
WHINE is served

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      Have you tried a Mr. Clean magic eraser? Those things take off stuff I can’t remove with anything else. (Including rust from pans my husband leaves in the sink with water around the bottom… *sigh*)

      Yes, those are usually miracle workers. I started scrubbing, and there were some rust stains around the drain and some discolor too. Those are gone now, the shower is very clean and still very pink. I’m letting Quick N Bright sit for like 40mins, and if that doesn’t work the next major step is to melt the Quick N Bright like butter and apply it hot and let that sit for another 40 minutes. While I am waiting for this miracle to occur, I am writing my will :ghost:

      Try getting some of this stuff? http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&cp=11&gs_id=18&xhr=t&q=comet+cleaner&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1600&bih=1032&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=1725021468459009561&sa=X&ei=zE45T4-8IYGU2AWusNT5AQ&sqi=2&ved=0CE0Q8wIwAg
      Thats what I always clean my hair dye messes with! or my leather dye messes o.0 I tend to unintentionally dye surfaces XD That Comet powder has worked miracles for me!


        ugh, the kids with the snacks today bugs me…my nieces and nephew always want snacks…I’m hungry is heard all the time, and what do they want? cookies usually which my mother gives them…

        in my day, this was the daily conversation when we had with my mother:
        “I’m hungry”
        “Have an apple”
        “I don’t want an apple”
        “Well you’re not hungry then!”

        and we were raised to eat good stuff, it’s not like I wanted a cookie usually, I more than likely wanted cheese or maybe some other kind of fruit than an apple…

        and the gadgets annoy me, you’re 11, nephew, why would you need a cell phone? he doesn’t have one but what could you possibly need it for? and why do both of my sister’s kids both need their own ipod and DS? I was lucky if I got a board game or two on a birthday not a oh what are they now? $130 for a DS…my mother would’ve looked at me like I was insane if I had asked for a DS when I was little….the other sister is better about the pricey stuff though, she gets them dolls and stuff, nothing electronic other than like a kiddie boom box which they have to share…

        another one that bothers me is other than the 11 year old, all the rest of the nieces are under 10 so why are they watching nothing but teenager shows on Nick and Disney? what happened to cartoons? why do they need to watch shows about stuff they aren’t even close to doing yet? they still all go EWWWW! when people kiss….

        4 things I'm looking for:
        1. Mother Meerkat
        2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
        3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
        4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


          YAY hot quick n brite worked! I’m not going to die WOOT! :bigsmile:


          ugh, the kids with the snacks today bugs me…my nieces and nephew always want snacks…I’m hungry is heard all the time, and what do they want? cookies usually which my mother gives them…

          in my day, this was the daily conversation when we had with my mother:
          “I’m hungry”
          “Have an apple”
          “I don’t want an apple”
          “Well you’re not hungry then!”

          and we were raised to eat good stuff, it’s not like I wanted a cookie usually, I more than likely wanted cheese or maybe some other kind of fruit than an apple…

          and the gadgets annoy me, you’re 11, nephew, why would you need a cell phone? he doesn’t have one but what could you possibly need it for? and why do both of my sister’s kids both need their own ipod and DS? I was lucky if I got a board game or two on a birthday not a oh what are they now? $130 for a DS…my mother would’ve looked at me like I was insane if I had asked for a DS when I was little….the other sister is better about the pricey stuff though, she gets them dolls and stuff, nothing electronic other than like a kiddie boom box which they have to share…

          another one that bothers me is other than the 11 year old, all the rest of the nieces are under 10 so why are they watching nothing but teenager shows on Nick and Disney? what happened to cartoons? why do they need to watch shows about stuff they aren’t even close to doing yet? they still all go EWWWW! when people kiss….

          Fatalbeauty I totally agree with you. If I would have said I’m hungry..was offered an apple and said no….I woulda heard “Then I guess what I’m making for supper won’t be good enough either and I guess we’ll see tomorrow how hungry you are when you’ve had no food till then!!” Shoulda took the darn apple!!

          Cartoons today what the heLL are they about. What happened to wholesome tv. I am not a prude by any stretch…I do have a past and all but there is no more morals in Kids viewing anymore. I miss the smurfs, carebears, my little pony, transformers, He-Man, She-ra etc. They were not all perfect but they were not overly violent, had some sort of moral to the story etc

          Family Guy—- dog wants to sc#@* mother, baby wants to kill mother and the rest of the family ****Head really explodes on the desk****

          Simpsons—- I have NO COMMENT πŸ™ Futurama!!!! Helloooo

          I understand that these are supposed to be geared to older “kids” or adults but they run previews for them on regular viewing hours and I do not let the kids watch them but they go to friends place and watch anyways.

          Things have swung in such a skewed direction with what is acceptable now a days. I am a really open minded person and try to allow my kids freedom to make choices and mistakes but it is hard enough being a parent without the other influences out there that tell kids counter productive ways of being or what is OK to do and be like.

          Holy crap…maybe I have a few things pent up πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Wow

          I better shut up now. I think I need a “Mommy” break and a wee vacation on a beach with a book and a beverage!!! Oh no maybe Scuba Diving with sharks!!! YAYAYA Mommys dream trip Woot Woot


            The Simpsons don’t bother me that much, but then again they came out when I was in elementary school. πŸ™‚

            We only let the kids watch select cartoons and seem to do okay with it. They even know which ones they can’t watch elsewhere.

            I make my boys watch a lot of anime… I swear, my oldest watched more Naruto than anything (and in Japanese) when he was little.

            Hmm… though, that might not say much for my parenting…


              nieces and nephew aren’t allowed to watch shows like the Family Guy, the teen shows I meant are all Nick and Disney ones….the only cartoon I can seem to get them to watch is Spongebob and that just grates on my nerves…

              but as far as all the good ones being hard to find, not always, the Hub has reboots of MLP, Transformers, Pound Puppies, etc and or there’s always the Boom Network for the old stuff…

              I’d rather my nieces and nephew watching Boom and the Hub than watching moronic laugh track stuff from Disney and Nick teen shows…one of my nieces will laugh when the laugh track goes but when you ask her why, she says they laughed so I did too…really? can’t figure out if it’s funny without a laugh track? oi…and besides Disney and Nick have the laugh track go after like every line no matter if it has a pun or not it seems like….

              4 things I'm looking for:
              1. Mother Meerkat
              2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
              3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
              4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                Valentine’s Day was a bit rough. Wanting to hear from that one special person. Not having high hopes. Just hoping so hard for ‘anything but nothing’. Trying not to overanalyze or get sucked into the commerical sillyness.

                Focus on sending happy thoughts to friends and family instead, buy a box of chocolates to share with people at work, make a couple cards, being thankful for special people.

                But nothing from that one special person.


                Valentine’s Day was a bit rough. Wanting to hear from that one special person. Not having high hopes. Just hoping so hard for ‘anything but nothing’. Trying not to overanalyze or get sucked into the commerical sillyness.

                Focus on sending happy thoughts to friends and family instead, buy a box of chocolates to share with people at work, make a couple cards, being thankful for special people.

                But nothing from that one special person.

                Sorry that your one special person did not acknowledge the day! Maybe shy and unsure of how to approach. I have been there and completely understand how you feel. Hopeful, trying not to be hurt or dissapointed. Heart hurts for you.

                It is a tough day….so many say it is not important, just a halmark holiday to make money but it is something more…the day set out to show how you feel.
                Hey even I said it was a halmark holiday in my Happy V-Day thread.

                Wish it was a better day for you Chrisherself


                  Aw thanks. πŸ™‚ I don’t know how much shyness came into play… Same fellow I was busted up over a few weeks ago. We’d split off, then he said he does still want to keep seeing me. Haven’t known exactly where I stand with him. So Valentine’s Day was a loaded topic this year I guess.

                  It was more like he went out of his way to avoid the whole day or making any acknowledgement. Still sent the dodo a text to wish him a happy day anyway. Because I’m a dodo. πŸ˜›


                    Aw thanks. πŸ™‚ I don’t know how much shyness came into play… Same fellow I was busted up over a few weeks ago. We’d split off, then he said he does still want to keep seeing me. Haven’t known exactly where I stand with him. So Valentine’s Day was a loaded topic this year I guess.

                    It was more like he went out of his way to avoid the whole day or making any acknowledgement. Still sent the dodo a text to wish him a happy day anyway. Because I’m a dodo. πŸ˜›

                    I dated a guy like that years ago! He *hated* the holiday… this was the king of dodo’s.. the day I told him that I loved him, he told me “You weren’t supposed to do that” and didn’t say anything else about the subject x.x – To think, I wasted buying a Scratching Peacock dragon for him for the Christmas right before! I should have kept that dragon!

                    *hugs* I’m sorry sweety.. men are stupid creatures, even the good ones are stupid ;p (My bf cursed the holiday, even though he did buy me roses, ‘n I made him his fave dinner, he thinks V’day is stupid and pointless, lol)


                      UGH I flew to Florida yesterday, Megacon is this weekend. And I FORGOT all my Grell accessories in CA!!! I begged my super-mom-who-did-NOT-kill-me to overnight ship them, but the post office could only do a 2 day shipping to this zip, and it’s costing my an additional $28 that I now won’t then be spending on awesome swag at the con! Sigh, but it’s a small price to pay to have my custom-made eyeglass skull beads! But ugh, I went over my bags again and again and never noticed I forgot my eyeglass chain, the gloves, ribbon, and the red glasses! So stooooopid of me.

                      O and a big WHINE for the flight. Coach sucks. I really don’t think I should have to pay for business or first class just to avoid inhumane conditions. And my mp3 player died mid-flight. So I’m getting drunk for the flight home.


                        UGH I flew to Florida yesterday, Megacon is this weekend. And I FORGOT all my Grell accessories in CA!!! I begged my super-mom-who-did-NOT-kill-me to overnight ship them, but the post office could only do a 2 day shipping to this zip, and it’s costing my an additional $28 that I now won’t then be spending on awesome swag at the con! Sigh, but it’s a small price to pay to have my custom-made eyeglass skull beads! But ugh, I went over my bags again and again and never noticed I forgot my eyeglass chain, the gloves, ribbon, and the red glasses! So stooooopid of me.

                        O and a big WHINE for the flight. Coach sucks. I really don’t think I should have to pay for business or first class just to avoid inhumane conditions. And my mp3 player died mid-flight. So I’m getting drunk for the flight home.

                        Ahh…Megacon…those lovely days of sleeping 6 or 7 of us to a tiny hotel room, all for the joy or hanging out with people who were just as odd as we were. sniff…nostalgia…

                        On a sperate note…WHINE! I just got my first damage windstone piece. Seller wrote “one tiny chip”…more like 3 large chunks broken, and three chips too. And packed it in one box, barely the right size, with a little bubble wrap. I’m amazed it arrived in one piece at all!

                        Keeper of the Fledgings


                          Aw thanks. πŸ™‚ I don’t know how much shyness came into play… Same fellow I was busted up over a few weeks ago. We’d split off, then he said he does still want to keep seeing me. Haven’t known exactly where I stand with him. So Valentine’s Day was a loaded topic this year I guess.

                          It was more like he went out of his way to avoid the whole day or making any acknowledgement. Still sent the dodo a text to wish him a happy day anyway. Because I’m a dodo. πŸ˜›

                          Dump him. If he can’t treat you with respect, then forget him. There are men out there that will show you love and not play stupid games.


                            I still have a week and a half before my pill scheduled monthly… but it started on it’s own 4 days ago πŸ™ my boobs hurt I keep almost crying and I can barely stay awake during the day….


                              Aw thanks. πŸ™‚ I don’t know how much shyness came into play… Same fellow I was busted up over a few weeks ago. We’d split off, then he said he does still want to keep seeing me. Haven’t known exactly where I stand with him. So Valentine’s Day was a loaded topic this year I guess.

                              It was more like he went out of his way to avoid the whole day or making any acknowledgement. Still sent the dodo a text to wish him a happy day anyway. Because I’m a dodo. πŸ˜›

                              Dump him. If he can’t treat you with respect, then forget him. There are men out there that will show you love and not play stupid games.

                              I agree–kick his hind-end to the curb! Life’s too short to have people play head games. If he wants to continue to see you, then he has to prove it. You don’t know where you stand with him???? Why does he want to keep seeing you? Unfortunately, I find that some guys just love to string gals along–gives them a sense of power and a boost to their already pathetic egos. You deserve better!

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