reason: to help people. And considering the hassle of school, insurance companies, grumpy/frustrated patients who take NO responsibility for their own care and treatment, and don;t even listen to you or the doctors when you are trying to explain WHY the Treatment/test is necessary, I don’t know why most of us bother anymore…oh yeah, it’s because we still CARE, and are trying our best to help the patient, even when they won;t help themselves! So yeah….please don;t generalize, because in general, it’s not true, and no one ever writes about the doctor who figured it out, or the test that saved their lives, just like most news is about bad things happening, not good.

            Keeper of the Fledgings


              So sorry for your poor friend, Bodine. How awful. Definitely puts the small day-to-day irritations into perspective. 🙁


                Doctors seem to no longer believe in the Oath they swear by . The Hippocratic Oath .
                Here is just 2 lines from it .

                I Swear to practice medicine ethically ( I guess unless a drug company says different )

                I will apply dietic Measures for the benifit of the sick according to my judgement and I will keep them from harm and injustice .


                  Doctors seem to no longer believe in the Oath they swear by . The Hippocratic Oath .
                  Here is just 2 lines from it .

                  I Swear to practice medicine ethically ( I guess unless a drug company says different )

                  I will apply dietic Measures for the benifit of the sick according to my judgement and I will keep them from harm and injustice .

                  That is a rather unkind generalization. There are, of course, dishonest/unethical doctors, but there are dishonest/unethical people in every profession and walk of life. This is because there are dishonest/unethical people in the world and sometimes they become doctors (or lawyers, or truck drivers, or really any other thing just like the rest of us).

                  However, there are many wonderful medical professionals as well. Rather than attacking many people you have never met, it would, perhaps, be kinder and more accurate to say you have met some doctors that you don’t feel are practicing medicine per the Hippocratic oath. I understand dealing with doctors, especially when you are scared and sick (or a loved one is scared and sick) can be VERY stressful and disheartening.

                  When my father was dying of cancer last year it was often frustrating watching his doctors try to find the right mix of medications to ease his pain without causing other complications. The tests were frustrating because they made us wait (and yes pay) when we just wanted someone to DO something to make it better. But it’s all part of the process.

                  It’s also important to note – it’s called “practicing” medicine. Medical professionals don’t know everything, they’re still learning as they go. They have more rules and regulations they HAVE to follow than we can even conceive of. They are human and they make mistakes. I think the vast majority of them WISH they were perfect and able to make everyone better, but they can’t.

                  I am grateful we have doctors and nurses and everyone who supports them to help care for us, and I am immensely sorry that a few bad apples make their jobs harder.


                    Doctors should remember the oath they toke when they became doctors . Egos are over blown by ideas of money and power .

                    People who are not Doctors and not in the medical field should also wait/do research before jumping to conclusion about a situation they know nothing about. Medcine is supposedly a science, and so people think that we in the medical field know everything about every problem. Here’s the problem: we don’t know everything yet, and sometimes medicine and practicing it is nothing but a guessing game. And all those tests no wants to pay for because they are expensive, are being ordered because without tests and x-rays, and mri’s etc, we have no idea what is going on in your body, and cannot treat a problem blindly. And you don’t like the costs? Take that up with the insurance companies! They pay only a small fraction of your bills. And doctors have to charge stupid amounts of money for any little test/procedure/visit BECAUSE THE INSURANCE COMPANIES pay only small amounts. Your bill may say $160. The doctor probably gets pay between 20-40 based on each insurance companies’ re-imbursement rate, which the doctor now has to use to pay his/her staff, insurance (for all the inevitable malpractice suits, many of them frivolous lawsuits), and up keep for the office, supplies for the tests, etc. So profit for that $160 test? Maybe a couple of bucks. The more problems you have the more complicated everything becomes.

                    And yes, there are doctors who only care about money, are incompetant, mean etc. but the greater majority went into the field of medicine for a reason: to help people. And considering the hassle of school, insurance companies, grumpy/frustrated patients who take NO responsibility for their own care and treatment, and don;t even listen to you or the doctors when you are trying to explain WHY the Treatment/test is necessary, I don’t know why most of us bother anymore…oh yeah, it’s because we still CARE, and are trying our best to help the patient, even when they won;t help themselves! So yeah….please don;t generalize, because in general, it’s not true, and no one ever writes about the doctor who figured it out, or the test that saved their lives, just like most news is about bad things happening, not good.

                    Quoting Azurielle because it seems as though people aren’t reading it or taking her seriously.

                    Honestly, if you want to make a point about something I completely understand, but whats the point of making snarky remarks about people in the medical profession without even reading what one of them has to say? Please at least have enough respect for our own forum members to take into account what they have to say before barreling into a hurtful diatribe that does nothing more than accuse with no real argument.

                    Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
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                      Bodine, I’m really sorry to hear about your friend suffering. It sounds like just about everything that can be wrong, is going wrong for her. With as many issues as she’s having, it’s not unreasonable to suspect a fungal infection, since it seems like her immune system is crashing. Otherwise, fungal infections are pretty rare. Also, I’m not sure where she’s located, but it sounds like it might be time to seek another general doctor. Hopefully the infectious disease specialist can help, though.

                      By the way, I understand the frustration of being in no position to help. My sister is almost always in the position to need help. I can no longer afford to do so because it never seems to actually help, and I can’t justify spending so much time and money trying to help. Not to say that you’re friend doesn’t deserve it, but don’t forget to care for yourself exclusively once in a while. It’s important for your health.


                        When my dad had cancer the doctor he had was an idiot . Giving him expensive drugs that were not helping . He lived 5 years with one lung . My mom nearly died because a drug company person wanted a drug pushed . If they hadn’t taken it off her she would have died in two days . She was the one who overheard the drug rep telling her doctor to push the drug .
                        I think there are good caring doctors around . But the bad ones just make everything worse for them .


                          When my dad had cancer the doctor he had was an idiot . Giving him expensive drugs that were not helping . He lived 5 years with one lung . My mom nearly died because a drug company person wanted a drug pushed . If they hadn’t taken it off her she would have died in two days . She was the one who overheard the drug rep telling her doctor to push the drug .
                          I think there are good caring doctors around . But the bad ones just make everything worse for them .

                          technically no one knows how any given person will react to any medication given…what works for most, may not work for “Molly” or “Steve”….no one can predict completely what each drug will do, all they can do is react to opps! that did not work well for “Steve”, let’s try to figure out why and add that to the possible side effects….

                          besides even with tons of testing, later things come out, like Yaz and the patch causing blood clots I believe it was….for awhile, everything was fine then opps, those “Mollys” started showing up….

                          4 things I'm looking for:
                          1. Mother Meerkat
                          2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                          3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                          4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                            When my dad had cancer the doctor he had was an idiot . Giving him expensive drugs that were not helping . He lived 5 years with one lung . My mom nearly died because a drug company person wanted a drug pushed . If they hadn’t taken it off her she would have died in two days . She was the one who overheard the drug rep telling her doctor to push the drug .
                            I think there are good caring doctors around . But the bad ones just make everything worse for them .

                            And This is exactly the problem of having only one side of a story.
                            The doctor who treated your father was “an idiot” because he gave expensive drugs? Wello, guess what? Doctors have to “harm” a patient with Chemo and radiation in the cases of agressive cancer just to have a chance to save them. Read it again Sasha…”A CHANCE TO SAVE THEM”. No drug works the same for everyone. No doctor can predict how a drug will work, if it will help, if it will hurt because everybody is DIFEERENT. And there is no way to cure cancer. Sadly, we do NOT know everything yet, and “Expenisive?” Again, much like insurance companies, drug companies charge a lot of money for some drugs. The excuse is they charge that much so they can afford research into new drugs. Truth? I don’t know, because I DO NOT WORK IN THE DRUG FIELD.

                            And your mother overheard a drug rep trying to “push” a drug? Maybe it was because the rep though it might help her given her symptoms. As you were not there and your mother “overheard” something, you have no idea what the doctor or the rep really may have meant. And that is what I meant by “generalizations.” You simply SHOULD NOT make them if you do not know the whole story, and you don’t.

                            I am sorry about your parents, I really am. I have been the patient, too. I have had all the tests, and the frustration of a problem that will not go away.

                            But until you walk a mile in the shoes of a nurse, or an x-ray tech, a doctor or medical biller, please STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS about us. Most of care. and I cannot tell you how hurtful people like you are to us, as well as patients we cannot help, cannot save, or refuse to be helped. I deal with nastiness every day, from patients, insurance companies, and frustrated doctors. I have had an insurance company tell me that my patient doesn’t need a test that might help their pain, or save their life, even though they have never even met the patient, just because the test doesn’t meet certain criteria in some little book.

                            People with ignorant options don;t help anything and eventually, when all of us are forced to leave the health field because we can’t take the stress of it all anymore, there will be NO ONE left to take care of anyone.

                            AND with that, I am now DONE with the conversation, as it’s way too upsetting to continue.

                            Keeper of the Fledgings


                              When my dad had cancer the doctor he had was an idiot . Giving him expensive drugs that were not helping . He lived 5 years with one lung . My mom nearly died because a drug company person wanted a drug pushed . If they hadn’t taken it off her she would have died in two days . She was the one who overheard the drug rep telling her doctor to push the drug .
                              I think there are good caring doctors around . But the bad ones just make everything worse for them .

                              Everyone seems to know how bad their doctors are, but none of them ever have a medical degree to be able to evaluate their doctor with any authority. No, doctors should not push drugs. But most don’t, even the ones accused of it. Did your mother KNOW that the person “pushing” the drug to the doctor was a “rep?” Perhaps it was another doctor recommending the drug because of her symptoms. Do you, or your mother, absolutely KNOW that she would have been dead in 2 days had she continued the drug? I don’t think anyone can predict that, with or without a medical license.

                              Your father lived for 5 years with one lung. Do you know how long he might have lived without the drugs? We can’t know by just one person’s experience. That is why they do clinical research and trials.

                              And, yes, the drugs are expensive. It is the price we pay to have the most innovative drug and treatment options in the world. You can get basic treatments for less, but they don’t help as often. You can get fancy treatments in other countries for less, but they aren’t the ones discovering breakthrough drugs and devices, and their doctors are often trained here.

                              You may not have meant to be offensive, but your blanket statements were offensive. You may have had bad experiences, but your bad experiences don’t account for the thousands upon thousands of medical workers making a difference in peoples’ lives.

                              I bet that 99.9% of doctors and nurses would treat patients for free if they didn’t have their own bills to pay and pretties (like Windstones) that they’d like to have, too.

                              I also bet that 95% of those doctors that people call idiots, aren’t idiots, but rather the victims of outcomes that they can’t control. People get sick, and even die, and no doctor can do anything about it. Sometimes, the suffering and death is simply unavoidable. We’re all mortal.


                                I know all of us have really bad times in our lives at one point or another.Afterall,it is part of it whether we like it or not.Please remember that change is inevitable and this is a good thing.Some of us have it worse than others and when we are feeling like the world crapped on our heads,try and remember others are suffering far worse and pick your head up,it will get better for you.I have had more than my share of the world sitting on me where I can’t breathe but I get back up and stand strong.I was feeling a bit down lately with personal crosses to bear when I got this email from a friend and all I could do was cry.I can’t help,I can’t do a darn thing but support her and be there for her emotionally.Here is part of what she sent me.Just a reminder to us all.We all have bad times,times we want to howl and scream but please remember there are friends and strangers out there in far worse boats so pick your chin up,put one foot in front of the other and tell yourself, it’ll all be okay in the longrun.I am alive.
                                {I see the oncologist on Thursday to talk about lymphoma. I had an ultrasound of my lymph nodes done last week. They are all swollen from the collar bone up. And when they were looking at those they noticed a couple of masses in my thyroid.
                                Had an ultrasound of my thyroid on sunday. Dr called this morning shs said she needs to see me tomorrow. So we will se about that.

                                Found out my kidneys have shrunk three centimeters in the last year. Which is a big deal apparently. I guess thats over an inch. The left one is down to 7.7 cm. they hurt like a son of a b**ch. I think it is all the d**n antibiotics. Apparently when you have kidney problems they get smaller instead of bigger. Idk. Thats what I’m being told. I’m going to see a urologist on the 20th.

                                Still have the sinus infection. Have had this d**n sinus infection for over two months. They have tried five antibiotics including a shot of rocephin….which hurt like hell, but I still have it. Keep trying to tell them to test for a fungal infection, but they aren’t listening. I was tested for a viral infection it was negative. Five antibiotics haven’t worked, so that leaves a fungal infection.
                                Still am not being treated for the lyme, chronic epstein bar, hhv6, hypercoagulation…any of the stuff we know I have and know is making me sick. Did I tell you what happened with the dr I was seeing in Dallas? He wanted to order $2200 worth of more tests before he started treating me. So he could have a full picture of what I have. When I told him I couldnt afford that he told me he was going to put me in an antiparasitic. Said I dont have parasites but he wanted to see if I could tolerate the medicine.

                                The final straw was when he adjusted my neck and back after I told him not to. He really hurt me. Could have paralyzed me. And we when I told him to stop he laughed.

                                Anyways I am being referred to a new infectious diseases doctor.

                                So thats…. an oncologist, a urologist, an infectious disease specialist, and an ent…. I thought there was one more… I will probably be sent to an endocrinologist next because of the thyroid. Something has to be done my body temp will drop to 96° then jump to 99° doesnt make me feel very good. Oh, lol did I mention I have leaky gut? Yeah. Apparently my stomach is so inflamed that it has become porous allowing food to leak into my body. My body views it as an attack and attacks the food….which is why I am now allergic to everything. Yay me.

                                Yep, I am a disaster. A very tired, discouraged, disaster.}

                                I’ve heard about people being badly hurt and paralyzed by having their neck ajusted . You said no and he should have listened . Then he laughed at you . Oh boy .

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