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    Aw thanks. πŸ™‚ I don’t know how much shyness came into play… Same fellow I was busted up over a few weeks ago. We’d split off, then he said he does still want to keep seeing me. Haven’t known exactly where I stand with him. So Valentine’s Day was a loaded topic this year I guess.

    It was more like he went out of his way to avoid the whole day or making any acknowledgement. Still sent the dodo a text to wish him a happy day anyway. Because I’m a dodo. πŸ˜›

    Don’t let men play with your heart like it is one of their personal toys! If he is not showing kindness and respect for you then he does not deserve the effort that you are putting in Chris. If he truly deserved you he would respect you and not play games. I speak from experience and in the end guys like that are just wanting to feel important and keep you strung along so they are the centre of attention. You deserve to be treated better and only YOU can demand that. He will do as so many men do and keep stringing you along so he gets what he wants out of all of it and there is probably very little care for how you feel.

    Mister right will come along and he will be kind, respectful and make you the center of his attention and not ask that you wait for him to decide where you stand.

    Huggs πŸ™‚


      Aw thanks. πŸ™‚ I don’t know how much shyness came into play… Same fellow I was busted up over a few weeks ago. We’d split off, then he said he does still want to keep seeing me. Haven’t known exactly where I stand with him. So Valentine’s Day was a loaded topic this year I guess.

      It was more like he went out of his way to avoid the whole day or making any acknowledgement. Still sent the dodo a text to wish him a happy day anyway. Because I’m a dodo. πŸ˜›

      Don’t let men play with your heart like it is one of their personal toys! If he is not showing kindness and respect for you then he does not deserve the effort that you are putting in Chris. If he truly deserved you he would respect you and not play games. I speak from experience and in the end guys like that are just wanting to feel important and keep you strung along so they are the centre of attention. You deserve to be treated better and only YOU can demand that. He will do as so many men do and keep stringing you along so he gets what he wants out of all of it and there is probably very little care for how you feel.

      Mister right will come along and he will be kind, respectful and make you the center of his attention and not ask that you wait for him to decide where you stand.

      Huggs πŸ™‚

      Never ever wait on a man who see’s you as an ‘option’ … I learned that the hard way, several times over before it sank in…
      If I’m only an option to him… if he acts like he’s waiting to see if something better comes along, or can’t quite make up his mind… then I’m not an option at all because he doesn’t deserve me. Just as a man who doesn’t treat you like the perfect catch that you are, doesn’t deserve you πŸ™‚ ‘n let the men in your life know this! Confidence is a sexy thing, ‘n it’ll catch a good man πŸ™‚


        This really has me annoyed . Some creep has been harassing my mom at night for 2 weeks . A man who we use to be neighbers with in another town first knocked on her door now he is calling her name . We do think it’s our former neighber . A so called minister with about 15 children and a wife who is in a wheel chair . This creep is an Adulterer . My mom has ALS and just a few months ago breast cancer . She does not need this freak bothering her at night . The police are being told . I hope he is kicked out of here ! It’s apartment building .
        He moved in over a year ago the month after we did . I’m angry !
        Guess I should have put this under another thread .


          That’s frightening, Sasha! Definately let the police know what is going on! Hugs and prayers for your mum’s safety




            It’s got me scared . I had no idea this was even happening . There is security here . I put up signed and hopefully her neighbers will look out for her . She on another floor . Not on mine . 2 weeks every night this creep has been doing it . And if it is that minister creep I hope everyone is told about him . My mom can’t talk because of her ALS . And for this creep for trying to do this , oh man if I catch him he’ll be limping .
            Yeah I’m mad . I mean what a dump &*(^%$ creep .


              I bit on the forehead 3 times by something that I think was a spider. The area that is swollen is a little bigger then a half dollar around each bite. It itches and I have a head ache and the chills with muscle ache X(


                *facedesk* Contrary to apparent popular belief in this house. A good nights sleep is much more important to me than knowing the moment my dad finds something new and cool with his new vinyl cutter. .. He went to sleep at around 11pm… I went to sleep at 3am x.x The most work I got done on my painting yesterday was magically done between 11pm-3am… Cause I could actually concentrate on it! (Both of my parents know when I’m busy and on a short time frame. They want my attention for everything else when I’m closest to my deadlines) Due to the being woken up on 3 different occasions and getting a VERY rude final awakening of my mother loudly stating “You don’t want to sleep in too late and mess up your days!!” ~Actually. Yes. I would love to mess up the hrs to my days for a few days so I can finish.the.painting!~ I am now exhausted and my painting is suffering hard from it.. the past hr n a half worth of work may get scrapped and started completely over again πŸ™ ‘n I swear ever 30 minutes my dad has a new idea for me for the vinyl cutter.. I thought I distinctly said I’ll work on that stuff when I’m DONE with this painting… After all, the past couple of weeks all he has done was nag at me about when it’s going to be done x.x ‘n it isn’t my fault I’m running into my deadline so badly! No one told me the date change for the dogshow we’re photographing at (Where I’m delivering this painting)

                *Whines* It’s just stupid lil things.. but they’re stupid lil things that’re pointlessly making my life more difficult than it needs to be right now!

                I need to stop doing commissions for dogshow people. My family feel they have all this right to my work because it’s dogshow related… I do so much better when they don’t even know I’m working on something x.x


                  Just a minor, stupid whine. A Rainbow OW came up on e-bay (one of my dream pieces), it is at a reasonable price right now but I’m sure it will go way out of my current available price range. And even that current price range is stretching the budget. It stinks that when you are the least able to buy a piece the ones you REALLY want to own happen along. :S boogers.


                    Just a minor, stupid whine. A Rainbow OW came up on e-bay (one of my dream pieces), it is at a reasonable price right now but I’m sure it will go way out of my current available price range. And even that current price range is stretching the budget. It stinks that when you are the least able to buy a piece the ones you REALLY want to own happen along. :S boogers.

                    I’m RIGHT there with you. I was trying for that rainbow lap the other day and put in the max I could squeeze together and someone bid it up a ton at the last second. πŸ™

                    I lost a rainbow hatching empress the same way.

                    I’m not sure about even bothering on most ebay stuff any more. There are just too many folks with far deeper pockets than me. πŸ™‚


                      Just a minor, stupid whine. A Rainbow OW came up on e-bay (one of my dream pieces), it is at a reasonable price right now but I’m sure it will go way out of my current available price range. And even that current price range is stretching the budget. It stinks that when you are the least able to buy a piece the ones you REALLY want to own happen along. :S boogers.

                      I’m RIGHT there with you. I was trying for that rainbow lap the other day and put in the max I could squeeze together and someone bid it up a ton at the last second. πŸ™

                      I lost a rainbow hatching empress the same way.

                      I’m not sure about even bothering on most ebay stuff any more. There are just too many folks with far deeper pockets than me. πŸ™‚

                      I agree. I guess I will just keep hoping that someday I will be able to pay the going price for the sculpts I want. I’m after rainbows as well and they are popular. πŸ™‚


                        I don’t want them all even – just one. πŸ™‚ Oh well, maybe they will slip in popularity or all the people with money will get them and not want them any more and we can sneak some in! πŸ˜€


                        I think I have the flu. Not cool body – not cool.

                        Should be sleeping, but need to do laundry and it won’t get done if I’m asleep.


                          I’m with you guys who’re wanting pieces you can’t afford that’re popping up! – Mine is the Sand Fledgie (yeah. I’m really broke, lol!) I’ve seen 3 or 4 of them in the past couple weeks!! *cries* I’m gonna be really sad if I see a sand curly! (Though I MIGHT be able to afford that one. Maybe)

                          ‘n aww Dragon87! No fun! I’m sick too πŸ™ not a happy camper over that!


                            Just a minor, stupid whine. A Rainbow OW came up on e-bay (one of my dream pieces), it is at a reasonable price right now but I’m sure it will go way out of my current available price range. And even that current price range is stretching the budget. It stinks that when you are the least able to buy a piece the ones you REALLY want to own happen along. :S boogers.

                            I’m RIGHT there with you. I was trying for that rainbow lap the other day and put in the max I could squeeze together and someone bid it up a ton at the last second. πŸ™

                            I lost a rainbow hatching empress the same way.

                            I’m not sure about even bothering on most ebay stuff any more. There are just too many folks with far deeper pockets than me. πŸ™‚

                            I agree. I guess I will just keep hoping that someday I will be able to pay the going price for the sculpts I want. I’m after rainbows as well and they are popular. πŸ™‚

                            Hmm… same here. I’m not even going to try bidding on the OW…it’ll be way out of my price range, anyhow. Just wish more of the rainbow lap, OW, and curlie had been made….sigh. Just resigned to never complete my rainbow collection either.whine.

                            Keeper of the Fledgings


                              So much for “new” truck…. someone backed into it when it was parked at the post office just the other day…. yea….they didn’t leave any info of course. Hit and run. GOD I HATE THIS WEEK >_<

                              Got a busted Windstone?
                              *OPEN for repairs*

                              *SEEKING GRAILS*
                              Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                              Siphlophis Male Dragon
                              Calypso Hatching Empress
                              Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                              Tattoo Mother Kirin
                              Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                              Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                              Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                              Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                              Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                              Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons

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