
WHINE is served

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      All of my kids are grown but I have a houseful of furries!They can make some extraordinary messes if left alone too long.As far as chores?I do it all here.Dishes,trash,cleaning,shopping,bill paying,you name it but I spoil my husband and I don’t have a job at the moment,which truly sucks,so he is spoiled.It keeps me moving and not getting too bored being at home so much.They say,you stop moving,you grow old and die.Dishes aren’t my pet peev,it is all the mopping I have to do. 4paws each times 8.Lots of tracking in and out.LOL
      Kaytana,buy paper plates.LOL kidding…..

      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
      (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
      Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


        my husband is very guilty of the leaving dishes in the sink with water and cereal etc in them for weeks as well….he likes waiting until I get sick of the smell and do it myself rather than washing them off and putting them in the dishwasher like I tell him to do every day he has off…

        I put all of my dishes in the dishwasher but his are always put in the sink, I don’t get why he can’t just wash it out and put it in the diswasher that’s not even a foot from the sink…ugh….

        4 things I'm looking for:
        1. Mother Meerkat
        2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
        3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
        4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


          Don’t try to understand boys, it will just make your brain hurt. A couple days ago I was in the shower and ran out of soap, so I asked my hubby if he would get some more for me so I didn’t have to get out. Did he put the wrapper in the little trash can next to the shower? No. He put it back in the towel closet. :stare:


            LOL! My Jeff leaves empty juice bottles and containers in fridge.He actually puts them back in empty.huh???
            My boy used to get his little sister to do things and then laugh when she wiped out or got in trouble for doing something stupid he put her up to.Boys/men…..

            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
            (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
            Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


              I had a huge problem with dishes and cleaning, not from children or family but from house mates I lived with. I mean I can *almost* understand children being lazy and expecting their mother to clean up after them all the time, but total strangers leaving a huge mess and expecting me to clean it. It was insane.

              One day our sink, full of dishes as per usual, had big chunks of shrimp in it in addition to the dishes. Disgusted, I confronted my house mate who eats shrimp, asking her why she didn’t scrape her plate off before leaving it in the sink (I didn’t even ask why she didn’t just wash her plate!). She looked at me like I was crazy, because she didn’t know what “scraping your plate” meant. When I explained that y’know, before you put your dish in the sink you scrape the extra food into the garbage with your fork, she laughed and said she’d never heard of that before. Um. What.

              Also, none of the 5 people I lived with knew that dryers had a lint screen you had to empty. I found this out after living with them for 6 weeks and our dryer had stopped working. Oh, and one girl didn’t know that maggots were baby flies, she thought they grew randomly like mould. They didn’t know that a cord had to connet the router to the modem for the internet to work, one day I came home from class to everyone acting like the world was ending because our internet was “broken” because someone bumped it and knocked the cord out. Of 6 people in the house, I was the only person who ever took out the garbage, ever, and if I forgot it didn’t get done. And I can’t even count the number of times there was food rotting in the fridge or on the counter. The best part? My housemates were these smart life science majors with like 90% averages. Boggles the mind, I honestly can’t imagine how these people were raised that they don’t know what lint is. *headdesk*

              Yep… kids these days… haha. A student I was talking to was telling me this story about how he left a glass out with a bit of milk or something in it, so it had crusted in, and he threw the glass away because he couldn’t reach with a cloth to clean it. Like wow, I’m glad that money you’re paying for school is teaching you those great problem solving skills there.

              Anyway, I live alone now, I’m much happier xD


                Don’t try to understand boys, it will just make your brain hurt. A couple days ago I was in the shower and ran out of soap, so I asked my hubby if he would get some more for me so I didn’t have to get out. Did he put the wrapper in the little trash can next to the shower? No. He put it back in the towel closet. :stare:

                Gah! My husband does that stuff too! Empty box of cereal? Put it back in the pantry! Empty container of milk? Back in the fridge! Wrapper for something? Put it back where it came from rather than the trash! (It’s fun when you discover there’s nothing for the kids’ for breakfast because everyone put back empty boxes of cereal and Pop Tarts so you didn’t know you were out).

                Our recycling bin is literally in arm’s reach of BOTH the fridge and the pantry too.

                My other favorite – when empty soda cans are stacked up on top of the counter that the recycling lives under. You were there ANYWAY! JUST TOSS ‘EM IN!

                I am also the ONLY person in the house that replaces toilet paper rolls. I discovered one week that the boys hadn’t had TP in their bathroom for three days. One shudders to think of what they did during that time…


                  I live with my sister now and only deal with a fraction of these sorts of tensions. Phew! But boy do I feel you guys on messy housemates. Used to live with 3-4 guys in college. The trash and dishes were insane.

                  I did end up finding a solution that worked wonderfully though. I made a spinning chart with our names on it. (Held together by a little brad in the center–like the ones you’d make in grade school.)

                  When your name came up on the chore wheel, it was your turn to take out trash/wash dishes/buy toilet paper (we made separate charts for each).

                  You could put it off as long as you wanted, but you were only going to make it worse for yourself if you procrastinated!! Bigger pile of dishes, mountain of Jenga-trash, no TP.

                  We had a couple weeks to adjust, but the boy housemates actually took to it really well. And they figured out mighty fast that if their name was on the wheel, it was WAY better to just take out the trash or dishes before they got bad.

                  It did require all of us to participate and take the wheel seriously, but it worked great! Plus there was a huge psychological reward in doing the chore, then turning the wheel to put it on the next person’s turn. 😉


                    I live with my sister now and only deal with a fraction of these sorts of tensions. Phew! But boy do I feel you guys on messy housemates. Used to live with 3-4 guys in college. The trash and dishes were insane.

                    I did end up finding a solution that worked wonderfully though. I made a spinning chart with our names on it. (Held together by a little brad in the center–like the ones you’d make in grade school.)

                    When your name came up on the chore wheel, it was your turn to take out trash/wash dishes/buy toilet paper (we made separate charts for each).

                    You could put it off as long as you wanted, but you were only going to make it worse for yourself if you procrastinated!! Bigger pile of dishes, mountain of Jenga-trash, no TP.

                    We had a couple weeks to adjust, but the boy housemates actually took to it really well. And they figured out mighty fast that if their name was on the wheel, it was WAY better to just take out the trash or dishes before they got bad.

                    It did require all of us to participate and take the wheel seriously, but it worked great! Plus there was a huge psychological reward in doing the chore, then turning the wheel to put it on the next person’s turn. 😉

                    That’s brilliant! I may have to do that here XD lol


                      Oh gosh!

                      I have a 4 legged kid myself, she’s a sweety, but my lord, I thought the kids were bad with leaving toys EVERYWHERE! haha, She looks at me funny when I pick them up to, that “Heyyy.. I wasn’t done with that one!” look XD Her fave thing to do that is messy is walk around drooling *a lot* when she’s done drinking water.. thankfully though she doesn’t express her same habit inside that does outside with her big water bucket…

                      She digs in it! With her left foot only XD while she is drinking! lol.. If its a hot day and the bucket is full she’ll take a couple drinks then dunk her head to the bottom of the bucket, soaking her head XD

                      I don’t mind pickin up after dogs, unless its a dog that isn’t house trained.. if it is in my house, and not my dog, but not house trained, it’s going to learn the manners anyway!

                      My bf isn’t bad at all about empty containers going back into the cupboard or fridge.. but things tend to stay on the counter, lol… almost every time I walk into the kitchen it gets a mini quick clean, picking up the things that the bf or kids left sitting on the counter and throwing them away, or closing cupboards and drawers, lol..

                      ‘n omg Scenceable! I don’t think I could have resisted the urge to smack them upside the head! x.x When I lived with my brother and his *then* new fiance (now ex) moved in, my life went to hell like that! I was the ONLY one who did dishes in that house then, bad thing was my brother was real good about helping me keep things clean before she moved in, once she moved in he just stopped, and she loved to cook so she made a massive mess of everything, anything spilled on the counter she wouldn’t wipe it up, nothing! The worst part was, before she moved in there was no pets other than my dog who I take very good care of! She’s house trained, doesn’t make messes of anything (Except the water drools, lmao, but her water was in my room so only I dealt with that, lol), doesn’t beg, none of that! – This woman moves in and she brings 2 birds (Full flight) that they would let fly into the kitchen (I’d watch them just wipe up bird poor from the counter, no cleaner involved!) bird feathers would be in the dirty dishes.. they’d let the birds walk around on MY dining table, WHILE people were eating there, and the bird that ended up being my brothers was VICIOUS to anyone but him, literally would fly to people to bite them (THis bird has previously bitten someones finger to bone! and they wouldn’t even put the bird away when we had guests… Also several LARGE fish tanks (The smallest was a 35 gallon), WHILE moving in buys a massive (like 8’ long) tank for turtles she didn’t own before moving in! two cats, one of them too stupid to realize you RETRACT your claws when walking and you won’t get stuck in the carpet (or worse, on MY couch snagging it!) and panic! AND a 14yr old pug who wasn’t house trained and had separation anxiety, so if she even thought she was alone she would tear into the trash, or climb on whatever she had to, to get to food that was put UP out of her reach (My dog won’t even touch a dish of food if you set it on the coffee table IN her reach and walk out of the room) The lack of respect I got from that house literally drove me out, ‘n put a MASSIVE wedge between my brother n I (We used to be best friends, though he is 6yrs older than I am, people thought we were twins) ‘n at the end of it, they still blamed me -_- (We won’t get me started on that!)

                      So, I’m definitely not worse now than I was then!! But still XD How hard is some of this stuff to do???

                      OH! But one thing I am the most appreciative and thankful for! I have one of those really rare to find men who do not leave the toilet seat up! 😀


                      Don’t try to understand boys, it will just make your brain hurt. A couple days ago I was in the shower and ran out of soap, so I asked my hubby if he would get some more for me so I didn’t have to get out. Did he put the wrapper in the little trash can next to the shower? No. He put it back in the towel closet. :stare:

                      Gah! My husband does that stuff too! Empty box of cereal? Put it back in the pantry! Empty container of milk? Back in the fridge! Wrapper for something? Put it back where it came from rather than the trash! (It’s fun when you discover there’s nothing for the kids’ for breakfast because everyone put back empty boxes of cereal and Pop Tarts so you didn’t know you were out).

                      Our recycling bin is literally in arm’s reach of BOTH the fridge and the pantry too.

                      My other favorite – when empty soda cans are stacked up on top of the counter that the recycling lives under. You were there ANYWAY! JUST TOSS ‘EM IN!

                      I am also the ONLY person in the house that replaces toilet paper rolls. I discovered one week that the boys hadn’t had TP in their bathroom for three days. One shudders to think of what they did during that time…

                      OH MY GOD the freakin toilet paper roll!!!!!! Does this actually take a rocket scientist to figure out how to put a new one on!!! I must be the only rocket scientist in my house cuz for frick sakes they will take out the new TP and set it on the COUNTER!!!! What!!!!! Your right there, take off the holder, insert into roll, replace roll!!!! How damn hard is this!!! And ok, here is my totally anal issue……put the roll so the paper runs down the wall not facing forward….I have a reason for this, when the babies are in the bathroom they slap the TP and the whole roll of TP spins onto the floor. If you put it running down the wall they naturally keep hitting it downward and it does not roll out everywhere. The concept seems to escape the male persuasion in my house!!

                      And empty containers!!!!!!!!!!!!! God the cereal box is empty, the boys have tons of school snacks in their snack stand…they run out of something they will not go to the pantry and restock….they just take nothing and then b*#ch that they are hungry!! Yaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkk. I provide granola bars, fruit snacks, juice boxes, pudding………walk the few steps to pantry, restock, NOT HUNGRY ANYMORE!!! When I was a kid it was so amazing just to have a freakin snack and they can’t go to the pantry for the oodles of options they have. I never thought I’d say “When I was a Kid” but now I totally see my parents reasoning! I am only 35 and it feels like my generation and my kids grow up on different planets!!!! They have so much and value so little.

                      Now it is “I need and I phone, Xbox 360, I-Pad ***SLAP HEAD HARD*** what the hell! What is so darn important that a 10 and 15 yr old need these items. Do they have a multi-national corporation to run??? Transplant surgeons that are awaiting an imminent organ call!!!! NOPE………my friends need to text me mom!!! How am I supposed to watch you tube videos!!!! UMMMMMMMM to check my e-mail MOM!!!

                      GOD IT MAKES ME BONKERS!!!!

                      Sorry to take that onto a tangent!! Hubby and I were jsut discussing this this morning about the need for I-PADS aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

                      Technology Age my A**!! Drive parents to the brink of insanity age!!


                        Technology is insane! My kids have an Xbox, DSes, a TV, and a PSP (in addition to all their toys) and at least twice a day I hear “I’m bored, I have nothing to do!” Makes me want to put them in an empty room for a couple of hours and tell them “NOW you have nothing to do!”

                        My youngest this morning went downstairs while we were getting ready (after he’d been told not to), got into a cupboard he knows he’s not allowed in and lost stuff, then got into his brother’s legos and lost stuff. When he got in trouble, what does he say? “Mommy, you make me sad.”

                        I make YOU sad? How about you listen to me so you don’t get in trouble!

                        Tonight I have to fill out 50 Valentine’s Day cards and make a Valentine’s Box for my 8-year-old (and clean the house, and cook dinner).

                        Why do they send home projects in 3rd grade? I don’t need mommy homework!


                          Manic Panic is a wonderful, vegan, no animal testing, semi-permanent hair dye. I had my hair dyed red in a hair salon, but I wasn’t pleased with the level of redness. I have brown hair and want it red RED RED !RED! for Megacon in Orlando this weekend. So the stylist lady recommended Manic Panic. I apply it, and Iam very careful with splatter and forehead/neck staining, let it sit, hop in the shower, and rinse it off.

                          So yeah…if I disappear from the forum now it’s because my mother has KILLED ME! :ghost: Not only is my hair much more red, the shower is a lovely vibrant pink color too. I’ve scrubbed at it, again and again, and used Quick N Bright, and….I’m just in shock a vegetable semi-permanent dye could do this.

                          A word of advice to any who would use this wonderful product: get a hose and rinse it off outside. Pink grass and a freezing water rinse off would be so much the better problem to have right now /sigh


                            Have you tried a Mr. Clean magic eraser? Those things take off stuff I can’t remove with anything else. (Including rust from pans my husband leaves in the sink with water around the bottom… *sigh*)


                              Have you tried a Mr. Clean magic eraser? Those things take off stuff I can’t remove with anything else. (Including rust from pans my husband leaves in the sink with water around the bottom… *sigh*)

                              Yes, those are usually miracle workers. I started scrubbing, and there were some rust stains around the drain and some discolor too. Those are gone now, the shower is very clean and still very pink. I’m letting Quick N Bright sit for like 40mins, and if that doesn’t work the next major step is to melt the Quick N Bright like butter and apply it hot and let that sit for another 40 minutes. While I am waiting for this miracle to occur, I am writing my will :ghost:


                                Don’t try to understand boys, it will just make your brain hurt. A couple days ago I was in the shower and ran out of soap, so I asked my hubby if he would get some more for me so I didn’t have to get out. Did he put the wrapper in the little trash can next to the shower? No. He put it back in the towel closet. :stare:

                                Gah! My husband does that stuff too! Empty box of cereal? Put it back in the pantry! Empty container of milk? Back in the fridge! Wrapper for something? Put it back where it came from rather than the trash! (It’s fun when you discover there’s nothing for the kids’ for breakfast because everyone put back empty boxes of cereal and Pop Tarts so you didn’t know you were out).

                                Our recycling bin is literally in arm’s reach of BOTH the fridge and the pantry too.

                                My other favorite – when empty soda cans are stacked up on top of the counter that the recycling lives under. You were there ANYWAY! JUST TOSS ‘EM IN!

                                I am also the ONLY person in the house that replaces toilet paper rolls. I discovered one week that the boys hadn’t had TP in their bathroom for three days. One shudders to think of what they did during that time…

                                OH MY GOD the freakin toilet paper roll!!!!!! Does this actually take a rocket scientist to figure out how to put a new one on!!! I must be the only rocket scientist in my house cuz for frick sakes they will take out the new TP and set it on the COUNTER!!!! What!!!!! Your right there, take off the holder, insert into roll, replace roll!!!! How damn hard is this!!! And ok, here is my totally anal issue……put the roll so the paper runs down the wall not facing forward….I have a reason for this, when the babies are in the bathroom they slap the TP and the whole roll of TP spins onto the floor. If you put it running down the wall they naturally keep hitting it downward and it does not roll out everywhere. The concept seems to escape the male persuasion in my house!!

                                And empty containers!!!!!!!!!!!!! God the cereal box is empty, the boys have tons of school snacks in their snack stand…they run out of something they will not go to the pantry and restock….they just take nothing and then b*#ch that they are hungry!! Yaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkk. I provide granola bars, fruit snacks, juice boxes, pudding………walk the few steps to pantry, restock, NOT HUNGRY ANYMORE!!! When I was a kid it was so amazing just to have a freakin snack and they can’t go to the pantry for the oodles of options they have. I never thought I’d say “When I was a Kid” but now I totally see my parents reasoning! I am only 35 and it feels like my generation and my kids grow up on different planets!!!! They have so much and value so little.

                                Now it is “I need and I phone, Xbox 360, I-Pad ***SLAP HEAD HARD*** what the hell! What is so darn important that a 10 and 15 yr old need these items. Do they have a multi-national corporation to run??? Transplant surgeons that are awaiting an imminent organ call!!!! NOPE………my friends need to text me mom!!! How am I supposed to watch you tube videos!!!! UMMMMMMMM to check my e-mail MOM!!!

                                GOD IT MAKES ME BONKERS!!!!

                                Sorry to take that onto a tangent!! Hubby and I were jsut discussing this this morning about the need for I-PADS aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

                                Technology Age my A**!! Drive parents to the brink of insanity age!!

                                Haha ohh you poor woman!! My bfs kids got it lucky… my bf is a huge techy.. so they’ll get a lot of things they’ll want, earning them, of course! But if they disrespect us, I can promise something like that *Bullets in the laptop* type stuff will happen (Being the extreme), they’ll learn to respect us and what they have!

                                I actually have a pet peeve to have the toilet paper going the other way than yours Branz XD but yours makes perfect sense with the lil ones! It’s funny the tiny logic’s we figure out to kid/pet proof small situations! lol

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