
WHINE is served

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    Thanks. I’ve know about three weeks, but I haven’t said anything yet because I was waiting to tell my parents first.

    My dad said we might want to move the wedding ASAP. Mom said she was crushed and she thought she had raised two adults (referring to me and my brother – I have no idea why she brought him up). She said she didn’t know who she was more mad at: him for not using protection or me for going off my birth control.

    I knew she was going to take it badly considering how she took news of our getting engaged badly. She has a different picture of my how my life should be and I keep doing things that don’t fit that picture.

    Congrats Pegasi and sometimes our parents don’t see things the way we do and that’s OK. You are the one who needs to be happy and if she is not…she’ll have to deal with it.
    I know how ya feel. My mom had a meltdown when I got pregnant and was not married. It hurt but it all worked out in the end and I have an amazing son that my MOM (whom thought it was a terrible idea for me to have a baby) absolutly adores. She’ll fall in love with the baby….who can resist those teeny tiny fingers and toes and oh so kissable little cheeks.


      Does anyone here know how to clean a tank out after a parasite infestation? I’ve never dealt with an illness worse than Ick, so I’m not sure what to do from here. I don’t want to just drain it and rinse it, I’m afraid it might harm new fish. I have live plants and driftwood in it and I’m not sure how to uncontaminate it all. Anyone have advice? I’d love to start over with just a couple guppies (from a different pet store location, just in case). Should I call Petco and tell them that one of their tanks has a harmful disease? I got the impression that the employees who got my fish for me didn’t know much about aquariums, they were surprised to find that the water was warm!

      From my experiences, Jennifer is a great person to ask about these things! She helped me SO much when my goldfish was sick.. unfortunately it was just too late for my girl, but she definitely wouldn’t have lasted as long as she did if it weren’t for Jennifer (and a great amount of help from others too!) – You may try starting your own thread? or feel free to go highjack my thread


        My vent for the week–I love my volunteer work at the hospital but I don’t have a log-in for the computer. I need a log-in so I can look up room numbers of patients whose family come to see them. Instead, I have to bother the nurses or call someone in the department in back to ask. It’s starting to bother them–instead of being a help, I’m being a bother! Nothing I can do until they get enough people together to do a class on the computer at the hospital–they don’t do classes until they get 10 people together. They currently have 7 and the frustrations are mounting! I felt so sorry for the gal whose shift was after mine because the guy in back was getting real tired of her calling back there. Out of our hands!

        I love being in this department but feel that I’m just in the way–we were suppose to take a load off the triage nurses in front so they wouldn’t have to deal with people just coming in to visit. Instead, we’re being the pain by constantly having to ask them to look up room numbers! I hate being insufficient and I hate being a bother!


          Does anyone here know how to clean a tank out after a parasite infestation? I’ve never dealt with an illness worse than Ick, so I’m not sure what to do from here. I don’t want to just drain it and rinse it, I’m afraid it might harm new fish. I have live plants and driftwood in it and I’m not sure how to uncontaminate it all. Anyone have advice? I’d love to start over with just a couple guppies (from a different pet store location, just in case). Should I call Petco and tell them that one of their tanks has a harmful disease? I got the impression that the employees who got my fish for me didn’t know much about aquariums, they were surprised to find that the water was warm!

          From my experiences, Jennifer is a great person to ask about these things! She helped me SO much when my goldfish was sick.. unfortunately it was just too late for my girl, but she definitely wouldn’t have lasted as long as she did if it weren’t for Jennifer (and a great amount of help from others too!) – You may try starting your own thread? or feel free to go highjack my thread

          Skeeter, I would drain the tank, give the decorations a really good scrub with hot water and a brush, and then boil them completely submerged for a bit. Works great for natural driftwood. I’m always hesitant to use any kind of cleansing agents other than heat. If you want to try something more intense, and know exactly what bug you had in your tank, I might try getting the appropriate treatment from the store, soaking the decorations overnight in a solution of it, and then rinsing and boiling. But honestly, there might be a cheaper, just-as-effective cleaner to use versus medicine.

          For the tank itself I always went with hot water rinse, then plain vinegar to clean, then rinse extremely thoroughly with more hot water.

          Jennifer is the best! (And Jenn if any of my advice is bad feel free to correct….I would want to know if I’ve been doin’ it wrong!)

          Guppies breed even better than rabbits–I would suggest getting only males. Babies are fun, but unless you’re set up to breed them, they get out of control fast, and an overpopulated tank can crash hard. Females might come from the store already pregnant! If you stick with all males, the population stays the same, plus the males are more brightly colored. 🙂


            Thanks. I’ve know about three weeks, but I haven’t said anything yet because I was waiting to tell my parents first.

            My dad said we might want to move the wedding ASAP. Mom said she was crushed and she thought she had raised two adults (referring to me and my brother – I have no idea why she brought him up). She said she didn’t know who she was more mad at: him for not using protection or me for going off my birth control.

            I knew she was going to take it badly considering how she took news of our getting engaged badly. She has a different picture of my how my life should be and I keep doing things that don’t fit that picture.

            Congrats Pegasi and sometimes our parents don’t see things the way we do and that’s OK. You are the one who needs to be happy and if she is not…she’ll have to deal with it.
            I know how ya feel. My mom had a meltdown when I got pregnant and was not married. It hurt but it all worked out in the end and I have an amazing son that my MOM (whom thought it was a terrible idea for me to have a baby) absolutly adores. She’ll fall in love with the baby….who can resist those teeny tiny fingers and toes and oh so kissable little cheeks.


            It’ll be ok. 🙂 I have a story just like Branzyboo’s– A friend of mine got pregnant before getting married, and her mom flipped out and was unhappy about the whole affair. Then the baby came! And mom leveled up to ‘grandma’ and seemed to forget what all the fuss had been over. Babies can be charmers! I hope your mom comes around sooner than 9 months though. 😉 Best of luck and again, congratulations on your happy news!


              Skeeter – For a lot of fresh water parasites, salt water will act as an effective way to kill them. It wouldn’t be good for the fish, but you could use some saltwater to rinse off decorations and possibly even plants.

              I think the live plants will be the hardest part to sanitize.

              Another option is a chlorine/water mixture – for all decorations and substrate. If you add a dechlorinator to the water after the decorations soak for awhile and when you are filling the tank, it should be fine.


                I’m going to be 53. :p

                Tony Bennett is 85 and still going strong . Stay young at heart and laugh and try enjoying life . Hey can’t hurt , laughter is good and ignoring your age is too .


                OK so here’s my B*#@H for the day!

                I have a 2yr old who is teething 4 molars and will not sleep….Tylenol and Anbesol are the only life savers for his poor little mouth.

                An almost 3yr old who does NOT see the finer merits of potty training and simply tells me NOPE I am to little to go on the potty. Bribery does not work, leaving her alone to contemplate the idea does not work…..gggrrrrrr.

                I have a 10yr old going on 20. HUGE attitude and I am just trying to remember what it was like to be 10 and be understanding!!!

                I have a 15yr old who is in High school and in College as well taking Power Engineering and OH MY is that making me feel a little on the stupid side. I am Incredibly proud of him and his accomplishments but realizing my own lack thereof!!

                Oh and for all you moms out there…..do you get just as pissed as I do with the “TONE” of voice when your teens talk to you!!! It is not what they say but the “Tone” of voice they use!!!! Like I’m just the Moron who brought them in to the world and that it merits no further thought or gratitude in any way!!

                All I have to say is….. “I’m so sorry Momma for all that I did to you when I was a kid and YES I am being paid back for it ten fold and you never deserved any of the attitude I gave you and I am so sorry for all the times I was hateful and never realized that you were “RIGHT” and you were only trying to offer me advice to save me some hurt. You did the best that you could with the tools you had and I now as a grown woman realize how HARD it is to be a MOM!!!

                I love all 4 of my children so very much but oh man some days it’s hard!!


                That’s my little vent session.

                Thanks for letting me rant and I will now get back to the “Hardest Job In The World”…..trying to raise my kids to be good, honest, strong, capable human beings that will be an asset to and productive members of society!

                Sorry to complain….most days are great….some just blow!


                  I JUST finished potty training my last one recently. Three boys, all done, yay!

                  I feel your pain! My littest one wanted NOTHING to do with the potty. Nothing. Then he got convinced that he COULDN’T use the potty… AHHHH!

                  You have two older ones so you KNOW it will, eventually, get better. Just hang in there! Sometimes it takes longer than you’d like, but they always get it before kindergarten! 🙂

                  My 8-year-old has developed an attitude, and the oldest is turning 13 this year… (terrifying).

                  And yes, the TONE makes you want to remove body parts. 🙂 Our poor mothers!


                    Best wishes to all the mothers . It’s mother’s day every day for what they do .


                    I JUST finished potty training my last one recently. Three boys, all done, yay!

                    I feel your pain! My littest one wanted NOTHING to do with the potty. Nothing. Then he got convinced that he COULDN’T use the potty… AHHHH!

                    You have two older ones so you KNOW it will, eventually, get better. Just hang in there! Sometimes it takes longer than you’d like, but they always get it before kindergarten! 🙂

                    My 8-year-old has developed an attitude, and the oldest is turning 13 this year… (terrifying).

                    And yes, the TONE makes you want to remove body parts. 🙂 Our poor mothers!

                    Oh the dreaded “13” Yikes….thank god it’s boys. My sister has a 13 yr old daughter and holy crap the attitude that comes out of that cute little mouth and the eye rolls that go with it. GEEEEZZZZ

                    My sweet little princess at nearly 3 already rolls her eyes and says whatever!!!! Are girls born with the skills encoded in their DNA!!!! I really have to look back at myself and say “She comes by it honestly”. I’d love to blame the attitude on her dad but alass she gets it from me!! Cheeky Monkey that one.

                    It has been a long time since I potty trained the older ones and I forgot all of it thankfully. I can hold on to the knowledge that one day I will forget the difficulty associated with potty training these 2 as well. There is so much in parenting that you eventually “forget” thank goodness or you’d never have another after delivering the first.

                    And the TONE and boby part removal………..yes there are times when removing an arm and schwacking them upside the head with it really seems like a funny solution. LOL I am kidding just in case anyone takes me literally!! 🙂

                    They are so cute and I love them all but I guess it is just liek our own parents…..God I can’t wait till they grow up and move out…….then….God I wish they’d visit more often….I miss them!! PARENTING really is the hardest job on the planet when you try to do your best to raise them right!


                      Skeeter – For a lot of fresh water parasites, salt water will act as an effective way to kill them. It wouldn’t be good for the fish, but you could use some saltwater to rinse off decorations and possibly even plants.

                      I think the live plants will be the hardest part to sanitize.

                      Another option is a chlorine/water mixture – for all decorations and substrate. If you add a dechlorinator to the water after the decorations soak for awhile and when you are filling the tank, it should be fine.

                      Actually, guppies can handle slightly brackish (salty) water; up to a specific gravity of 1.005 (fresh water is 1.000; salt water is 1.025). You don’t want to increase the salt content suddenly, but ich and other parasites don’t do well in salty water. The live plants won’t be happy, though, unless you have anubias or some other hardy plant.


                        I just have to whine about this to someone!!

                        What is it about this house that makes it impossible for anyone to dishes besides me?? – The bf and his two kids (6 and 7) just can’t seem to get it!

                        Whats that awful smell that is stinking up the *entire* apt?? The SINK! Why? Well because no one thought to clean off the leftover food before they put their plate into the sink (For that matter, we have a garbage disposal in the sink! Use it!), and then the following 3 days the kids have poured leftover milk on TOP of those dishes without rinsing ANYTHING and because I *try* to teach them a lesson, I don’t do it! ’till I can’t take it anymore and I end up holding back the gag reflex when I finally get down to that old food that’s just been marinading in old milk and cereal! So I ask everyone to keep ONE side open for the kids to pour milk in, and what happens? The kids pour the milk over the other side of dishes and not down the empty side of the sink!

                        *headdesk* Are you kidding me?!?!


                        I just have to whine about this to someone!!

                        What is it about this house that makes it impossible for anyone to dishes besides me?? – The bf and his two kids (6 and 7) just can’t seem to get it!

                        Whats that awful smell that is stinking up the *entire* apt?? The SINK! Why? Well because no one thought to clean off the leftover food before they put their plate into the sink (For that matter, we have a garbage disposal in the sink! Use it!), and then the following 3 days the kids have poured leftover milk on TOP of those dishes without rinsing ANYTHING and because I *try* to teach them a lesson, I don’t do it! ’till I can’t take it anymore and I end up holding back the gag reflex when I finally get down to that old food that’s just been marinading in old milk and cereal! So I ask everyone to keep ONE side open for the kids to pour milk in, and what happens? The kids pour the milk over the other side of dishes and not down the empty side of the sink!

                        *headdesk* Are you kidding me?!?!

                        I totally get ya Kaytana. I have 4 kids and they just make a mess all over. Thankfully I have a husband that will do dishes, laundry, takes out the garbage and has no issues doing any chores.!!! And I never need to ask….Brilliant.

                        The kids can be terrible little piggys and mine dump the milk in on top of everything too. They do not leave it sit there for that long though cuz THEY HAVE TO WASH THE DISHES!!! HeHe 🙂 If they leave it sit……….their job to clean. Never used to be like that but now…everyday they do the dishes!! Yeah. No dishes no cashes!! You want to earn your allowance……get your chores done. It works. Hard to do that yet with a 6 and 7 yr old but soon maybe.


                          I just have to whine about this to someone!!

                          What is it about this house that makes it impossible for anyone to dishes besides me?? – The bf and his two kids (6 and 7) just can’t seem to get it!

                          Whats that awful smell that is stinking up the *entire* apt?? The SINK! Why? Well because no one thought to clean off the leftover food before they put their plate into the sink (For that matter, we have a garbage disposal in the sink! Use it!), and then the following 3 days the kids have poured leftover milk on TOP of those dishes without rinsing ANYTHING and because I *try* to teach them a lesson, I don’t do it! ’till I can’t take it anymore and I end up holding back the gag reflex when I finally get down to that old food that’s just been marinading in old milk and cereal! So I ask everyone to keep ONE side open for the kids to pour milk in, and what happens? The kids pour the milk over the other side of dishes and not down the empty side of the sink!

                          *headdesk* Are you kidding me?!?!

                          I totally get ya Kaytana. I have 4 kids and they just make a mess all over. Thankfully I have a husband that will do dishes, laundry, takes out the garbage and has no issues doing any chores.!!! And I never need to ask….Brilliant.

                          The kids can be terrible little piggys and mine dump the milk in on top of everything too. They do not leave it sit there for that long though cuz THEY HAVE TO WASH THE DISHES!!! HeHe 🙂 If they leave it sit……….their job to clean. Never used to be like that but now…everyday they do the dishes!! Yeah. No dishes no cashes!! You want to earn your allowance……get your chores done. It works. Hard to do that yet with a 6 and 7 yr old but soon maybe.

                          Yeah, I’m just gonna have to drill it into these guys… the bf will make the kids do the dishes sometimes, but that results in a bigger mess yet.. my prob is the bf doesn’t get it either…

                          Tonight I left the worst for them, chewed them out, then not 2 mins later, he gets the leftover soda from takeout, and right in front of me pours it over the dishes in the sink, NOT in the empty half! That didn’t go over well…

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